15th dcb Design Forum第15期国际设计论坛
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topic: World Design Trend
主要内容 Main contents:
1 设计市场与建筑装饰行业的可持续发展---王本明 先生(中国建筑装饰协会行业发展部主任)
The Design market & the
Sustainable Development of the Field of Building Renovation(Mr.
Wang Ben Ming from CBDA)
2 SPA在别墅和高档公寓中的应用---蒙曙明 先生(台湾)
在许多疗程中,一定要有水的疗程才能被称作SPA, 具有多处喷口的按摩浴缸、各种大小压力的水柱喷头、三温暖箱(干蒸,湿蒸)等基本配备,藉由水的触压,美容师再进行身体的各种按摩,来达到通体的舒畅感。SPA源自拉丁文Solus
Por Aqua, Solus=健康,Por=经由...,Aqua=水,其实就是经由水来拥有健康...
The application of SPA in villas & condominium---Mr.
Men R.(Tai Wan)
To use water during the course of the treatment is
so called SPA. With water massage from the outlet of the bathtub
or water tap, the beauty specialist' massage,dry and wet sauna
facilities, you will feel refreshing of the whole body...SPA
is the abbreviation of the latin word Solus
Por Aqua, means to own the health through water...
3 国际室内设计趋势报告(第1季)---安娜
World Interior
Design Trend(No.1,2005)---Anna Sofronieva(dcb
There is a growing tendency to move away from a minimalist style towards
a more opulent, Old-Hollywood style. Instead of just a sleek leather sofa,
there are luxury touches of a cashmere throw and silk and satin pillows.
If you thought traditional and contemporary décor elements could do nothing
but clash, think again for 2005...
4 现场答问 Question Time |
World Interior design trends
by Anna Sofronieva
Simple. Serene. Stress-free. The same adjectives, used to
describe the ideal evening at home can also be used about this year’s
trends in interior design. Gone are the formal, sterile rooms of the past
– in their place are very comfortable, livable family areas that exude
warmth and encourage relaxation. Creating moods in each room is important.
The focus is more on the whole room without each piece of furniture or
wall screaming for attention.
简单、宁静、 轻松如同家中的温馨之夜,将是今年室内设计的主旋律。人们将很快忘记过去那种正统而中性的房间---代之以舒适,充满生机的家庭室,可以充分舒解一天的疲乏。在每个房间创造一种独特的氛围非常重要,关注的焦点不再仅仅局限于一件家具或是一面主题墙,而将是环境的整体效果
There is a growing tendency to move away from a minimalist style towards
a more opulent, Old-Hollywood style. Instead of just a sleek leather sofa,
there are luxury touches of a cashmere throw and silk and satin pillows.
If you thought traditional and contemporary décor elements could do nothing
but clash, think again for 2005. The big ideas emerging in interior design
are mixes of styles and unexpected elements that create daring yet functional
new spaces and experiences – a little Danish with some French appeal.
Matching is out; mixing opposites is in. Designers are also looking for
ways to integrate the high technology of modern design with a softer look.
Color is the driving force for this year. The dreary days are over – at
least where color is concerned. Gone are the dirty neutrals, and in are
pure colors, from spice red to retro brights to Chinese pinks, limes and
turquoise. They look more cheerful and more optimistic. At the same time
colors, representing security and serenity continue to be important, but
take a fresh look for 2005. Orange continues growing in popularity and
is considered a must-have by many designers. Green, an already popular
color, comes in a range from pale celery to grass green with a new shade
of bright lime green being introduced. Black and white remain strong,
getting the fresh look by adding ceramic and glass accessories in shocking
colors, such as raspberry and lime. Brown, in a variety from rich cream
to warm, sunny tans, to dark elegant chocolate, is making a fashion statement
this year. It goes with everything, so it makes a great accent color as
well as a theme color. Reds will influence some browns. Blue is strong
again with the accent on navy and indigo blue.

Accessories will play an important role in design. A must-have should
be ab item that evokes drama and has a wow factor. Simple décor should
be pared with something with a sparkle, such as a chandelier, an impressive
sculpture or a valuable antique piece. Large floral arrangements and fringed
accent pillows also give your décor a point of interest. This is the year
for big, bold statements in interiors, with outsized pieces appearing
in the most unexpected places. Squeezing in a huge sectional sofa (if
space permits, of course), or following the trend with a giant headboard
for the bed is a way to play with scale.
Glass is one of the popular accessories. Whether it’s crystal, etched,
colored or plain, glass is showing up in chandeliers, sconces, vases,
mirrors, candlestick holders, or just in collections of drinking glasses.
While simplicity may rule overall design trends, bold patterns, prints
and textures are very hot. Adding a colorful area rug, which provides
a touch of glamour and romance, and textured silk panels in vibrant orange,
reds and golds, is an easy way to introduce fashionable colors without
drastically changing a traditional décor.
玻璃是流行的配饰之一, 不管是水晶,酸蚀,彩色还是普通玻璃,大量用于吊灯,壁龛,花瓶,镜子,烛台,及玻璃杯中。
With a growing tendency of staying more at home among Americans, a more
luxurious look and comfort gain precedence in home design. If a tight
budget does not allow major renovation, a modern sleek design can get
a get a boost by turning a corner into a mini drama with a Louis XV chair.
In summing it up, one can say that mixing styles is not a crime any longer.
Anything of interest can take its place in a space as long as the person,
living there, feels comfortable with his environment. Trends change with
each year, so bold statements, especially in color, better be expressed
mainly in accessories. Interior design is about fulfilling the dreams
of a client, while guiding him in a certain direction. Though white walls
and all-beige are considered dull and boring, if people feel safer in
a neutral environment, fashion comes in as small accents here and there.
A pillow, a painting, or an object on the table in a bold trendy color
will do the magic.
Happy decorating!
装饰愉快! |