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The 19th dcb forum
Date:Agu.27,2005 Sun.15:00-17:00

Place: 7th F,Laodong building


The topic: Sustainable City
Main contents:
Urban Growth & Sustainability (Mr.Nevile Mars & M/s Kathy Basheva) Introduction : Problematic China, Environment – relevancy , Law-Environment-Energy
Gree, Climate adaptation, Definition of the climate, Needs – conclusion, Current Typologies and Building Characteristics – Plan-Extrusions? Hybrid-Hutong?
Planning Proposal:Typology, Thermal balance and indoor improvement due to combination of technologies, Energy and GHG emissions, Feasibility
Common Goods – use of natural and goods shared with others or beneficial for all (or most) members of a given community., e.g. air, water, energy.
Greenhouse gas emission - Defines the equivalent number of kilograms of greenhouse gasses resulting from the production and installation of one unit of this material. (ecotect)
Mega-cities - urban agglomerations with current or projected populations of 10 million or more by the year 20 00.
Hybrid-hutong? - a hybrid between the tourist oriented classic hutong courtyard house lacking the traditional features suffering inadequate infrastructure, bad quality construction materials.
Plan-Extrusions? - two or more residential units per floor extruded multiple times usually around a pear of elevators and technical supply having differing plan design but lack of any three-dimensionality, climatic adaptations nor energy-saving design features
Regionalism - Behind the process of regionalisation lies the concept of regionalism. This can be seen as the normative aspects, or values, that underly regionalisation e.g. the (contested) European identity. Wikipedia
U-Value - A measure of air-to-air heat transmission (loss or gain) due to thermal conductance and the difference in indoor and outdoor temperatures. As the U-Value decreases, so does the amount of heat that is transferred through the glazing material. The lower the U-Value, the more restrictive the fenestration product is to heat transfer (Reciprocal of the R-Value).

The Latest Report of World Design(dcb Group)

How to Apply the Sustainable Society in Architectural Environments(Mr.Xu Shu Long from Yearbook of Interior Design of China)






1 Architect Nevile Mars is speaking 3 Mr. Liangjin from CIID
2 Architect M/s Kathy Basheva 3 Mr. Xu Shulong from Yearbook of Interior Design of China

The Admission Ticket:100 RMB
Half Year Ticket:500 RMB(6 people/time or 6 times/person)

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More details about the forum:
Practical Tips and Exercises in Environmental Friendly Design

Architectural or interior design that are environmentally friendly can bring tangible benefits, through the application of 3Rs principles. For example:

1. Reduce
A hospital converted its roof top into a garden, preventing sun from heating up the roof. This reduced their air-conditioning (electricity) bill. Another used motion-detector to switch on light in a section of ceiling light in a very large warehouse.

2. Recycle
Instead of throwing away the dirty water in the fish pond, pipe such water containing nutrients to water the grass and flowering plants in the garden using automatic water sprinkles.

3. Reuse
Instead of throwing away the drinking bottles, the plastic bottles are often used again (reused) to store drinks by us. Environmentally friendly design concepts should similarly be catalogued to be used again in new projects.


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