  国际生态设计年刊 / International Ecological Designs Yearbook  
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  No.12 绿色高品质猪肉饲养技术, 一个典型的猪的福利工程配套工艺设施 Pig-village Farming      

项目类型:新技术 New Technology
参展人: 德国Bugl Helmut教授 (Germany)

猪的生理、生态、行为、习性于一体的全新的养猪工程工艺,符合猪的生物学特点和生命活动所需环境要求,符合动物福利要求。该工艺流程与设施设备包括:专供猪睡卧的“暖床”,适于猪群定点排粪的可以自行出入的“猪厕所”;为适应猪采食拱料行为的可干可湿的“自拌”料箱;为散发体热满足水浴要求的自行开关淋浴器;还有克服啃咬以满足猪只磨牙生理要求的磨牙链和拱癖槽等装置;以及满足猪蹭痒用的蹭痒架等。这种新工艺的技术核心部分是暖床。据研究,猪对温度的要求不是一个恒定值,它的身体不同部位对温度有不同的要求,躯体要求高,以30℃为宜,头颈则要低温,10~15℃适宜,而鼻子部位呼吸要求清新而凉爽(5℃)的空气。因此,该工艺的暖床根据猪的呼吸、头颈、躯体不同部位所需适宜温度的不同而设计的。猪入睡时,躯体在箱内,该箱三面侧壁封闭,前面一侧用半透明的软塑料门帘(条)挂上,猪可自由出入,躺卧时头部朝外,鼻端露于帘外,这样就可以保证呼吸到新鲜的空气。在哺乳舍,为解决大猪怕热、小猪怕冷的矛盾,采取仔猪局部供暖,根据仔猪不同的生长阶段,猪舍可以“连体”,猪群周转全进全出,既可节约土地,又可克服交叉感染,有利防病。由于猪厕所相对集中,对粪污的处理非常方便,所以舍内的卫生条件良好。这种新工艺为猪群活动,及猪的个体需要提供了良好的生长和繁殖环境;实验与应用结果表明,该工艺养猪的生产性能提高,死亡率降低,提高了经济效益。这种工艺最早是由德国图宾根地区农业部官员H. Bugl教授经历近二十年的观察研究提出的,现已在欧、美、澳、俄等多国得到推广应用,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。目前,中国农业大学设施农业工程技术研究中心结合我国的自然气候条件,已经研究开发成功符合中国国情的部分配套设施与设备。该新工艺在Bugl和王云龙两位教授的亲自指导下将很快在中国得以推广和应用。

This new system is based on pigs' behavior and biology, and designed to give temperature compensation to all stages of pigs. According to this system, places for pigs to sleeping, take food , play, rub itch, have shower and excrete wastes are? provided, so it coincides with the requirement of pig's ecology, physiology and behavioral science.
The key idea of this system is pig's warm-bed. According to research result, the pig need different temperature in different part of whole body. The optimal temperature for body is 30 degree, and head yet need 10--15 degree, and the nose need 5 degree fresh air. So the warm bed is designed by this principle: used hard, thick, double-layer insulating paperboards to make the outer cover of the warm-bed, and PVC plastics to make its front into a double-layer stripped curtain. With the curtain, pigs could go in and out of the warm-bed freely and adjust itself? with free lying style on the warm-bed.? While lying, pigs are often faced-out to breathe fresh air. The warm-bed could meet all pigs need except piglet for temperature without heating in winter. For piglets, some heater should furnished in the upper part of the bed, and also the water heating system under warm-bed can be used. Using the warm-bed, the cost of pig house can be reduced mostly.

This kind of techniques is a necessity to the solution of low survival rate of piglets in China. This system can increase? survival rate and daily gains of piglets significantly, and save electric power as well. Compared to other pig-farming system, this system can reduce piglet mortality 50%, increase daily gain 10--17%, save foodstuff 10%, and the improve quality of pig meat obviously.This system was first presented by a German expert Bugl Helmut.? Now many countries, such as America, Australia, Holland, Germany, European countries have using this system . By now this new craft has not been applied to pig farms of China.

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