Newsletter 2004 - 8/9  
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Newsletter 2004-8/9

1st ABBeijing2004 is Openning in China Art Museum
I. dcb Monthly Forums
II. The News of the field
III. The Conversation with Masters
IV. The Project Record---Yuxiang Renjia Restaurant
V. The contribution to the books






1 2
1The Road to the Future通往未来之路
2 Architect Paul Andreu in the Openning Ceremony

Architectural Biennial, Beijing, 2004
During the golden autumn days of September 2004, Beijing opened its arms to welcome colleagues and friends in the field of architecture and construction from different parts of the world, to join in ABB2004. In National Art Museum of China on Sep.16, people from France, Germany, Switzerland,Netherlands,the Ministry of Constructio and,the Ministry of Culture of China and friends from the media participated in this wonderful event.It means that, after 3 years of hard work, ABB comes into being at last.ABB aims to inspire people's thinking and communication for China's construction field and its development. ABB2004 includes 8 exhibitions of real materials plus 1 digital exhibition, 8 ABB forums and 1 dcb forum.
The Forum includes: A1:Infinite Architecture, A7:New Building Materials & Technology, A8:Cracking China's Puzzle, A5:Interior Design, A6:Public Space and Urban Environment, A3:Master Plans of World Cities and Towns, A4:Community Culture & Urban Planning, dcb/A9:Ecological Design
Formore Details: http://www.abbeijing.com/ltrmd.htm

2004年9月16日下午,来自法国,德国,瑞士,荷兰和中国建设部办公厅,中华文化促进会,中央国家机关工委,全国工商联住宅产业商会,文化部和媒体的朋友参加了首届中国建筑艺术双年展在中国美术馆举行的开幕式。这标志着由建设部和文化部批准、经过三年艰苦筹备的双年展终于在北京拉开了帷幕,双念展旨在启发所有关注中国城市建设、中国建筑发展的人,引导国内外学界、建筑界对中国当代建筑进行反思和探讨,成为产业界一个资源共享平台和加强国际建筑艺术交流的窗口。此次双年展由8个实物展加一个数字展,8个ABB论坛和一个dcb论坛组成。众多的国际建筑艺术大师、学者、专家和房地产企业都积极参与了本次活动,希望能为中国迅猛发展的建设领域发掘出更多现代、科学的理念和经典案例。 “中国有着灿烂辉煌的建筑文化和丰富的建筑遗产,然而在近半个世纪的建设中,一座座花费了大量金钱却毫无个性的建筑拔地而起,一个个面目雷同的新兴城市遍布中国各地,原有的古建筑群落受到破坏及新建筑的污染...在中国正成为“世界的大工地”的时候,举办这样的建筑艺术展正逢其时,“中国建筑学会副理事长张祖刚先生认为:要注意学习国外的经验,要注意整个城市的建筑布局,要懂得保护城市的文脉,包括建筑色彩,千万不能由着开发商任意开发,把每一座建筑都搞得那么高大显眼、富丽堂皇。在这一点上,中国的建设者们可吸取伦敦、巴黎、罗马等城市有关文化古都的保护经验,也可借鉴纽约、开罗、墨西哥等国有关超大城型市的发展经验.” 双年展论坛活动包括:A1无止境建筑(首都剧场);A7技术革新与建筑革命(首都剧场);A8 激变中国(9.21-22,,首都剧场);人居环境与室内设计A5(9.21-23,新大都饭店)A2建筑与非建筑(9.23-24,清华大学)A3规划的有限与无限(9.23-24,首都剧场)A4居住建筑与城市开发(北京服装学院)A6公共领地(9.23-24,清华美术学院)A9/dcb生态设计(9.26下午3:00-6:00,北京规划展览馆)
更多详情: http://www.abbeijing.com/richengbiao.htm

Idcb monthly Forums国际设计营每月论坛报告
The 7th dcb monthly meeting was held on Aug.7 in Nan Xin Cang. The topic is: The Conversation about CBD.People from Industrial Dep. of Development & Research Center of State affair Bureau,HKI,Australian Embassy, Dupont, Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing Industrial U.,China Architectural News attended this meeting.
For more info:http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/0731.htm_e

第七期 dcb国际设计论坛于2004年8月7日在南新仓内举办,主题是北京中央商务区.来自香江国际,澳大利亚大使馆商务处,杜邦中国,中央美院,北京工业大学,中华建筑报,经济日报,装饰装修天地杂志等单位的朋友们参与了此次活动。
来自Soho现代城的安东先生介绍了他在长城脚下的公社中的作品红房子;关于CBD大家提出很多疑问:作为开发商提出的观点是否有过分炒作的嫌疑,目的仅仅是为了维持虚高的房屋租售价格? CBD地区不仅仅应该是国际金融的总部基地,还应该是北京城的文化中心之地,当地政府应主动平衡两者之间的关系,而不仅仅是跟从开发商的步伐,成为其赚取不当利益的工具...来自国务院发展研究中心的李佐军博士介绍了国家在这方面的宏观政策,并非常诚恳地听取了大家的建言献策,来自德国的车飞博士和来自澳大利亚商会的罗小明女士也介绍了国外在商务中心区发展方面的经验。更多详请:


Antonio is introducing his work:
Cantilever House by the great wall



2 During the 8th dcb monthly forum on Aug.29 in Xinglong Chinese Antique Furniture Center,Manager of China Institute of Ming Style Furniture Mr.Wu Bing Liang introduced the History of the Chinese Antique Furniture. Prof. Chen Zengbi introduced how to judge Ming Syle furniture,if it is a real antique...
For more info:

II.The News in the field 行业资讯

1 Ecological Design Digital show(on line show)
How to increase profit while saving energy? How to become more friendly with nature? What should be the focus of contemporary property investment? What is a healthy & ecological habitat? How to sledge the great ecological lever?How could we make our homeland really beautiful?
The Ecological Building/Theme Park Design Digital Exhibition will give us the key for these secrets in Beijing Plan Museum/A&D Material center from Sept.21 to Oct.6,A6 Exhibition Public Territory and and some Urban Design projects will be held during the same place.(The address of Beijing Plan Museum:East of Qianmen subway station, the address of A&D Material Center:2F Shiji Baoding Building 4th ring road(North of Easyhome)
Online showing address: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/book/ecologicalbook/Exhibit-content_e.htm

怎样才能用最少的钱解决最多的问题? 如何才能成为大自然的朋友而不是敌人? 什麽才是当今的投资热点? 什麽才是真正健康与生态的建筑? 如何才能撬动生态经济这根巨大的杠杆? 怎样才能让我们的共同家园越来越美好?
双年展国际生态设计展(A9)将于2004 年 9.21-10.6在北京规划展览馆/dcb国际设计营中为我们揭开这些谜团,在循环播放的多媒体演示过程中涉及了应用生态概念的的国内外众多省市的多个生态型居住区,高新技术开发区,主题园区和公园,是了解生态概念在我们生活中应用的难得机会。同时展出的还有A6公共领地和部分城市规划作品。(北京规划展览馆地址:地铁前门站东侧/dcb国际设计营地址:北四环居然之家北侧世纪宝鼎公寓裙楼二层)

2 The 9th dcb Design Forum
Date:Sep.26,2004 Sun.3:00pm-6:00pm
Place:Beijing Plan Museum(East of Qianmen Subway station,Tiananmen Square)
The topic: Ecological Design
The Contents: 1 The Digital show of ABB Ecological Design,2 The Plan of the Ecological Agriculture Park Plan( Prof. Huang Shiwei from China Agriculture U.)3 Modern Rainwater Management in Urban Planning (Kienle,Germany) 4 Judging Meeting of the Exhibits
Booking & Inquiry:010-64956392 Teresa,The Admission Ticket:100 RMB

For more information: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/0926_e.htm

地点:北京规划展览馆(地铁 前门站东侧)
主要内容: 1 双年展A9版块参展作品欣赏 2 农业生态园规划(中国农业大学黄仕伟教授)3 专家评议参展作品 4现代城市当中的雨水采集系统规划
订票与咨询热线:010-64956392 论坛门票:100元

更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/0926.htm

3 A3/首届中国国际建筑艺术双年展·国际城镇规划艺术展论坛主题:规划的有限与无限
论坛时间:2004年9月23-24日, 论坛地点:北京首都剧场 演讲时间:45分钟
9月23日 9:00-12:00主持人:顾孟潮 (中国/北京——建筑理论家)
演讲人:陕西西安市规划局局长和红星(保护和发展是西安的永恒主题—传承历史文脉,突显城市特色),四川都江堰市人民政府副市长万钧(全球化背景下地方文化的传承),德国墨尼黑大学城市设计和规划教授索菲·沃尔夫荣 ( 以“夏豪森”公园为例,介绍斯图加特市的可持续性发展城市设计),Alexander Garvin 教授,原美国纽约规划局局长(美国半个世纪以来城市规划发展的概况)
9月23日 14:00-17:00 主持人:赵之敬(北京市城市规划学会会长)
北京市规划委员会总体规划处处长温宗勇(北京市总体规划修编),SOM(新都市),瑞士教授Robert Neierhans(城市中的建筑节能与环保),德国斯图加特Erle(建筑材料对空间的影响)
9月24日 9:00-12:00主持人:傅刚(美国/纽约——旅美建筑学家)
斯图加特国际建筑艺术进修学院黄琲斐博士(德国及欧洲近50年的城市发展历程),阳光100置业集团副总经理范小冲(为城市创造价值),,AREP公司总裁Jean-marie Duthilleul(国际公司在中国城市建设中的若干思考),彭乐乐(城市的剩余空间)
9月24日 14:00-17:00主持人:黄琲斐(建筑学博士,旅德规划师)
德国斯图加特Guggenberg(建筑节能), 旅美建筑学家傅刚(连锁城市),建筑理论家顾孟潮(建筑的变化折射城市的变迁)
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/index_c.htm

4 The Design Library of www.fancy-design.com is now open to the public, the passward for this Chanel(Chinese Version) is 64956392
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/forom.htm

III The Conversation with masters 范思对谈录
dcb在线设计师:安东 Antonio Ochoa
Graduated from Caracas Central University,Venezuela
Main Project:Cantilever House by the great wall
毕业于委内瑞拉加拉加斯中央大学建筑学院, 委内瑞拉建筑师
主要作品: 长城角下的公社---红房子
Teresa: You are the first few architects who apply Minimalism in your projects in China, Could you please tell us something about your understanding of Minimalism?
Antonio: It is a phenomenon that has been reassumed by architects, artists, musicians, writers in a very insistent manner in the last years, and since frequently categorized with the word “minimal” or “minimalism” has been traduced into a fashion, a contemporary artistic ideological movement, a way of thinking. It is the search of the essential, the true value of the objects, materials, forms and space. Every modernist, in his very way of expression, was searching the same thing: the purity, the essence. It is to remark that I have used the verb “to search” not to invent but to look for, to discover what has been there, always but eventually hidden or covered under the influences of other movements.The minimal design moves itself among the most sophisticated technology and the use of the natural materials in their primitive form. Is a sensual and intellectual approximation to the materials, then the construction comes back to be construction.

Teresa: Everyone has different view of taste and style, do you have your style? what is your style?
Antonio: For me, the life changed so much that I even started seeing the woman beauty from a different perspective. Until the very moment, I thought the female beauty depended on the production, the action of being perfectly decorated, dressed and made up. This is same in the architecture design, in the past, the architecture was evaluated according to its attachment to the canons of the five classical orders and the paraphernalia. Today, for me, the beautiful woman is the one that is austere and natural, able to resist the temptation of fashions and artful devices. The one to be defined by her spirit and interior world, not by artificial decorations.

For more details:http://www.fancy-design.com/designers/antonio/redhouse_e.htm

  IV Project Record--- Yuxiang Renjia Restaurant(Jianwai Soho)
  The designer tried very hard to understand Chinese culture from a western view in this Sichuan style restauant. Lines flow from walls to the ceiling, like the stream flowing. Special designed gateway at the staircase lead people walk into the nature forest upper floor.The dim environment and the bright lighting on the table emphasis this feeling,a mixture of East and West.
Building area:1080 sqm.
Material: specially rusted Iron grid for the ceiling
copper tube surface & great photo of the shop history for the walls
Location:Jianwai Soho


V The contribution of books & magazines书刊稿件征集
1 The contribution of Annual Report of International Ecological Design is the collection of those projects using the ecological concept. It is a platform for designer to present and communicate the experiences.The catalogue includes:Building,Residential Community,Scenic Spot,Agriculture Spot,Other Theme Park, Wet Land Park,New Material & New Technique.The editorial depatment will promote the advance design culture, encourage the application of new standard,new material and new technology. The deadline for the 1st issue is end of December,2004.
For more information:

关人士了解当代生态设计水平的必备刊物; 书中收集的作品包含如下几个方面的内容:1单体建筑,2旅游景区,3居住区,4主题园区,5 湿地公园,6新技术 7新材料。年刊编辑部致力于先进设计文化的推广与交流,提倡新材料,新技术和新标准的应用。欢迎国内外各单位或个人踊跃投稿, 第一期征稿截止日期为2004年12月底。

2 The Illustrated Interior Design Cases is the collection of latest overseas interior design cases. It includes all important drawings from design sketches to the working drawings, from the architectural space concept to the application of the design vocabulary, from the detail of plan, elevation and section to the use of the material, from lighting design to color scheme and the arrangement of the furniture and decoration fittings. The book will focus on the detail design and the analysis of the design process through drawings and text. It will be a good reference book for designers in their professional work. Designers and design companies from overseas are welcome to contribute to this book.. Brief introduction will be given to the designer both in Chinese and English. It helps to raise the profile of the designers or design companies in the vast China Market, allowing property developers, construction, architectural companies in main land China to reach out to them. It will become an express way for those designers who want to develop their professional career in China.

以收集海外设计师的最新室内设计案例为主,从初步构思草图到最后施工图过程中的重要图纸,进行图解分析,从建筑空间的整体构思,到设计语言的具体应用,从平立剖节点详图到材料的详细做法,从灯光照明设计,色彩的相互搭配到家具和装饰品的配置等不同方面进行分析介绍,图文并茂,注重设计过程分析与细部处理,是专业室内设计师在设计实践前的必读教材.本书欢迎海外室内设计师和设计公司踊跃投稿,本书将在书中对设计公司及设计师个人以中英文双语作简要介绍,有利于提升设计师和设计公司在中国市场的形象,建立与中国内地房地产开发单位,施工单位和建筑设计单位的便捷联系, 是海外设计师进军中国的快速通道.



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Newsletter 2004 - 8/9  
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Newsletter 2004-8/9

1st ABBeijing2004 is Openning in China Art Museum
I. dcb Monthly Forums
II. The News of the field
III. The Conversation with Masters
IV. The Project Record---Yuxiang Renjia Restaurant
V. The contribution to the books






1 2
1The Road to the Future通往未来之路
2 Architect Paul Andreu in the Openning Ceremony

Architectural Biennial, Beijing, 2004
During the golden autumn days of September 2004, Beijing opened its arms to welcome colleagues and friends in the field of architecture and construction from different parts of the world, to join in ABB2004. In National Art Museum of China on Sep.16, people from France, Germany, Switzerland,Netherlands,the Ministry of Constructio and,the Ministry of Culture of China and friends from the media participated in this wonderful event.It means that, after 3 years of hard work, ABB comes into being at last.ABB aims to inspire people's thinking and communication for China's construction field and its development. ABB2004 includes 8 exhibitions of real materials plus 1 digital exhibition, 8 ABB forums and 1 dcb forum.
The Forum includes: A1:Infinite Architecture, A7:New Building Materials & Technology, A8:Cracking China's Puzzle, A5:Interior Design, A6:Public Space and Urban Environment, A3:Master Plans of World Cities and Towns, A4:Community Culture & Urban Planning, dcb/A9:Ecological Design
Formore Details: http://www.abbeijing.com/ltrmd.htm

2004年9月16日下午,来自法国,德国,瑞士,荷兰和中国建设部办公厅,中华文化促进会,中央国家机关工委,全国工商联住宅产业商会,文化部和媒体的朋友参加了首届中国建筑艺术双年展在中国美术馆举行的开幕式。这标志着由建设部和文化部批准、经过三年艰苦筹备的双年展终于在北京拉开了帷幕,双念展旨在启发所有关注中国城市建设、中国建筑发展的人,引导国内外学界、建筑界对中国当代建筑进行反思和探讨,成为产业界一个资源共享平台和加强国际建筑艺术交流的窗口。此次双年展由8个实物展加一个数字展,8个ABB论坛和一个dcb论坛组成。众多的国际建筑艺术大师、学者、专家和房地产企业都积极参与了本次活动,希望能为中国迅猛发展的建设领域发掘出更多现代、科学的理念和经典案例。 “中国有着灿烂辉煌的建筑文化和丰富的建筑遗产,然而在近半个世纪的建设中,一座座花费了大量金钱却毫无个性的建筑拔地而起,一个个面目雷同的新兴城市遍布中国各地,原有的古建筑群落受到破坏及新建筑的污染...在中国正成为“世界的大工地”的时候,举办这样的建筑艺术展正逢其时,“中国建筑学会副理事长张祖刚先生认为:要注意学习国外的经验,要注意整个城市的建筑布局,要懂得保护城市的文脉,包括建筑色彩,千万不能由着开发商任意开发,把每一座建筑都搞得那么高大显眼、富丽堂皇。在这一点上,中国的建设者们可吸取伦敦、巴黎、罗马等城市有关文化古都的保护经验,也可借鉴纽约、开罗、墨西哥等国有关超大城型市的发展经验.” 双年展论坛活动包括:A1无止境建筑(首都剧场);A7技术革新与建筑革命(首都剧场);A8 激变中国(9.21-22,,首都剧场);人居环境与室内设计A5(9.21-23,新大都饭店)A2建筑与非建筑(9.23-24,清华大学)A3规划的有限与无限(9.23-24,首都剧场)A4居住建筑与城市开发(北京服装学院)A6公共领地(9.23-24,清华美术学院)A9/dcb生态设计(9.26下午3:00-6:00,北京规划展览馆)
更多详情: http://www.abbeijing.com/richengbiao.htm

Idcb monthly Forums国际设计营每月论坛报告
The 7th dcb monthly meeting was held on Aug.7 in Nan Xin Cang. The topic is: The Conversation about CBD.People from Industrial Dep. of Development & Research Center of State affair Bureau,HKI,Australian Embassy, Dupont, Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing Industrial U.,China Architectural News attended this meeting.
For more info:http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/0731.htm_e

第七期 dcb国际设计论坛于2004年8月7日在南新仓内举办,主题是北京中央商务区.来自香江国际,澳大利亚大使馆商务处,杜邦中国,中央美院,北京工业大学,中华建筑报,经济日报,装饰装修天地杂志等单位的朋友们参与了此次活动。
来自Soho现代城的安东先生介绍了他在长城脚下的公社中的作品红房子;关于CBD大家提出很多疑问:作为开发商提出的观点是否有过分炒作的嫌疑,目的仅仅是为了维持虚高的房屋租售价格? CBD地区不仅仅应该是国际金融的总部基地,还应该是北京城的文化中心之地,当地政府应主动平衡两者之间的关系,而不仅仅是跟从开发商的步伐,成为其赚取不当利益的工具...来自国务院发展研究中心的李佐军博士介绍了国家在这方面的宏观政策,并非常诚恳地听取了大家的建言献策,来自德国的车飞博士和来自澳大利亚商会的罗小明女士也介绍了国外在商务中心区发展方面的经验。更多详请:


Antonio is introducing his work:
Cantilever House by the great wall



2 During the 8th dcb monthly forum on Aug.29 in Xinglong Chinese Antique Furniture Center,Manager of China Institute of Ming Style Furniture Mr.Wu Bing Liang introduced the History of the Chinese Antique Furniture. Prof. Chen Zengbi introduced how to judge Ming Syle furniture,if it is a real antique...
For more info:

II.The News in the field 行业资讯

1 Ecological Design Digital show(on line show)
How to increase profit while saving energy? How to become more friendly with nature? What should be the focus of contemporary property investment? What is a healthy & ecological habitat? How to sledge the great ecological lever?How could we make our homeland really beautiful?
The Ecological Building/Theme Park Design Digital Exhibition will give us the key for these secrets in Beijing Plan Museum/A&D Material center from Sept.21 to Oct.6,A6 Exhibition Public Territory and and some Urban Design projects will be held during the same place.(The address of Beijing Plan Museum:East of Qianmen subway station, the address of A&D Material Center:2F Shiji Baoding Building 4th ring road(North of Easyhome)
Online showing address: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/book/ecologicalbook/Exhibit-content_e.htm

怎样才能用最少的钱解决最多的问题? 如何才能成为大自然的朋友而不是敌人? 什麽才是当今的投资热点? 什麽才是真正健康与生态的建筑? 如何才能撬动生态经济这根巨大的杠杆? 怎样才能让我们的共同家园越来越美好?
双年展国际生态设计展(A9)将于2004 年 9.21-10.6在北京规划展览馆/dcb国际设计营中为我们揭开这些谜团,在循环播放的多媒体演示过程中涉及了应用生态概念的的国内外众多省市的多个生态型居住区,高新技术开发区,主题园区和公园,是了解生态概念在我们生活中应用的难得机会。同时展出的还有A6公共领地和部分城市规划作品。(北京规划展览馆地址:地铁前门站东侧/dcb国际设计营地址:北四环居然之家北侧世纪宝鼎公寓裙楼二层)

2 The 9th dcb Design Forum
Date:Sep.26,2004 Sun.3:00pm-6:00pm
Place:Beijing Plan Museum(East of Qianmen Subway station,Tiananmen Square)
The topic: Ecological Design
The Contents: 1 The Digital show of ABB Ecological Design,2 The Plan of the Ecological Agriculture Park Plan( Prof. Huang Shiwei from China Agriculture U.)3 Modern Rainwater Management in Urban Planning (Kienle,Germany) 4 Judging Meeting of the Exhibits
Booking & Inquiry:010-64956392 Teresa,The Admission Ticket:100 RMB

For more information: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/0926_e.htm

地点:北京规划展览馆(地铁 前门站东侧)
主要内容: 1 双年展A9版块参展作品欣赏 2 农业生态园规划(中国农业大学黄仕伟教授)3 专家评议参展作品 4现代城市当中的雨水采集系统规划
订票与咨询热线:010-64956392 论坛门票:100元

更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/0926.htm

3 A3/首届中国国际建筑艺术双年展·国际城镇规划艺术展论坛主题:规划的有限与无限
论坛时间:2004年9月23-24日, 论坛地点:北京首都剧场 演讲时间:45分钟
9月23日 9:00-12:00主持人:顾孟潮 (中国/北京——建筑理论家)
演讲人:陕西西安市规划局局长和红星(保护和发展是西安的永恒主题—传承历史文脉,突显城市特色),四川都江堰市人民政府副市长万钧(全球化背景下地方文化的传承),德国墨尼黑大学城市设计和规划教授索菲·沃尔夫荣 ( 以“夏豪森”公园为例,介绍斯图加特市的可持续性发展城市设计),Alexander Garvin 教授,原美国纽约规划局局长(美国半个世纪以来城市规划发展的概况)
9月23日 14:00-17:00 主持人:赵之敬(北京市城市规划学会会长)
北京市规划委员会总体规划处处长温宗勇(北京市总体规划修编),SOM(新都市),瑞士教授Robert Neierhans(城市中的建筑节能与环保),德国斯图加特Erle(建筑材料对空间的影响)
9月24日 9:00-12:00主持人:傅刚(美国/纽约——旅美建筑学家)
斯图加特国际建筑艺术进修学院黄琲斐博士(德国及欧洲近50年的城市发展历程),阳光100置业集团副总经理范小冲(为城市创造价值),,AREP公司总裁Jean-marie Duthilleul(国际公司在中国城市建设中的若干思考),彭乐乐(城市的剩余空间)
9月24日 14:00-17:00主持人:黄琲斐(建筑学博士,旅德规划师)
德国斯图加特Guggenberg(建筑节能), 旅美建筑学家傅刚(连锁城市),建筑理论家顾孟潮(建筑的变化折射城市的变迁)
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/index_c.htm

4 The Design Library of www.fancy-design.com is now open to the public, the passward for this Chanel(Chinese Version) is 64956392
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/forom.htm

III The Conversation with masters 范思对谈录
dcb在线设计师:安东 Antonio Ochoa
Graduated from Caracas Central University,Venezuela
Main Project:Cantilever House by the great wall
毕业于委内瑞拉加拉加斯中央大学建筑学院, 委内瑞拉建筑师
主要作品: 长城角下的公社---红房子
Teresa: You are the first few architects who apply Minimalism in your projects in China, Could you please tell us something about your understanding of Minimalism?
Antonio: It is a phenomenon that has been reassumed by architects, artists, musicians, writers in a very insistent manner in the last years, and since frequently categorized with the word “minimal” or “minimalism” has been traduced into a fashion, a contemporary artistic ideological movement, a way of thinking. It is the search of the essential, the true value of the objects, materials, forms and space. Every modernist, in his very way of expression, was searching the same thing: the purity, the essence. It is to remark that I have used the verb “to search” not to invent but to look for, to discover what has been there, always but eventually hidden or covered under the influences of other movements.The minimal design moves itself among the most sophisticated technology and the use of the natural materials in their primitive form. Is a sensual and intellectual approximation to the materials, then the construction comes back to be construction.

Teresa: Everyone has different view of taste and style, do you have your style? what is your style?
Antonio: For me, the life changed so much that I even started seeing the woman beauty from a different perspective. Until the very moment, I thought the female beauty depended on the production, the action of being perfectly decorated, dressed and made up. This is same in the architecture design, in the past, the architecture was evaluated according to its attachment to the canons of the five classical orders and the paraphernalia. Today, for me, the beautiful woman is the one that is austere and natural, able to resist the temptation of fashions and artful devices. The one to be defined by her spirit and interior world, not by artificial decorations.

For more details:http://www.fancy-design.com/designers/antonio/redhouse_e.htm

  IV Project Record--- Yuxiang Renjia Restaurant(Jianwai Soho)
  The designer tried very hard to understand Chinese culture from a western view in this Sichuan style restauant. Lines flow from walls to the ceiling, like the stream flowing. Special designed gateway at the staircase lead people walk into the nature forest upper floor.The dim environment and the bright lighting on the table emphasis this feeling,a mixture of East and West.
Building area:1080 sqm.
Material: specially rusted Iron grid for the ceiling
copper tube surface & great photo of the shop history for the walls
Location:Jianwai Soho


V The contribution of books & magazines书刊稿件征集
1 The contribution of Annual Report of International Ecological Design is the collection of those projects using the ecological concept. It is a platform for designer to present and communicate the experiences.The catalogue includes:Building,Residential Community,Scenic Spot,Agriculture Spot,Other Theme Park, Wet Land Park,New Material & New Technique.The editorial depatment will promote the advance design culture, encourage the application of new standard,new material and new technology. The deadline for the 1st issue is end of December,2004.
For more information:

关人士了解当代生态设计水平的必备刊物; 书中收集的作品包含如下几个方面的内容:1单体建筑,2旅游景区,3居住区,4主题园区,5 湿地公园,6新技术 7新材料。年刊编辑部致力于先进设计文化的推广与交流,提倡新材料,新技术和新标准的应用。欢迎国内外各单位或个人踊跃投稿, 第一期征稿截止日期为2004年12月底。

2 The Illustrated Interior Design Cases is the collection of latest overseas interior design cases. It includes all important drawings from design sketches to the working drawings, from the architectural space concept to the application of the design vocabulary, from the detail of plan, elevation and section to the use of the material, from lighting design to color scheme and the arrangement of the furniture and decoration fittings. The book will focus on the detail design and the analysis of the design process through drawings and text. It will be a good reference book for designers in their professional work. Designers and design companies from overseas are welcome to contribute to this book.. Brief introduction will be given to the designer both in Chinese and English. It helps to raise the profile of the designers or design companies in the vast China Market, allowing property developers, construction, architectural companies in main land China to reach out to them. It will become an express way for those designers who want to develop their professional career in China.

以收集海外设计师的最新室内设计案例为主,从初步构思草图到最后施工图过程中的重要图纸,进行图解分析,从建筑空间的整体构思,到设计语言的具体应用,从平立剖节点详图到材料的详细做法,从灯光照明设计,色彩的相互搭配到家具和装饰品的配置等不同方面进行分析介绍,图文并茂,注重设计过程分析与细部处理,是专业室内设计师在设计实践前的必读教材.本书欢迎海外室内设计师和设计公司踊跃投稿,本书将在书中对设计公司及设计师个人以中英文双语作简要介绍,有利于提升设计师和设计公司在中国市场的形象,建立与中国内地房地产开发单位,施工单位和建筑设计单位的便捷联系, 是海外设计师进军中国的快速通道.



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