Newsletter 2007 - 03  
回主页 公司简介 国际设计营 在线采购 设计频道 联系我们

2007年--- 传统与现代将在这里相遇,古老文明将在新世纪重生

来自保加利亚的室内设计师安娜说: 人们从来没有像今天这样忙碌,要去适应这个社会中没完没了的要求,家中的休闲变得不可或缺...一幢房子里的所有物件都必须井井有条的日子已经过去了,现在的潮流是让设计更有趣更原创的混搭风格,而且对我来说设计的最终目的是温馨舒适的感觉,我喜欢将欧式和中式的环境在室内进行混合,就像任何一幢美国的大房子里总是可以找到来自中国的东西,不是家具就是装饰件...

Bulgarian interior designer Anna said:People are busier than ever and struggling to keep up with demands, which makes relaxing at home a necessity. Overall, warm colors, warm woods and natural elements will bring a much needed relaxed, peaceful retreat feeling to living spaces in 2007...Gone are the days when everything in a house had to be coordinated. For several years now the trend has been to mix styles in order to make design more interesting and original. Besides, the ultimate goal in design for me is comfort and a sense of warmth. I love to combine Western interiors with Chinese accents. You can hardly find an American upscale home without a Chinese piece, be it furniture or decorative items...
Newsletter 2007-03 dcb设计师月讯  

I 行业资讯 The News of the field
II设计比赛 Design Competition
III 范思对谈录 Conversation with the Masters
IV 每月一屋 Room of the Month
V 项目实录 The Project Record
VI dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations

dcb 主编 Chief Editor: 范思 M/s.Teresa

II 行业资讯 The News of the field1

1 第十二届中国国际建筑建材贸易博览会2007年5月10日-13日在北京展览馆举办
The 12th China International Building Material Exhibition will be held at Beijing Exhibition Hall from May,10 to 13

2 第四届北京国际城市景观与建筑设计展览会2007年6月21-23日在中国国际展览中心举办内容包括:建筑设计、城镇规划、工程管理、商业环境、城市景观、绿色建筑、园林景观,联系人:张宇13718688987, 6月21-22日在国际展览中心综合楼226会议室举办北京国际城市景观与建筑设计高端论坛主题:构筑新城市景观与建筑的和谐(创新设计论坛, 景观与建筑设计趋势论坛,商业地产发展论坛,建筑技术与节能论坛,商业环境设计与酒店改造及运营论坛)
The 4th Beijing International Urban Planning,Architecture and Landscape Design Exhibition will be held at International Exhibition Center from June,21 to 23. The main topic of the forum is:To build the harmony of the new city landscape and architecture design.

3 2007中国国际遮阳与窗饰制品博览会6月28-7月1日在中国国际展览中心举办
China International Sunshade & Window Decoration Exhibition,2007 will be held atInternational Exhibition Hall from June 28 to July 1

4 北京第七届钢结构展会2007年7月11日-13日在中国国际展览中心举办
The 7th Steel Structure Exhibition will be held at International Exhibition Hall from July 11 to 13

5 第九届中国北京国际房地产与建筑科技展览会2007年12月11日-13日在中国国际展览中心举办
The 9th Internationa Reall Estate & Building Science Exhibition will be held at Internationa Exhibition Center from Dec.11 to 13

6 2007年1月16日-18日中国科协七届二次全委会在北京召开
The 7th Meeting of China Science ssociation was held from Jan.16 to 18 in Beijing

7 <外商投资建设工程设计企业管理规定实施细则〉发布施行
The Detail Regulations of Foreign Investor's Architecture firm was released by the government

9 美国艺术三百年---适应与革新:Adaption & Renovation

美国史诗:斧头子、种植、工业、奴隶、宗教 The history of American:The Axe,Planting, Industry, Slave and Religion

10 4月北京室内设计沙龙2007年4月13日星期五15点在美标北京展示厅举办(朝阳区西坝河168号恒川广场1F)
Beijing Interior Design Saloon will be held at American Standard Beijing showroom,3pm Apr.13, 010-88355338

11 第三届国际酒店设计与改造论坛——酒店创新与未来6月21-22日
The 3rd Hospitality Design International Forum--- Design & Innovation

II设计比赛 Design Competition
The winner of the highest standard Award of Chinese Architects" Liang Sicheng Award"

III 范思对谈录 Conversation with the Masters

Anna Bulgarian interior designer
Graduate of the Sheffiled School of Interior Design, NY
Main focus on creating interiors with a mix of Chinese and Western accents
Teresa:What is the main design concept for your house in Beijing?

Anna:I love warmth, sunshine, bright colors and Spanish architecture. I miss the color and individuality of European houses.So, I decided to design a Spanish style villa in bright yellow and white, which stands out among the monotonous, tile covered houses in the neighborhood. For me, tiles belong in the bathroom, not to decorate facades.
Teresa: How do you consider family members' opinions?
Anna:My husband is an invaluable partner in my design work. He has an eye for minor details and I respect his opinions. If we have a disagreement about something, we sit down and discuss the problem until one of us convinces the other his idea is better.


IV 每月一屋 The Room of the Month
MY ECLECTIC STYLE ---The crossing of the history and the future
People very often choose what they are already used to, so they are eventually reciting the same stuff and cannot produce the unexpected. Too, most people cannot scale furniture properly - it's often too small or too big for the intended space. Not knowing how to put things together, they wonder why it doesn't work as they wished. Or they buy the wrong stuff.

V 项目实录---小户型18平米的别墅 A 18 sqm residential house

设计负责人:德国Poor architektur建筑设计事务所:起居室、餐 厅、卧 室共用一个空间Living room, Dinning room and Bedroom share one space here

VI dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations:
课程推荐 Course Recommendation:
香港领袖课程系列课程: 亚洲高级项目执行经理,经理的管理,行动力,开发你自身的管理
Michigan Ross School of Business:Managerial Leadership
Senior Executive Program in Asia:A broad executive level program for regional manager or above: Sep 21-29,2007
Management of Managers: for mid and senior-level managers: Jun.11-15 and Nov.5-9
Leadership in Action:A mid-management leadership development program:Jun. 11-15 and Nov.5-9
Developing the Manager in You for new managers: Jun. 25-27 and Oct. 22-24

项目推荐 Project Recommendation:
项目地点:昌平 回龙观 小辛庄 儒林苑16、18号楼
智能化系统:自动关闭燃气阀门, 关窗,开启或关闭窗帘,把灯从最暗开启 火灾探测报警系统在第一时间内通过拨打电话通知物业、房屋主人或 消防人员,不用等待便可以喝到热水 , 可以在舒适的温度里洗个热水澡 ,远程控制系统:上网就可以观看家里的一切情况, 控制家里的所有灯光、电器 , 卫生间和经常走动的走廊、过道、 门厅等,还可以实现人体自动感应控制,把安防系统设 定为在家设防状态 , 家人活动不报警 , 有非法进入者系统则会报警
1商务接待 , 2投资收藏 , 3健康养生, 4休闲度假
设计原则: 1.特色原则, 2.合谐统一原则

Rushang Villa Project Introduction:
ADD: No.16, 18 RULINYUAN,Xiaoxinzhuang, Huilongguan District, Changping Area
site area:349sqm, 3floor
Landlord:Chinese Bussinessman Family with 4-6 people now and 1-2 children in the future
Interior Design Requirement:
The updated parts including: Kitchen and Tiolet, Interior Partitions and Decorations
Intellegent Control System:Auto switch system, Auto Fire Detective System,Auto Water Heating System, Long Distance Control System, Safety Alarming System
Four functions Requirements
1 Bussiness Receiption2 Investment and Collection3 Health and life Insurance4 Leisure and holiday tour
Two Design priciples:
1Priciples of Characteristic,2 Priciples of Unity

室内现场 Interior site photoes:

新书推荐 Book Recommendation:
,作者Hans-Joachim Hahn(欧洲基督教校园学生工作负责人、德国教授论坛的创建者和召集人):我描述了关于未来的希望,这是我迄今为止所发现的最强烈的希望。他植根于另一个古老民族的经书中,这个民族与中华民族一样都属于那些能够逾数千年之久、至今仍保持着自己的身份和文化的杰出民族:这就是犹太人。





北京邮政100101-200信箱 (100101)


Newsletter 2007 - 03  
回主页 公司简介 国际设计营 在线采购 设计频道 联系我们

2007年--- 传统与现代将在这里相遇,古老文明将在新世纪重生

来自保加利亚的室内设计师安娜说: 人们从来没有像今天这样忙碌,要去适应这个社会中没完没了的要求,家中的休闲变得不可或缺...一幢房子里的所有物件都必须井井有条的日子已经过去了,现在的潮流是让设计更有趣更原创的混搭风格,而且对我来说设计的最终目的是温馨舒适的感觉,我喜欢将欧式和中式的环境在室内进行混合,就像任何一幢美国的大房子里总是可以找到来自中国的东西,不是家具就是装饰件...

Bulgarian interior designer Anna said:People are busier than ever and struggling to keep up with demands, which makes relaxing at home a necessity. Overall, warm colors, warm woods and natural elements will bring a much needed relaxed, peaceful retreat feeling to living spaces in 2007...Gone are the days when everything in a house had to be coordinated. For several years now the trend has been to mix styles in order to make design more interesting and original. Besides, the ultimate goal in design for me is comfort and a sense of warmth. I love to combine Western interiors with Chinese accents. You can hardly find an American upscale home without a Chinese piece, be it furniture or decorative items...
Newsletter 2007-03 dcb设计师月讯  

I 行业资讯 The News of the field
II设计比赛 Design Competition
III 范思对谈录 Conversation with the Masters
IV 每月一屋 Room of the Month
V 项目实录 The Project Record
VI dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations

dcb 主编 Chief Editor: 范思 M/s.Teresa

II 行业资讯 The News of the field1

1 第十二届中国国际建筑建材贸易博览会2007年5月10日-13日在北京展览馆举办
The 12th China International Building Material Exhibition will be held at Beijing Exhibition Hall from May,10 to 13

2 第四届北京国际城市景观与建筑设计展览会2007年6月21-23日在中国国际展览中心举办内容包括:建筑设计、城镇规划、工程管理、商业环境、城市景观、绿色建筑、园林景观,联系人:张宇13718688987, 6月21-22日在国际展览中心综合楼226会议室举办北京国际城市景观与建筑设计高端论坛主题:构筑新城市景观与建筑的和谐(创新设计论坛, 景观与建筑设计趋势论坛,商业地产发展论坛,建筑技术与节能论坛,商业环境设计与酒店改造及运营论坛)
The 4th Beijing International Urban Planning,Architecture and Landscape Design Exhibition will be held at International Exhibition Center from June,21 to 23. The main topic of the forum is:To build the harmony of the new city landscape and architecture design.

3 2007中国国际遮阳与窗饰制品博览会6月28-7月1日在中国国际展览中心举办
China International Sunshade & Window Decoration Exhibition,2007 will be held atInternational Exhibition Hall from June 28 to July 1

4 北京第七届钢结构展会2007年7月11日-13日在中国国际展览中心举办
The 7th Steel Structure Exhibition will be held at International Exhibition Hall from July 11 to 13

5 第九届中国北京国际房地产与建筑科技展览会2007年12月11日-13日在中国国际展览中心举办
The 9th Internationa Reall Estate & Building Science Exhibition will be held at Internationa Exhibition Center from Dec.11 to 13

6 2007年1月16日-18日中国科协七届二次全委会在北京召开
The 7th Meeting of China Science ssociation was held from Jan.16 to 18 in Beijing

7 <外商投资建设工程设计企业管理规定实施细则〉发布施行
The Detail Regulations of Foreign Investor's Architecture firm was released by the government

9 美国艺术三百年---适应与革新:Adaption & Renovation

美国史诗:斧头子、种植、工业、奴隶、宗教 The history of American:The Axe,Planting, Industry, Slave and Religion

10 4月北京室内设计沙龙2007年4月13日星期五15点在美标北京展示厅举办(朝阳区西坝河168号恒川广场1F)
Beijing Interior Design Saloon will be held at American Standard Beijing showroom,3pm Apr.13, 010-88355338

11 第三届国际酒店设计与改造论坛——酒店创新与未来6月21-22日
The 3rd Hospitality Design International Forum--- Design & Innovation

II设计比赛 Design Competition
The winner of the highest standard Award of Chinese Architects" Liang Sicheng Award"

III 范思对谈录 Conversation with the Masters

Anna Bulgarian interior designer
Graduate of the Sheffiled School of Interior Design, NY
Main focus on creating interiors with a mix of Chinese and Western accents
Teresa:What is the main design concept for your house in Beijing?

Anna:I love warmth, sunshine, bright colors and Spanish architecture. I miss the color and individuality of European houses.So, I decided to design a Spanish style villa in bright yellow and white, which stands out among the monotonous, tile covered houses in the neighborhood. For me, tiles belong in the bathroom, not to decorate facades.
Teresa: How do you consider family members' opinions?
Anna:My husband is an invaluable partner in my design work. He has an eye for minor details and I respect his opinions. If we have a disagreement about something, we sit down and discuss the problem until one of us convinces the other his idea is better.


IV 每月一屋 The Room of the Month
MY ECLECTIC STYLE ---The crossing of the history and the future
People very often choose what they are already used to, so they are eventually reciting the same stuff and cannot produce the unexpected. Too, most people cannot scale furniture properly - it's often too small or too big for the intended space. Not knowing how to put things together, they wonder why it doesn't work as they wished. Or they buy the wrong stuff.

V 项目实录---小户型18平米的别墅 A 18 sqm residential house

设计负责人:德国Poor architektur建筑设计事务所:起居室、餐 厅、卧 室共用一个空间Living room, Dinning room and Bedroom share one space here

VI dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations:
课程推荐 Course Recommendation:
香港领袖课程系列课程: 亚洲高级项目执行经理,经理的管理,行动力,开发你自身的管理
Michigan Ross School of Business:Managerial Leadership
Senior Executive Program in Asia:A broad executive level program for regional manager or above: Sep 21-29,2007
Management of Managers: for mid and senior-level managers: Jun.11-15 and Nov.5-9
Leadership in Action:A mid-management leadership development program:Jun. 11-15 and Nov.5-9
Developing the Manager in You for new managers: Jun. 25-27 and Oct. 22-24

项目推荐 Project Recommendation:
项目地点:昌平 回龙观 小辛庄 儒林苑16、18号楼
智能化系统:自动关闭燃气阀门, 关窗,开启或关闭窗帘,把灯从最暗开启 火灾探测报警系统在第一时间内通过拨打电话通知物业、房屋主人或 消防人员,不用等待便可以喝到热水 , 可以在舒适的温度里洗个热水澡 ,远程控制系统:上网就可以观看家里的一切情况, 控制家里的所有灯光、电器 , 卫生间和经常走动的走廊、过道、 门厅等,还可以实现人体自动感应控制,把安防系统设 定为在家设防状态 , 家人活动不报警 , 有非法进入者系统则会报警
1商务接待 , 2投资收藏 , 3健康养生, 4休闲度假
设计原则: 1.特色原则, 2.合谐统一原则

Rushang Villa Project Introduction:
ADD: No.16, 18 RULINYUAN,Xiaoxinzhuang, Huilongguan District, Changping Area
site area:349sqm, 3floor
Landlord:Chinese Bussinessman Family with 4-6 people now and 1-2 children in the future
Interior Design Requirement:
The updated parts including: Kitchen and Tiolet, Interior Partitions and Decorations
Intellegent Control System:Auto switch system, Auto Fire Detective System,Auto Water Heating System, Long Distance Control System, Safety Alarming System
Four functions Requirements
1 Bussiness Receiption2 Investment and Collection3 Health and life Insurance4 Leisure and holiday tour
Two Design priciples:
1Priciples of Characteristic,2 Priciples of Unity

室内现场 Interior site photoes:

新书推荐 Book Recommendation:
,作者Hans-Joachim Hahn(欧洲基督教校园学生工作负责人、德国教授论坛的创建者和召集人):我描述了关于未来的希望,这是我迄今为止所发现的最强烈的希望。他植根于另一个古老民族的经书中,这个民族与中华民族一样都属于那些能够逾数千年之久、至今仍保持着自己的身份和文化的杰出民族:这就是犹太人。





北京邮政100101-200信箱 (100101)
