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Newsletter 2004 - 8/9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Newsletter 2004-8/9 | |||||||||||||
Contents目录 1st ABBeijing2004 is Openning in China Art Museum 首届中国建筑艺术双年展在中国美术馆开幕 I. dcb Monthly Forums 国际设计论坛 II. The News of the field 行业资讯 III. The Conversation with Masters 范思对谈录 IV. The Project Record---Yuxiang Renjia Restaurant 项目实录-----渔乡人家(建外店) V. The contribution to the books 书刊稿件征集 |
双年展论坛活动包括:A1无止境建筑(首都剧场);A7技术革新与建筑革命(首都剧场);A8 激变中国(9.21-22,,首都剧场);人居环境与室内设计A5(9.21-23,新大都饭店)A2建筑与非建筑(9.23-24,清华大学)A3规划的有限与无限(9.23-24,首都剧场)A4居住建筑与城市开发(北京服装学院)A6公共领地(9.23-24,清华美术学院)A9/dcb生态设计(9.26下午3:00-6:00,北京规划展览馆) |
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Idcb monthly
Forums国际设计营每月论坛报告 The 7th dcb monthly meeting was held on Aug.7 in Nan Xin Cang. The topic is: The Conversation about CBD.People from Industrial Dep. of Development & Research Center of State affair Bureau,HKI,Australian Embassy, Dupont, Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing Industrial U.,China Architectural News attended this meeting. For more info:http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/0731.htm_e 第七期 dcb国际设计论坛于2004年8月7日在南新仓内举办,主题是北京中央商务区.来自香江国际,澳大利亚大使馆商务处,杜邦中国,中央美院,北京工业大学,中华建筑报,经济日报,装饰装修天地杂志等单位的朋友们参与了此次活动。 来自Soho现代城的安东先生介绍了他在长城脚下的公社中的作品红房子;关于CBD大家提出很多疑问:作为开发商提出的观点是否有过分炒作的嫌疑,目的仅仅是为了维持虚高的房屋租售价格? CBD地区不仅仅应该是国际金融的总部基地,还应该是北京城的文化中心之地,当地政府应主动平衡两者之间的关系,而不仅仅是跟从开发商的步伐,成为其赚取不当利益的工具...来自国务院发展研究中心的李佐军博士介绍了国家在这方面的宏观政策,并非常诚恳地听取了大家的建言献策,来自德国的车飞博士和来自澳大利亚商会的罗小明女士也介绍了国外在商务中心区发展方面的经验。更多详请: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/0731.htm |
is introducing his work: |
2 During the 8th dcb monthly forum on Aug.29 in Xinglong Chinese Antique Furniture Center,Manager of China Institute of Ming Style Furniture Mr.Wu Bing Liang introduced the History of the Chinese Antique Furniture. Prof. Chen Zengbi introduced how to judge Ming Syle furniture,if it is a real antique... For more info: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/0829_e.htm 第八期dcb国际设计论坛于2004年8月29日在古玩城古典家居市场二层兴隆艺术家具展厅举行.中国明式家具学会理事,兴隆家具董事长伍炳亮先生介绍了明清家具发展的历史,陈增弼教授则就明式家具鉴赏的要点作了精彩的讲解.更多详请: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/0829.htm |
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News in the field 行业资讯 怎样才能用最少的钱解决最多的问题? 如何才能成为大自然的朋友而不是敌人? 什麽才是当今的投资热点? 什麽才是真正健康与生态的建筑? 如何才能撬动生态经济这根巨大的杠杆?
怎样才能让我们的共同家园越来越美好? 2 The 9th dcb Design Forum 第9期dcb国际设计论坛 3 A3/首届中国国际建筑艺术双年展·国际城镇规划艺术展论坛主题:规划的有限与无限 4 The Design Library of www.fancy-design.com is now open to the public,
the passward for this Chanel(Chinese Version) is 64956392
III The Conversation with masters 范思对谈录 | |||||||||||||
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dcb在线设计师:安东 Antonio Ochoa Graduated from Caracas Central University,Venezuela Main Project:Cantilever House by the great wall 毕业于委内瑞拉加拉加斯中央大学建筑学院, 委内瑞拉建筑师 主要作品: 长城角下的公社---红房子 |
You are the first few architects who apply Minimalism in your projects in
China, Could you please tell us something about your understanding of Minimalism? Antonio: It is a phenomenon that has been reassumed by architects, artists, musicians, writers in a very insistent manner in the last years, and since frequently categorized with the word “minimal” or “minimalism” has been traduced into a fashion, a contemporary artistic ideological movement, a way of thinking. It is the search of the essential, the true value of the objects, materials, forms and space. Every modernist, in his very way of expression, was searching the same thing: the purity, the essence. It is to remark that I have used the verb “to search” not to invent but to look for, to discover what has been there, always but eventually hidden or covered under the influences of other movements.The minimal design moves itself among the most sophisticated technology and the use of the natural materials in their primitive form. Is a sensual and intellectual approximation to the materials, then the construction comes back to be construction. Teresa: Everyone has different view of taste and style, do you have your style? what is your style? Antonio: For me, the life changed so much that I even started seeing the woman beauty from a different perspective. Until the very moment, I thought the female beauty depended on the production, the action of being perfectly decorated, dressed and made up. This is same in the architecture design, in the past, the architecture was evaluated according to its attachment to the canons of the five classical orders and the paraphernalia. Today, for me, the beautiful woman is the one that is austere and natural, able to resist the temptation of fashions and artful devices. The one to be defined by her spirit and interior world, not by artificial decorations. For more details:http://www.fancy-design.com/designers/antonio/redhouse_e.htm |
范:在中国您是最初将简约主义应用到作品中的建筑师之一,请谈一谈您对简约主义的认识 安:它是一种被建筑师、画家、音乐家、作家在过去几年中不断提及的现象。它总是和“极少”或“极少主义”放在一起,应用在时尚及当代艺术的理想主义运动中,成为一种思想方法。总是在寻找精髓,物质的本质、材料、形式和空间。每一个现代主义者都在用各自不同的表达方式寻找同样的东西:精髓及本质。请注意我用的动词是“寻找”而不是发明,是要发现那些既有的但却最终被其它运动的影响所掩盖了的东西。简约主义设计不断采用最先进的技术,并保持自然材料的原始形态,从感觉上尽可能接近材料的本质,构筑也就回归到构筑的本来意义上去。 范:每个人都有不同的品位和风格,请您谈一谈您对此的看法? 安:对我来说生活的变化是如此巨大,我甚至开始从一个完全不同的角度来观察女人的美丽,在那之前我认为女人的美是由她精心妆扮的外形决定的,这如同对过去建筑的评价是根据其是否符合五种经典柱式(注1)以及其附加的装饰物来进行的。现在对我来说,美丽的女人是朴素而自然的,能够抵御时尚及工艺品的诱惑,是那些有思想和丰富的内心世界而不依靠人工装饰品的女人。 更多详请:http://www.fancy-design.com/designers/antonio/redhouse.htm |
IV Project Record--- Yuxiang
Renjia Restaurant(Jianwai Soho) 项目实录---渔乡人家(建外店) |
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The designer tried very hard to
understand Chinese culture from a western view in this Sichuan style restauant.
Lines flow from walls to the ceiling, like the stream flowing. Special designed
gateway at the staircase lead people walk into the nature forest upper floor.The
dim environment and the bright lighting on the table emphasis this feeling,a
mixture of East and West. Building area:1080 sqm. Material: specially rusted Iron grid for the ceiling copper tube surface & great photo of the shop history for the walls Location:Jianwai Soho 位于建外SOHO街的渔香人家店面积1080平米,分为上下两层。设计师尝试以一个西方人士的角度来诠释中国的巴蜀文化和麻辣鲜香的川味川情。无处不在的线条如潺潺流过的溪水,青瓦檐口的牌坊指引人们进入别具一格的自然天地,经过锈蚀处理的金属格栅天棚和墙壁上竹影婆娑的铜管,映衬出雪白的餐巾和亮晶晶的餐具;昏暗的环境光和餐桌上的重点照明相对比宛若丛林中的圣地,西式的家具和中式的环境相对比,别有一番中西合璧雅致情趣。 更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/project/yuxiangrenjia/restaurant.htm |
The contribution of books & magazines书刊稿件征集 |