Newsletter 2007 - 01  
回主页 公司简介 国际设计营 在线采购 设计频道 联系我们

设计的力量 中国制造正在慢慢褪去它原有的褒义色彩。这个词意味着机器轰鸣,但不再代表欣欣向荣。国人越来越多地把“制造工厂”与庞大的民工潮联系在一起…而企业,在这其中赚取着微薄的制造利润和面对着日益复加的反倾销诉讼。用什麼来升级“中国制造”?答案很明确:设计。 今天设计师和企业都面临着诸多的困惑:如何用一种刚刚开放的社会形态去理解多元化社会的价值观?是坚持国际化的设计语言还是走本土化的设计路线?如何在保持设计创新的同时体现自己独特的品牌识别?刚刚起步的工业设计如何才能找到和培养国际化的设计人才?勿庸置疑,企业家和营销人需要像理解营销一样来理解设计,如诺基亚设计中心主任设计师William所说:“我们现在正处于设计的革命中,不仅是设计师要了解设计,而且企业的管理者也必须成为设计师。”(中国工业设计协会)
Power of Design "Made in China" is gradually losing its attraction, and connected with machine roaring, thousands of farmers coming to the city...companies are making little profit and facing legal difficulties... How can we overcome these problems? The answer is: DESIGN.Today, both designers and companies are facing the same problems: How to understand the multy-aspect social value system in an open society? To rely on the international design language or local design principles. How to keep both brand recognition system and the new creation as well. How to find international design experts for our young industry design system? The owner of a company and the manager have to understand design as a process of management, and the manager must become a designer" said by William, manager director of the Nokia design center.(Resource from China Industry Design Association)
  Newsletter 2007-01 dcb设计师月讯    

I 行业资讯 The News of the field
II设计比赛 Design Competition
III 范思对谈录 Conversation with the Masters
IV 每月一屋 Room of the Month
V 项目实录 The Project Record
VI dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations

dcb 主编 Chief Editor: 范思 M/s.Teresa

II 行业资讯 The News of the field

1 水立方”顶部积雪融化后可回收并可自洁
The recycle usage of the snow on the roof of the National Swimming Pool

2 高品质,低能耗,小套型是住宅发展方向---中国房地产业协会名誉会长杨慎讲话
High quality, low energy consumption, and small apartments are the direction of residential building's development

3 中外节能建材与绿色地产高峰论坛2006年12月21日至12月22日北京人民大会堂举办
Energy-save and Green Real Estate Industry Summit

4 2007年2月3日14:30CIID在人民大会堂举办2004-2006年度百名优秀室内建筑师、全国十佳优秀室内设计企业及设计师信赖的十佳优秀建筑装饰工程施工企业颁奖典礼,联系电话:88355338,88355882

5 关于第三届中国优秀设计师赴美学术交流作品展出活动的通知
IFDA design exchange tour to America

6 第十四届中国(北京)国际建筑装饰及材料博览会3月10日-13日在中国国际展览中心举行
China International Building Decorations & Building Materials Exposition:

7 C&US,China 2007http://www.cacc-expo.com.cn/beijing/gardens/index.htm

8 第四届北京国际城市景观与建筑设计展览会2007年6月21-23日在中国国际展览中心举办
内容包括:建筑设计、城镇规划、工程管理、商业环境、城市景观、绿色建筑、园林景观Beijing International City Landscape and Architecture Design Exhibition www.lingdaexpo.com

9 自2007年1月1日起,北京市建筑装饰协会家装委员会出台的设计师收费标准将正式实施
Standart fee for residential design has been issued since Jan.1st

10 中国商务酒店发展联盟成员大会暨中端酒店投融资峰会将于2007年4月12-13日在北京人民大会堂举办
China business hotel league(CBHL)www.businesshotelforum.com

11 马来西亚云顶国际集团成功竞得新加坡圣陶沙综合度假胜地IR的发展权,将于2010年全面开放占地49公顷投资额52亿新元的圣陶沙IR以吸引家庭休闲旅客为主,将提高其国内生产总值0.8%,并在2015年创造出3万个工作,为了能更了解客源市场的需要,新加坡旅游局聘请了国际咨询公司Milward Brown针对中国、印度、马来西亚和日本的近5000人进行调查,发现最吸引家庭旅客的第一是“知名主题公园”然后是水上乐园,而对于中国市场来说教育旅游也很重要。扣除较滨海湾低一半的地价因素,圣陶沙IR在建成后将是全球最昂贵的综合度假圣地,包括环球影城,赌场,酒店,水上乐园,节庆大道,海事博物馆,海洋生物园以及ESPA健康疗养中心。根据政府较早前宣布的IR评选比重,当局是根据建筑概念(25%)、旅游魅力(45%)、发展投资额(20%)和投资商信誉(10%)这四大方面来评估的。http://www.zaobao.com/finance/pages/comment061016.html

Genting wins bid to build Sentosa integrated resort
The architecture in Genting’s resort, created by American Michael Graves, is intimate, easy to navigate and has a festive ambience. Its extensive use of water, landscaping and its choice of materials such as stone and wood reflect the tropical resort feel of the island. A study commissioned by the Singapore Tourism Board, covering key markets like China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan, found that branded theme parks were the top attraction for family visitors. They also like water-based attractions and educational concepts. By 2010, Sentosa IR will include: a universal studios park, six hotels, the quest marine life park oceanarium, the equarius water park and Luxury SPA..,. http://www.asiaone.com.sg/sentosaIR/stories/20061208_005.html

II设计比赛 Design Competition


2006年11月24日,第三届"欧神诺杯·瓷砖设计应用款式花色大奖赛"于北京新大都饭店举行了盛大的颁奖典礼。 随着"发展创意产业"成为中国发展的重要战略部署,"创意"一词也成了2006年最热门的关键词之一,广泛出现在各种活动、见诸于各种媒体。然而,如何去走这条创意产业的道路,如何才能让"创意"和"产业"真正的结合在一起,如何才能更有效的让创意在产业中体现出价值,成功举办了三年的"欧神诺杯·瓷砖设计应用款式花色大奖赛"给我们提供了很好的范例.
"Oceano" Ceramic Design Competition

III 范思对谈录 Conversation with the Masters

Shrikant:室内设计和建筑设计是空间设计体验的一部分...通过设计组织空间是当今时代的需要...学术经过很多演变才到达今天的舞台。如果我们观察从史前到现在的发展过程, 直至欧洲的工业革命,设计的进步是建立在人类和社会的需求之上的。在工业革命进程中,新的发明,技术,材料影响着空间设计的学术发展。除了这些影响,“设计”常常处在司机的位置上来引导研究的焦点、与建筑有关的发明及空间的设计。 发达国家已经从这一空间设计的进步中受益,获得了更好的生活品质。
Shrikant Nivasarkar.President Elect. IFI.President I.I.I.D.- INDIA: Interior Design and Architecture is essentially a part of space design exercise.
Teresa:As a scholar of the interior design field,how do you understand the relationship between design development and social development?
Shrikant:Designing organized spaces is a need of modern times. The profession has traveled through many transitions, to reach today’s stage. If we see the evolution from prehistoric age to the modern age,- almost up to the industrial revolution in Europe, the process of design was based on the needs of human beings and society. During the period of industrial revolution, a lot of new inventions, technologies, materials, have influenced the space design profession. In spite of these influences, “design” is in the driver’s seat in directing the focus of research and inventions related to architecture and space design. Developed nations have benefited from this advance in space design, resulting in a better quality of life.

IV 每月一屋 The Room of the Month
国风北京: 世界风景,中国风度,设计师:利旭恒(台湾) http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/project/residential/guofeng/1.htm

V 项目实录---恒基兆业数据中心办公室 The Project Record---Henderson Ltd office
这个项目是 OMA Asia 和 Edge Architects两家设计单位的第一个合作项目,设计师认为数据中心将作为一个望远镜的镜片,通过这一工具来观察未来的远景和效果,镜面作为数据中心的一个主要的主题和身份符号,尽量避免用尖锐细部而代之以圆形棱镜的柔和线条,流线型的表面,以及暖色调来营造温暖而又令人激动的未来主义者的空间
This project is the first joint venture for two design-oriented firms' OMA Asia and Edge Architects. The designers believe the data centre will act as a lens' through which new visions and perspectives will be seen. The Lens' was used as the main theme and as an icon for identification of the data center. They avoided harsh cold details and complimented the soft lines of the spherical lens by introducing to the data center curved surfaces with warm colour to create a warm but exciting futurist space.

VI dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations:
课程推荐 Course Recommendation:
意大利米兰理工大学与中国建筑学会室内设计分会合作室内设计管理硕士课程2007年1月开始,每2个月集中授课4天,6学时/天共14个月,内容包括:设计与设计驱动创新,室内设计文化,二十世纪室内设计的发展,消费行为与传播,家庭空间设计,消费空间设计,工业、金融产品,餐厅与酒店空间设计,办公空间设计,新娱乐空间设计,照明设计。Postgraduate Course of the Management of Interior Design, organized by CIID and Poli. Design and INDACO di Politecnico Milano

项目推荐 Project Recommendation:
Rushang Villa site disciption: site area:6513sqm, road area:1640sqm, building area:5940sqm( including 17 villas)
The updated parts including: Main Gate, enclosure wall, green roof, pool and lawn, pavilian and porch, relaxing chair, fountain and sculpture, signage board, rubish bin,gym equipment ,lighting fixture, music system.
室外现场 For exterior site photoes:
室内现场 For interior site photoes:

新书推荐 Book Recommendation:
中国室内设计年刊第九期 Yearbook of Interior Design of China(No.9)






北京邮政100101-200信箱 (100101)


Newsletter 2007 - 01  
回主页 公司简介 国际设计营 在线采购 设计频道 联系我们

设计的力量 中国制造正在慢慢褪去它原有的褒义色彩。这个词意味着机器轰鸣,但不再代表欣欣向荣。国人越来越多地把“制造工厂”与庞大的民工潮联系在一起…而企业,在这其中赚取着微薄的制造利润和面对着日益复加的反倾销诉讼。用什麼来升级“中国制造”?答案很明确:设计。 今天设计师和企业都面临着诸多的困惑:如何用一种刚刚开放的社会形态去理解多元化社会的价值观?是坚持国际化的设计语言还是走本土化的设计路线?如何在保持设计创新的同时体现自己独特的品牌识别?刚刚起步的工业设计如何才能找到和培养国际化的设计人才?勿庸置疑,企业家和营销人需要像理解营销一样来理解设计,如诺基亚设计中心主任设计师William所说:“我们现在正处于设计的革命中,不仅是设计师要了解设计,而且企业的管理者也必须成为设计师。”(中国工业设计协会)
Power of Design "Made in China" is gradually losing its attraction, and connected with machine roaring, thousands of farmers coming to the city...companies are making little profit and facing legal difficulties... How can we overcome these problems? The answer is: DESIGN.Today, both designers and companies are facing the same problems: How to understand the multy-aspect social value system in an open society? To rely on the international design language or local design principles. How to keep both brand recognition system and the new creation as well. How to find international design experts for our young industry design system? The owner of a company and the manager have to understand design as a process of management, and the manager must become a designer" said by William, manager director of the Nokia design center.(Resource from China Industry Design Association)
  Newsletter 2007-01 dcb设计师月讯    

I 行业资讯 The News of the field
II设计比赛 Design Competition
III 范思对谈录 Conversation with the Masters
IV 每月一屋 Room of the Month
V 项目实录 The Project Record
VI dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations

dcb 主编 Chief Editor: 范思 M/s.Teresa

II 行业资讯 The News of the field

1 水立方”顶部积雪融化后可回收并可自洁
The recycle usage of the snow on the roof of the National Swimming Pool

2 高品质,低能耗,小套型是住宅发展方向---中国房地产业协会名誉会长杨慎讲话
High quality, low energy consumption, and small apartments are the direction of residential building's development

3 中外节能建材与绿色地产高峰论坛2006年12月21日至12月22日北京人民大会堂举办
Energy-save and Green Real Estate Industry Summit

4 2007年2月3日14:30CIID在人民大会堂举办2004-2006年度百名优秀室内建筑师、全国十佳优秀室内设计企业及设计师信赖的十佳优秀建筑装饰工程施工企业颁奖典礼,联系电话:88355338,88355882

5 关于第三届中国优秀设计师赴美学术交流作品展出活动的通知
IFDA design exchange tour to America

6 第十四届中国(北京)国际建筑装饰及材料博览会3月10日-13日在中国国际展览中心举行
China International Building Decorations & Building Materials Exposition:

7 C&US,China 2007http://www.cacc-expo.com.cn/beijing/gardens/index.htm

8 第四届北京国际城市景观与建筑设计展览会2007年6月21-23日在中国国际展览中心举办
内容包括:建筑设计、城镇规划、工程管理、商业环境、城市景观、绿色建筑、园林景观Beijing International City Landscape and Architecture Design Exhibition www.lingdaexpo.com

9 自2007年1月1日起,北京市建筑装饰协会家装委员会出台的设计师收费标准将正式实施
Standart fee for residential design has been issued since Jan.1st

10 中国商务酒店发展联盟成员大会暨中端酒店投融资峰会将于2007年4月12-13日在北京人民大会堂举办
China business hotel league(CBHL)www.businesshotelforum.com

11 马来西亚云顶国际集团成功竞得新加坡圣陶沙综合度假胜地IR的发展权,将于2010年全面开放占地49公顷投资额52亿新元的圣陶沙IR以吸引家庭休闲旅客为主,将提高其国内生产总值0.8%,并在2015年创造出3万个工作,为了能更了解客源市场的需要,新加坡旅游局聘请了国际咨询公司Milward Brown针对中国、印度、马来西亚和日本的近5000人进行调查,发现最吸引家庭旅客的第一是“知名主题公园”然后是水上乐园,而对于中国市场来说教育旅游也很重要。扣除较滨海湾低一半的地价因素,圣陶沙IR在建成后将是全球最昂贵的综合度假圣地,包括环球影城,赌场,酒店,水上乐园,节庆大道,海事博物馆,海洋生物园以及ESPA健康疗养中心。根据政府较早前宣布的IR评选比重,当局是根据建筑概念(25%)、旅游魅力(45%)、发展投资额(20%)和投资商信誉(10%)这四大方面来评估的。http://www.zaobao.com/finance/pages/comment061016.html

Genting wins bid to build Sentosa integrated resort
The architecture in Genting’s resort, created by American Michael Graves, is intimate, easy to navigate and has a festive ambience. Its extensive use of water, landscaping and its choice of materials such as stone and wood reflect the tropical resort feel of the island. A study commissioned by the Singapore Tourism Board, covering key markets like China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan, found that branded theme parks were the top attraction for family visitors. They also like water-based attractions and educational concepts. By 2010, Sentosa IR will include: a universal studios park, six hotels, the quest marine life park oceanarium, the equarius water park and Luxury SPA..,. http://www.asiaone.com.sg/sentosaIR/stories/20061208_005.html

II设计比赛 Design Competition


2006年11月24日,第三届"欧神诺杯·瓷砖设计应用款式花色大奖赛"于北京新大都饭店举行了盛大的颁奖典礼。 随着"发展创意产业"成为中国发展的重要战略部署,"创意"一词也成了2006年最热门的关键词之一,广泛出现在各种活动、见诸于各种媒体。然而,如何去走这条创意产业的道路,如何才能让"创意"和"产业"真正的结合在一起,如何才能更有效的让创意在产业中体现出价值,成功举办了三年的"欧神诺杯·瓷砖设计应用款式花色大奖赛"给我们提供了很好的范例.
"Oceano" Ceramic Design Competition

III 范思对谈录 Conversation with the Masters

Shrikant:室内设计和建筑设计是空间设计体验的一部分...通过设计组织空间是当今时代的需要...学术经过很多演变才到达今天的舞台。如果我们观察从史前到现在的发展过程, 直至欧洲的工业革命,设计的进步是建立在人类和社会的需求之上的。在工业革命进程中,新的发明,技术,材料影响着空间设计的学术发展。除了这些影响,“设计”常常处在司机的位置上来引导研究的焦点、与建筑有关的发明及空间的设计。 发达国家已经从这一空间设计的进步中受益,获得了更好的生活品质。
Shrikant Nivasarkar.President Elect. IFI.President I.I.I.D.- INDIA: Interior Design and Architecture is essentially a part of space design exercise.
Teresa:As a scholar of the interior design field,how do you understand the relationship between design development and social development?
Shrikant:Designing organized spaces is a need of modern times. The profession has traveled through many transitions, to reach today’s stage. If we see the evolution from prehistoric age to the modern age,- almost up to the industrial revolution in Europe, the process of design was based on the needs of human beings and society. During the period of industrial revolution, a lot of new inventions, technologies, materials, have influenced the space design profession. In spite of these influences, “design” is in the driver’s seat in directing the focus of research and inventions related to architecture and space design. Developed nations have benefited from this advance in space design, resulting in a better quality of life.

IV 每月一屋 The Room of the Month
国风北京: 世界风景,中国风度,设计师:利旭恒(台湾) http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/project/residential/guofeng/1.htm

V 项目实录---恒基兆业数据中心办公室 The Project Record---Henderson Ltd office
这个项目是 OMA Asia 和 Edge Architects两家设计单位的第一个合作项目,设计师认为数据中心将作为一个望远镜的镜片,通过这一工具来观察未来的远景和效果,镜面作为数据中心的一个主要的主题和身份符号,尽量避免用尖锐细部而代之以圆形棱镜的柔和线条,流线型的表面,以及暖色调来营造温暖而又令人激动的未来主义者的空间
This project is the first joint venture for two design-oriented firms' OMA Asia and Edge Architects. The designers believe the data centre will act as a lens' through which new visions and perspectives will be seen. The Lens' was used as the main theme and as an icon for identification of the data center. They avoided harsh cold details and complimented the soft lines of the spherical lens by introducing to the data center curved surfaces with warm colour to create a warm but exciting futurist space.

VI dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations:
课程推荐 Course Recommendation:
意大利米兰理工大学与中国建筑学会室内设计分会合作室内设计管理硕士课程2007年1月开始,每2个月集中授课4天,6学时/天共14个月,内容包括:设计与设计驱动创新,室内设计文化,二十世纪室内设计的发展,消费行为与传播,家庭空间设计,消费空间设计,工业、金融产品,餐厅与酒店空间设计,办公空间设计,新娱乐空间设计,照明设计。Postgraduate Course of the Management of Interior Design, organized by CIID and Poli. Design and INDACO di Politecnico Milano

项目推荐 Project Recommendation:
Rushang Villa site disciption: site area:6513sqm, road area:1640sqm, building area:5940sqm( including 17 villas)
The updated parts including: Main Gate, enclosure wall, green roof, pool and lawn, pavilian and porch, relaxing chair, fountain and sculpture, signage board, rubish bin,gym equipment ,lighting fixture, music system.
室外现场 For exterior site photoes:
室内现场 For interior site photoes:

新书推荐 Book Recommendation:
中国室内设计年刊第九期 Yearbook of Interior Design of China(No.9)






北京邮政100101-200信箱 (100101)
