The 27th dcb Forum
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时间:2006年10月4日周三 Oct.4 Wed. 15:00-17:00

地点:劳动大厦 Lao Dong Building
朝阳区大屯路甲1号劳动大厦 (北沙滩桥东南角,公交820, 419, 751,379,851,949,628,328,836, 833,963,752,852,425,913, 小5路,小36路,运通110)

Milan Design Center

The significance of this project goes beyond the local context. It represents Milan as a gateway to Europe, a point of connection of past, present and future

  It is intended to redesign the context that host it, so as to relaunch it into a wider perspective of new functions and new images    
“设计中心”向公众颂扬并展示一种在城市空间中可利用的设计产品,它是新的和与众不同的...在这里建筑物被改造成新的空间,街道成为新的空中通道,花园和开阔地成为容纳光线的空间。The design center is its counterpart, which exalts and proposes to the public an exploitable design product in the urbanized space...it is new and different,where buildings are transformed into new volumes, streets into new air routes, gardens and largos into new empty spaces that keep together light and space within the volume.      

作为零售和休闲中心区域的前奏和鲜明存在,中间的“花瓶”标示出通向“展会”的入口,并在某种程度上作为“展会”的透明入口,该空间有许多向公众开放的功能(如入口、通道、停顿、碰面、文化、商店、娱乐、休闲等)使这一空间成为一个连续的视觉和功能渗透与对面的“公园”一起成为“系统中的大厅”From the Quartiere Storico one reaches the Fair through a new Gate: the large glassy"Vase" both prelude and mark of its imminent presence in the Area. The central"vase"marks the imminet access to the Fair and to some extent functions as its transparent propylaeum.However, it is this same"vase",in the continuous spaciousness of its interior, that hosts a multitude of functions open to the public(access,transit,pause,encounter, colture,refreshment,shops,entertainment,leisure...)that makes it "the great hall of the system" in cotinual visual and functional osmosis with the Park facing it.

第3号展厅将原有的时装展厅保留并改建成一个供孩子、年轻人和成年人使用的社会公益活动中心,也是一个“公园/温室”,这是本规划中的可持续性和生态功能的一个标志点,直接针对城市人口中边缘人群活动的需求,通过一个向所有市民开放的设施,反映了“改建”规划的社会理念,服务中心的开展对社会性及道德作出了最好的保障,各种空间建筑的完成使城市的结构更为丰富.The Pavilion 3 of the Fair, conserved and transformed to create a new facility for children, young people and senior citizens, is also the Park/Greenhouse, an emblematic sign of the sustainability and ecological potential expressed by this plan. The offering of activities directly aimed at non-central portions of the urban population, in a framework of utilization open to all citizens,reflects the social philosophy of the Great Transformation.     住宅设计由具有高度灵活性的组合单元构成,大阳台,穿堂,台阶和庭院,用于开发服务和休闲空间,与该区域的生态可持续发展规划相配合.
Morphological and functional quality are the key characteristics of the residential design in the area:modular units of great flexibility,large balconies, lobbies, terraces and courtyards,spaces to permit development of services and leisuretime facilities for the residents, views of the piazza with the Three Towers and the Park, homes oriented to take advantage of the ecosustainable developments of the area.

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