Newsletter 2005 - 02/18  
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Newsletter 2005-02/18

I dcb国际设计论坛
dcb Monthly Forums
The News of the field
Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design---The design art of Fireplace
The Conversation with Masters---Bill Linton
V 项目实录---国家大剧院
The Project Record---The National Theater
VI、 dcb新品推荐---美式家具
Introduction of new products---American furniture style
The contact person of dcb consultant committee

地点:地点:北京南礼士路62号 北京建筑设计研究院院内 E座二层 报告厅(地铁南礼士路东北口往北300米)
1 国家大剧院国际竞赛方案欣赏
2 国家体育馆设计简介---王兵 先生(北京建筑设计研究院副总建筑师)
3 “新北京、新奥运" 城市绿化新行动(屋顶绿化与建筑相融共生)-张玉强 先生(德国金科公司北京代表处技术总监)
4 国家大剧院设计中的创新与安全---周庆琳 先生(国家大剧院业主委员会总建筑师)
入场券:100元/次(学生半价), 团体购票享受优惠.
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050304.htm

The 13th dcb Design Forum
Date:March 4, Fri. 2:30pm
Topic: The creative and safty design
1 The Appreciation of National Theater Design Competition
2 The design of the national stadium--- Mr. Wang Bing (vice general architect of BIAD)
3 "New Beijing, New Olympics" The City Greening Action
---- The intergrowth of the building and the roof garden--- Mr.Zhang Yu Qiang from Zinco, Germany
4 The Creative & Safty Design in the National Theater
---Zhou Qing Lin (General architect of the Owner's committee of national theater)
Booking & Inquiry:010-64956392 13301369027 Teresa, Jennifer
The Admission Ticket:100 RMB
More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050304_e.htm

地点:朝阳区大屯路甲1号 劳动大厦
1 当代中国住宅厨房设计---许树龙 高级资深室内建筑师(中国室内设计年刊编辑部主任)
2 军队首长住宅规划与设计---赖明华 建筑师(总后建筑设计研究院)
3 怎样保护湖泊与河流---Francois Lambert (加拿大 景观建筑师)
4 2004年度十大设计师之友颁奖典礼

中国建筑学会室内设计分会名誉会长曾坚先生在论坛上(Honory president Mr.Zeng Jian From CIID)
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050130.htm

The 12th dcb Design Forum
The topic: Residential Design
1 Residential Kitchen Design of China(Mr.Xu Shu Long)
2 Residential Standard of Army(Mr.Lai Ming Hua)
3 Landscape design of private villa in Canada (Mr.Francois Lambert)
4 "The Top 10 Best Friends of Designers Award” Ceremony
more details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050130_e.htm

II 行业资讯The News of the field
1 2004年度十大设计师之友颁奖典礼


The Aim of the Designer's Friend Award
To acknowledge those local (Beijing) people who have contributed to the public advancement of the design profession (architecture & interior design) in
Beijing. To help the larger public understand the importance of beautifying the built environment, and the special skills that designers contribute to this effort.
To make the public aware of the importance of designers by having a public awards ceremony that is published in the local media. To build up recognition of dcb as a forum for designers to share information and discuss issues of importance to the design profession.
The winners are
Liu Chun Cai
As the director of construction office of Army base, he values designers opinions while carry out the generals’s idea and pay attention to details
Mr. Liang Jin
As the ditector of editorial committee of Manal of qualified Brands for Intreior Architects. He builds up a bridge between designers and manufactories.
Ms.Shen Chen
As the editer of Home & Garden,she is in charge of introducing different design style to the public.
Mr.Fan Guo Rong
As the vice president of Zhan Wang Group, coorperate with designer in TaiYangGong project and Yangqiao District,provided the best quality to the owners.
Mr.Luo Bei Shen
As the director of peasant theme report department of Economic daily, he is promoting best design to peasant in China
Xing Yu
As Artist, he cooperate with designer Li Xun in the project of Zhujiang Dijing Hotel,and provide lots of high quality oil paintings.
Guo Hong Lan
As the editor of China Building Press, was the editor in charge of <Student design work>, she has contributed to the basic design education
Mr.Yu Yong
As the chief representative of IFDA, he has done a lot to the field of design in China
Mr.Jin Xiao Qi
As the ditector of editorial committee of Building Doors Windows Curtain Walls & Equipment, provide the latest information to designer for free
Ren Hong Yan
As the representative of Dupont Corian in north China, she is very friendly and helpful to dcb and the directer Teresa in organizing monthly forums.
More details:http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/DFaward_e.htm

2 2005年“新人杯”全国青年学生室内设计竞赛
为鼓励在校学生对室内设计学科的兴趣,培养学生的设计创新能力,发现和表彰优秀学生,加强院(系)间的教学交流,促进我国室内设计人才的培养和教学水平的提高,中国建筑学会室内设计分会决定主办2005年“新人杯”全国青年学生室内设计竞赛。 在给定的建筑单元标准层平面中任选一种户型,将其设计成一个商住两用的工作室...
更多详情: http://www.ciid.com.cn/ciidtwo/news2005/n548.htm

National Interior Design Competition of Students,2005
CIID is organizing National Interior Design Competition of Students to encourage the interest , the creation ability in Interior Design and to increase the academic standard of the education. Participater is required to design a soho studio in exsiting floor plans...

3 “厨房是家庭的心脏“设计比赛结果揭晓
“厨房是家庭的心脏“设计比赛颁奖典礼于2005年1月18日在德国科隆IMM/Koelnmesse贸易展中举行,共有来自102个国家的2980名设计师参加者一比赛,来自中国的Liu Guang Hui,He Cheng和Zhou Dong合作设计的厨用旋转升降操作台获得环境类大奖,这一旋转操作台使家人和朋友间面对面分享烹饪的乐趣成为可能,由洗菜区、综合准备区和炉灶区组成的双层旋转结构可各自旋转180度,意味着一个人的操作流线距离可以变为零,操作台高度可调节以便适应不同高度的操作者,洗菜池有两种槽口,两边都有电磁感应的出水口,在两个水槽中间是带有金属管的内置水龙头,便于不同情况下的操作,这一操作台摒弃了传统的滑轨与合页柜体,而是采用了内置不锈钢管的铝合金结构,不同层级的液压升降闭合系统,将操作台,水池,炉灶,冷藏柜,消毒柜,烤箱均匀地结合在一起,其它空间作为储藏柜,下层橱柜是一个抽屉式的结构,可以在使用时整体拉出,上置的抽油烟机底部有照明功能。

"kitchen is the heart of the home" award ceremony was held in IMM/Koelnmesse Exhibition cologne. 2980 designers from 102 different countries participated.The winner for AMBIENT CATEGORY is Round cupboard assembling that can be rotated and lifted contributed by
cheng he + liu guang kui + zhou dong from China.
Creating the new concept of happy kitchen: Sharing the joy with relatives and friends face-to-face. (2). Cupboard adopts double-deck rotator structure, can rotate 180°respectively, the three major work center of washing, mixing and cooking can rotate in the front of the operator, let "zero" distance in each workflow; And can lift in certain distance in order to be suitable for the different operator. (3). Flume has two kinds of outlets: The parallel water outlets of induction type lie on both sides of flume; The holding type faucets with metal hose lie in the middle of two flumes, that can be suitable for operating under various environments. (4).Abandon the board type, slide rail and hinge of the traditional cupboard completely. This cupboard regards the structure frame of aluminium alloy and the combination of stainless steel pipe as the integer structure. Adopt level bearing, hydraulic pressure system, shutting system to realize lifting of cupboard and wall cupboard. (5). Integrative structures with operational table-board, flume and kitchen, cupboard distribute icebox, disinfector and oven symmetrically, other borders are closets. (6). Lower cupboard is drawing structure, can pull out wholly while using, and make the operation simplify. Hang the kitchen ventilator under the top cupboard with function of illumination.
More details:http://www.designboom.com/contest/winner.php?contest_pk=3

来自82个国家的2418名设计师参加了这一赛事,来自瑞士的Nicolas Le moigne花撒盖设计赢得大奖,这一花撒盖可以与各种旧的饮料瓶结合成为一个完整的花撒,随时完成浇灌的任务。
RE-think + RE-cycle competition results:
2418 designers from 82 different countries participated. The winner is watering can
design by nicolas le moigne from switzerland.The idea consists in reusing PET and glass bottles. A PET closing piece is able to fit different shapes of bottles and to change it into a watering can.
More details: http://www.designboom.com/contest/winner.php?contest_pk=6


ChinaBuilding2004 will be held from Mar.1 to 4 at China international exhibition center.The contents include kitchen facilities and metal accessories,stones,interior furnishing materials, curtain wall and intellingence system, heating system, steel structure, paint, lighting fixtures, contructing project services

6 2005中国国际城市(建筑、景观、园林)规划与设计及配套设施展(3月21-23日,北京海淀展览馆)

International City Planning and facility Exhibition,2005 will be held in March 21-23 at Beijing Haidian Exhibition Hall.It includes Urban plan, building design, landscape architecture, and project design and management. The aim is to build a platform for new materials, new technology and cooperation and to speed up the development of the city construction field. Tel: 010-83663655

7 第七届中国国际地面材料及铺装技术博览会及设计与工程·中国室内设计上海国际论坛(2005年3月22-23日上海浦东科技馆 上海新国际博览中心)
同期举办的论坛将以空间的共存与再生为主题,邀请世界顶级设计师Zaha Hadid,Rem Koolhas,Javier Mariscal(西班牙), 西泽立卫(日),马清运(中), 洪苍蔚(台湾),Claudio Silvestrin,Martin Anderson等大师全面深入地探究中西方最新室内设计发展趋势及其理念碰撞,主要论题包括建筑保护的理论体系及实际意义,旧建筑原有序列重新梳理及新体系的重构,室内空间与建筑及周边环境的关系, 承载文脉影响的新形式的创造, 对立与和谐,空间的共存与再生。论坛注册费:1500元/人,中国建筑学会室内设计分会的会员享受1200元/人的优惠价格,报名电话:021-62477668,61206088转506

DOMOTEX asia CHINAFLOOR has firmly established the fact that Asia's leading international trade fair for floor coverings has now become one of the world's best places to source and sell floor covering materials. The seventh edition of the exhibition, in March 22-24 2005,in Shanghai New International Expo Center will attract professional manufacturers, buyers, and other industry representatives from all over the world. The forum about ecology and recycle will invite famous architect Zaha Hadid,Rem Koolhas,Javier Mariscal ect.the addmission fee is 1500, Tel:021-62477668,61206088-506

8 2005中国国际门窗、屋顶与遮阳技术博览会,亚洲国际建筑师峰会,中欧建筑节能与遮阳技术国际论坛 (2005年3月1日,广州)
主要论题包括:最新绿色生态建筑设计的应用趋势,建筑设计师的个性风格,建筑表皮所产生的材质革命,2010年亚运会与建筑设计技术创新,文化和区域等因素对于建筑设计的影响,关于建筑保护与创新建筑物的融合处理, 从最近参与的体育项目的设计看中国建筑师面临的行业趋势,邀请世界顶级设计师有:优兰达·瑞依斯 (菲律宾),冯格康 (德国),严迅奇 (香港),赵小钧 (中国),登琨艳 (中国台湾),Anand krishan (马来西亚)

R+T Asia/China Windoor 2005 & Asia Architects Forum and Sino-Euro Green Engrgy &Sun Protection Fourm 2005 will be held at March 1 in Guangzhou. The main topic include:the personality style of architects, Asia Games Architecture design tech innovation, Influence of culture and region on architecture,and Traditional architecture and innovation etc.Speakers from Philippines,USA,Germany,China and Japan are invided.

9 第二届北京国际城市景观与建筑设计展览会
由中国国际贸易促进委员会建设行业分会和中国国际商会建设行业商会主办的第二届北京国际城市景观与建筑设计展览会包括城市景观建筑发展高峰论坛,顶级设计师经典案例解析,房地产界精英答谢酒会,奥运工程项目招标发布会等内容,标准展位3x3m8600RMB /个,咨询电话:010-64956392

The 2nd International urban and landscape architecture design Exhibition will be held from June 8 to 10 at China Internation exhibition center,Beijing.The forum of city landscape architecture development will be held during the forum. The 3x3m standard booth rental fee is 2500 US$ each for more information please call Teresa at 010-64956392,13522302311

10 国家图书馆二期工程将于2007年10月竣工


National Library Phase 2 to complete in 2007
A groundbreaking ceremony has been held at the National Library Phase 2 site in Beijing. The development, located on the north side of the existing National Library, is designed to accommodate 12 million to 14 million books and a seating capacity of 2,900 for readers. Up to 8,000 visitors per day are expected. Upon completion of the second phase in October 2007, the National Library will have a total usable area of approximately 250,000 sq m, making it the third largest library in the world. It will be also the largest source of Chinese books in the world.


更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/forum/forum_fireplacer.htm

Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design:The Art of Fireplaces
As an element of interior architecture, the fireplace connects the other three elements(floor, wall and ceiling). It plays an important role in the English residential buildings. Almost every room of English houses has a fireplace. This may be due to the cold and wet winter weather. Why do they rely on the fireplaces so much? Of course it is a heating device. What else? What are the images of the fireplaces in people’s memory? It is interesting to examine this relationship between the fireplace and people, and what had happened by those traditional English fireplaces?
Developed from the primitive fire to the central hearth and the sidewall fireplace, English fireplace now is not only a heating device but also a focus of decoration and a community center of the home. People not only sleep and sit but also dine, play and chat around it. Nowadays, although people use the central heating system instead of the fireplaces to keep their room warm, they will never abandon the forms and the images of the traditional fireplace. The fireplace has been integrated into their lives so closely, that they will never forget those happy hours the whole family gathered around the fireplace chatting or cooking, and those childhood memories of Santa Claus… The fireplaces has become an important part of people’s daily lives. For example, people drew aside the half burned brands at bed time in order to make a quick fire in the morning; The ash must be kept deep upon the hearth, when removed in the spring, it can be put aside until autumn for reuse.
More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/forum_fireplace_e.htm

IV 范思对谈录
林威(Bill L.)
M. Architecture Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA,BA Architecture Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA ,Registered Architect License #7864 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA),Member of the Hong Kong Chapter of AIA,Member of the Boston Society of Architects (BSA)

Bill:在中国的典型工程中人们习惯于将建筑设计分为概念设计阶段,深化设计阶段,施工图设计阶段,而市场对设计项目的整体协调和管理缺乏足够的重视,导致建筑师与施工单位和甲方的配合不够细致和深入,常常将应由建筑师承担的工作与工地施工项目总承包的工作相混淆。在美国,建筑师就是设计项目的总承包和总协调,直接对业主负责,根据项目的具体情况确定设计阶段的划分及各阶段所需要的设计周期;勘察设计师,结构设计师,电气设计师和给排水设计师,照明设计师,材料厂商等都在建筑设计师的指挥下工作,建筑师需定期到工地现场开现场会议,沟通各方面意见,解释设计图纸及解决施工进程当中的具体问题。 更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/bill.htm

The Conversation with Masters---Bill Linton
Teresa:Is there any restriction or requirement when you sign an architectural design agreement in US ?
Bill:There is not any restriction or design companies'classification as it is in China.Design is a kind of service industry. Design companies' bussiness are based on their reputation and the recommendation of their clients.Normally private owner will entrust a designer he likes according to his reputation or a friend's recommendation. Government owner will organize a bid sometimes to select the right design company/designer.There used to be a law that the lowest price will win the bid in Massachusetts,but the government has decided to changed the law as the company's reputation and server quality after sale are very important and priceless, so the criterion of winner should include them as well.
Teresa:What is the typical architectural design phase?
Bill:In China a typical architectural design phase includes: conceptural/schematic design phase, design development phase and working drawing phase. The maket ignore the importance of design management and mix it with the project manager and the job of contracter. In US once an architect has a design project, he will be the person who will decide the detail of design phase and is in charge of the coordination with structure engineer,electricity engineer, HAVC engineer,lighting designer and material supplier. Architect shall go to the site regularly to solve the problems.
More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/bill_e.htm

V 项目实录----国家大剧院(把北京导向沸腾的玻璃罩)

The Project Record---The National Theater(A Glass Bubble That’s Bringing Beijing to a Boil)
Some compare it to a globe severed at the Equator. To others it resembles a phosphorescent egg floating in a crystal sea. One prominent Beijing architect said that when the desert dust kicks up around Beijing, lathering the expansive glass dome in a pall of gray grime, it resembles nothing so much as dried dung. But the most apt analogy for the $300 million National Theater of China, now nearing completion in the political heart of Beijing, near Tiananmen Square, may be a hot potato....
For more details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050304_e.htm

Introduction of new products----American furniture style

Ethan Allen作为美式家具的品牌代表,特别强调舒适、气派、实用和多功能。从造型来看,美式家具一般分为三大类:仿古、新古典和乡村式风格。就整体而言,美式家具传达了单纯、休闲、有组织、多功能的设计思想,让家庭成为释放压力和解放心灵的净土。
了解更多美式家具风格Ethan Allen is coming to Beijing:

VI. 各顾问单位联系人The contact person of dcb consultant committee
清华大学: 苏丹
北京建筑工程学院: 高丕基
北京林业大学: 周越
中国建筑设计研究院: 谢雁
北京建筑设计研究院: 郑实
清水爱派: 史力群

编委The Editorial Committee:
陈祥福 曾坚 郑曙旸 金戟 许树龙 谢海涛 于珊 余勇 郑劤荃(新加坡)
Rianne Raadwyk(荷兰) Peter Kusters(德国)莫妮卡(意大利)
蒙恩(台湾)Fredrick Maloof(澳大利亚)安东(委内瑞拉)

关于国际设计营(About Design Collaboration, Beijing):
由韬略国际团队-北京范思装饰设计中心(简称范思设计)主办的dcb国际设计营(Design Collaboration, Beijing)是一家以传播先进的设计文化为己任的设计研发机构。其宗旨是:超越虚伪的生活方式,树立适应市场经济规律的生态主义价值观,提倡质朴和恰当的多元设计文化,充分利用新材料新技术,传承历史的同时不断开拓创新;积极发挥设计师的社会作用,致力于不同文明间的融合,学术理论与市场实践间的结合以及设计产业间的横向联合。dcb自2003年7月开办以来通过国际设计论坛,系列讲座,新书征稿等活动不断拓展国际视野及开发潜在市场需求,其目的是:凭借dcb全国统一的特许经营体系和整体营销网络成为最受欢迎的加盟事业,面向国际邀约顶级设计师加盟,通过国际化的品牌战略及共享有限资源为加盟成员提供高水准的经营服务,提高项目的运作效率和经营利润,使dcb成为主导大家生活方式和社会情趣的先锋,共同营造一个充满温暖、爱与欢乐气息的健康家园。dcb永久秘书处设在中国北京,其顾问委员会由规划、建筑、装饰装修、室内陈设及环境艺术设计领域的专家义务组成,营员的年度费用主要用于维持dcb日常运营所需的基本管理,如网站,网上杂志(newsletter)及相关的宣传材料等。 详情请查询活动安排,欢迎志同者同道而行. 2005年度会员年费现在正在缴纳中http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/aim.htm

转发此邮件时请把图片下载到本地机器中,再行插入,否则可能会不能正常显示(范思 2005.2,010-64956392)
Please download the picture first into your computer then insert again when you forward this newsletter to your friend, otherwise it may not be shown correctly.(Teresa 2005.2,010-64956392)


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Newsletter 2005 - 02/18  
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Newsletter 2005-02/18

I dcb国际设计论坛
dcb Monthly Forums
The News of the field
Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design---The design art of Fireplace
The Conversation with Masters---Bill Linton
V 项目实录---国家大剧院
The Project Record---The National Theater
VI、 dcb新品推荐---美式家具
Introduction of new products---American furniture style
The contact person of dcb consultant committee

地点:地点:北京南礼士路62号 北京建筑设计研究院院内 E座二层 报告厅(地铁南礼士路东北口往北300米)
1 国家大剧院国际竞赛方案欣赏
2 国家体育馆设计简介---王兵 先生(北京建筑设计研究院副总建筑师)
3 “新北京、新奥运" 城市绿化新行动(屋顶绿化与建筑相融共生)-张玉强 先生(德国金科公司北京代表处技术总监)
4 国家大剧院设计中的创新与安全---周庆琳 先生(国家大剧院业主委员会总建筑师)
入场券:100元/次(学生半价), 团体购票享受优惠.
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050304.htm

The 13th dcb Design Forum
Date:March 4, Fri. 2:30pm
Topic: The creative and safty design
1 The Appreciation of National Theater Design Competition
2 The design of the national stadium--- Mr. Wang Bing (vice general architect of BIAD)
3 "New Beijing, New Olympics" The City Greening Action
---- The intergrowth of the building and the roof garden--- Mr.Zhang Yu Qiang from Zinco, Germany
4 The Creative & Safty Design in the National Theater
---Zhou Qing Lin (General architect of the Owner's committee of national theater)
Booking & Inquiry:010-64956392 13301369027 Teresa, Jennifer
The Admission Ticket:100 RMB
More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050304_e.htm

地点:朝阳区大屯路甲1号 劳动大厦
1 当代中国住宅厨房设计---许树龙 高级资深室内建筑师(中国室内设计年刊编辑部主任)
2 军队首长住宅规划与设计---赖明华 建筑师(总后建筑设计研究院)
3 怎样保护湖泊与河流---Francois Lambert (加拿大 景观建筑师)
4 2004年度十大设计师之友颁奖典礼

中国建筑学会室内设计分会名誉会长曾坚先生在论坛上(Honory president Mr.Zeng Jian From CIID)
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050130.htm

The 12th dcb Design Forum
The topic: Residential Design
1 Residential Kitchen Design of China(Mr.Xu Shu Long)
2 Residential Standard of Army(Mr.Lai Ming Hua)
3 Landscape design of private villa in Canada (Mr.Francois Lambert)
4 "The Top 10 Best Friends of Designers Award” Ceremony
more details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050130_e.htm

II 行业资讯The News of the field
1 2004年度十大设计师之友颁奖典礼


The Aim of the Designer's Friend Award
To acknowledge those local (Beijing) people who have contributed to the public advancement of the design profession (architecture & interior design) in
Beijing. To help the larger public understand the importance of beautifying the built environment, and the special skills that designers contribute to this effort.
To make the public aware of the importance of designers by having a public awards ceremony that is published in the local media. To build up recognition of dcb as a forum for designers to share information and discuss issues of importance to the design profession.
The winners are
Liu Chun Cai
As the director of construction office of Army base, he values designers opinions while carry out the generals’s idea and pay attention to details
Mr. Liang Jin
As the ditector of editorial committee of Manal of qualified Brands for Intreior Architects. He builds up a bridge between designers and manufactories.
Ms.Shen Chen
As the editer of Home & Garden,she is in charge of introducing different design style to the public.
Mr.Fan Guo Rong
As the vice president of Zhan Wang Group, coorperate with designer in TaiYangGong project and Yangqiao District,provided the best quality to the owners.
Mr.Luo Bei Shen
As the director of peasant theme report department of Economic daily, he is promoting best design to peasant in China
Xing Yu
As Artist, he cooperate with designer Li Xun in the project of Zhujiang Dijing Hotel,and provide lots of high quality oil paintings.
Guo Hong Lan
As the editor of China Building Press, was the editor in charge of <Student design work>, she has contributed to the basic design education
Mr.Yu Yong
As the chief representative of IFDA, he has done a lot to the field of design in China
Mr.Jin Xiao Qi
As the ditector of editorial committee of Building Doors Windows Curtain Walls & Equipment, provide the latest information to designer for free
Ren Hong Yan
As the representative of Dupont Corian in north China, she is very friendly and helpful to dcb and the directer Teresa in organizing monthly forums.
More details:http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/DFaward_e.htm

2 2005年“新人杯”全国青年学生室内设计竞赛
为鼓励在校学生对室内设计学科的兴趣,培养学生的设计创新能力,发现和表彰优秀学生,加强院(系)间的教学交流,促进我国室内设计人才的培养和教学水平的提高,中国建筑学会室内设计分会决定主办2005年“新人杯”全国青年学生室内设计竞赛。 在给定的建筑单元标准层平面中任选一种户型,将其设计成一个商住两用的工作室...
更多详情: http://www.ciid.com.cn/ciidtwo/news2005/n548.htm

National Interior Design Competition of Students,2005
CIID is organizing National Interior Design Competition of Students to encourage the interest , the creation ability in Interior Design and to increase the academic standard of the education. Participater is required to design a soho studio in exsiting floor plans...

3 “厨房是家庭的心脏“设计比赛结果揭晓
“厨房是家庭的心脏“设计比赛颁奖典礼于2005年1月18日在德国科隆IMM/Koelnmesse贸易展中举行,共有来自102个国家的2980名设计师参加者一比赛,来自中国的Liu Guang Hui,He Cheng和Zhou Dong合作设计的厨用旋转升降操作台获得环境类大奖,这一旋转操作台使家人和朋友间面对面分享烹饪的乐趣成为可能,由洗菜区、综合准备区和炉灶区组成的双层旋转结构可各自旋转180度,意味着一个人的操作流线距离可以变为零,操作台高度可调节以便适应不同高度的操作者,洗菜池有两种槽口,两边都有电磁感应的出水口,在两个水槽中间是带有金属管的内置水龙头,便于不同情况下的操作,这一操作台摒弃了传统的滑轨与合页柜体,而是采用了内置不锈钢管的铝合金结构,不同层级的液压升降闭合系统,将操作台,水池,炉灶,冷藏柜,消毒柜,烤箱均匀地结合在一起,其它空间作为储藏柜,下层橱柜是一个抽屉式的结构,可以在使用时整体拉出,上置的抽油烟机底部有照明功能。

"kitchen is the heart of the home" award ceremony was held in IMM/Koelnmesse Exhibition cologne. 2980 designers from 102 different countries participated.The winner for AMBIENT CATEGORY is Round cupboard assembling that can be rotated and lifted contributed by
cheng he + liu guang kui + zhou dong from China.
Creating the new concept of happy kitchen: Sharing the joy with relatives and friends face-to-face. (2). Cupboard adopts double-deck rotator structure, can rotate 180°respectively, the three major work center of washing, mixing and cooking can rotate in the front of the operator, let "zero" distance in each workflow; And can lift in certain distance in order to be suitable for the different operator. (3). Flume has two kinds of outlets: The parallel water outlets of induction type lie on both sides of flume; The holding type faucets with metal hose lie in the middle of two flumes, that can be suitable for operating under various environments. (4).Abandon the board type, slide rail and hinge of the traditional cupboard completely. This cupboard regards the structure frame of aluminium alloy and the combination of stainless steel pipe as the integer structure. Adopt level bearing, hydraulic pressure system, shutting system to realize lifting of cupboard and wall cupboard. (5). Integrative structures with operational table-board, flume and kitchen, cupboard distribute icebox, disinfector and oven symmetrically, other borders are closets. (6). Lower cupboard is drawing structure, can pull out wholly while using, and make the operation simplify. Hang the kitchen ventilator under the top cupboard with function of illumination.
More details:http://www.designboom.com/contest/winner.php?contest_pk=3

来自82个国家的2418名设计师参加了这一赛事,来自瑞士的Nicolas Le moigne花撒盖设计赢得大奖,这一花撒盖可以与各种旧的饮料瓶结合成为一个完整的花撒,随时完成浇灌的任务。
RE-think + RE-cycle competition results:
2418 designers from 82 different countries participated. The winner is watering can
design by nicolas le moigne from switzerland.The idea consists in reusing PET and glass bottles. A PET closing piece is able to fit different shapes of bottles and to change it into a watering can.
More details: http://www.designboom.com/contest/winner.php?contest_pk=6


ChinaBuilding2004 will be held from Mar.1 to 4 at China international exhibition center.The contents include kitchen facilities and metal accessories,stones,interior furnishing materials, curtain wall and intellingence system, heating system, steel structure, paint, lighting fixtures, contructing project services

6 2005中国国际城市(建筑、景观、园林)规划与设计及配套设施展(3月21-23日,北京海淀展览馆)

International City Planning and facility Exhibition,2005 will be held in March 21-23 at Beijing Haidian Exhibition Hall.It includes Urban plan, building design, landscape architecture, and project design and management. The aim is to build a platform for new materials, new technology and cooperation and to speed up the development of the city construction field. Tel: 010-83663655

7 第七届中国国际地面材料及铺装技术博览会及设计与工程·中国室内设计上海国际论坛(2005年3月22-23日上海浦东科技馆 上海新国际博览中心)
同期举办的论坛将以空间的共存与再生为主题,邀请世界顶级设计师Zaha Hadid,Rem Koolhas,Javier Mariscal(西班牙), 西泽立卫(日),马清运(中), 洪苍蔚(台湾),Claudio Silvestrin,Martin Anderson等大师全面深入地探究中西方最新室内设计发展趋势及其理念碰撞,主要论题包括建筑保护的理论体系及实际意义,旧建筑原有序列重新梳理及新体系的重构,室内空间与建筑及周边环境的关系, 承载文脉影响的新形式的创造, 对立与和谐,空间的共存与再生。论坛注册费:1500元/人,中国建筑学会室内设计分会的会员享受1200元/人的优惠价格,报名电话:021-62477668,61206088转506

DOMOTEX asia CHINAFLOOR has firmly established the fact that Asia's leading international trade fair for floor coverings has now become one of the world's best places to source and sell floor covering materials. The seventh edition of the exhibition, in March 22-24 2005,in Shanghai New International Expo Center will attract professional manufacturers, buyers, and other industry representatives from all over the world. The forum about ecology and recycle will invite famous architect Zaha Hadid,Rem Koolhas,Javier Mariscal ect.the addmission fee is 1500, Tel:021-62477668,61206088-506

8 2005中国国际门窗、屋顶与遮阳技术博览会,亚洲国际建筑师峰会,中欧建筑节能与遮阳技术国际论坛 (2005年3月1日,广州)
主要论题包括:最新绿色生态建筑设计的应用趋势,建筑设计师的个性风格,建筑表皮所产生的材质革命,2010年亚运会与建筑设计技术创新,文化和区域等因素对于建筑设计的影响,关于建筑保护与创新建筑物的融合处理, 从最近参与的体育项目的设计看中国建筑师面临的行业趋势,邀请世界顶级设计师有:优兰达·瑞依斯 (菲律宾),冯格康 (德国),严迅奇 (香港),赵小钧 (中国),登琨艳 (中国台湾),Anand krishan (马来西亚)

R+T Asia/China Windoor 2005 & Asia Architects Forum and Sino-Euro Green Engrgy &Sun Protection Fourm 2005 will be held at March 1 in Guangzhou. The main topic include:the personality style of architects, Asia Games Architecture design tech innovation, Influence of culture and region on architecture,and Traditional architecture and innovation etc.Speakers from Philippines,USA,Germany,China and Japan are invided.

9 第二届北京国际城市景观与建筑设计展览会
由中国国际贸易促进委员会建设行业分会和中国国际商会建设行业商会主办的第二届北京国际城市景观与建筑设计展览会包括城市景观建筑发展高峰论坛,顶级设计师经典案例解析,房地产界精英答谢酒会,奥运工程项目招标发布会等内容,标准展位3x3m8600RMB /个,咨询电话:010-64956392

The 2nd International urban and landscape architecture design Exhibition will be held from June 8 to 10 at China Internation exhibition center,Beijing.The forum of city landscape architecture development will be held during the forum. The 3x3m standard booth rental fee is 2500 US$ each for more information please call Teresa at 010-64956392,13522302311

10 国家图书馆二期工程将于2007年10月竣工


National Library Phase 2 to complete in 2007
A groundbreaking ceremony has been held at the National Library Phase 2 site in Beijing. The development, located on the north side of the existing National Library, is designed to accommodate 12 million to 14 million books and a seating capacity of 2,900 for readers. Up to 8,000 visitors per day are expected. Upon completion of the second phase in October 2007, the National Library will have a total usable area of approximately 250,000 sq m, making it the third largest library in the world. It will be also the largest source of Chinese books in the world.


更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/forum/forum_fireplacer.htm

Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design:The Art of Fireplaces
As an element of interior architecture, the fireplace connects the other three elements(floor, wall and ceiling). It plays an important role in the English residential buildings. Almost every room of English houses has a fireplace. This may be due to the cold and wet winter weather. Why do they rely on the fireplaces so much? Of course it is a heating device. What else? What are the images of the fireplaces in people’s memory? It is interesting to examine this relationship between the fireplace and people, and what had happened by those traditional English fireplaces?
Developed from the primitive fire to the central hearth and the sidewall fireplace, English fireplace now is not only a heating device but also a focus of decoration and a community center of the home. People not only sleep and sit but also dine, play and chat around it. Nowadays, although people use the central heating system instead of the fireplaces to keep their room warm, they will never abandon the forms and the images of the traditional fireplace. The fireplace has been integrated into their lives so closely, that they will never forget those happy hours the whole family gathered around the fireplace chatting or cooking, and those childhood memories of Santa Claus… The fireplaces has become an important part of people’s daily lives. For example, people drew aside the half burned brands at bed time in order to make a quick fire in the morning; The ash must be kept deep upon the hearth, when removed in the spring, it can be put aside until autumn for reuse.
More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/forum_fireplace_e.htm

IV 范思对谈录
林威(Bill L.)
M. Architecture Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA,BA Architecture Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA ,Registered Architect License #7864 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA),Member of the Hong Kong Chapter of AIA,Member of the Boston Society of Architects (BSA)

Bill:在中国的典型工程中人们习惯于将建筑设计分为概念设计阶段,深化设计阶段,施工图设计阶段,而市场对设计项目的整体协调和管理缺乏足够的重视,导致建筑师与施工单位和甲方的配合不够细致和深入,常常将应由建筑师承担的工作与工地施工项目总承包的工作相混淆。在美国,建筑师就是设计项目的总承包和总协调,直接对业主负责,根据项目的具体情况确定设计阶段的划分及各阶段所需要的设计周期;勘察设计师,结构设计师,电气设计师和给排水设计师,照明设计师,材料厂商等都在建筑设计师的指挥下工作,建筑师需定期到工地现场开现场会议,沟通各方面意见,解释设计图纸及解决施工进程当中的具体问题。 更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/bill.htm

The Conversation with Masters---Bill Linton
Teresa:Is there any restriction or requirement when you sign an architectural design agreement in US ?
Bill:There is not any restriction or design companies'classification as it is in China.Design is a kind of service industry. Design companies' bussiness are based on their reputation and the recommendation of their clients.Normally private owner will entrust a designer he likes according to his reputation or a friend's recommendation. Government owner will organize a bid sometimes to select the right design company/designer.There used to be a law that the lowest price will win the bid in Massachusetts,but the government has decided to changed the law as the company's reputation and server quality after sale are very important and priceless, so the criterion of winner should include them as well.
Teresa:What is the typical architectural design phase?
Bill:In China a typical architectural design phase includes: conceptural/schematic design phase, design development phase and working drawing phase. The maket ignore the importance of design management and mix it with the project manager and the job of contracter. In US once an architect has a design project, he will be the person who will decide the detail of design phase and is in charge of the coordination with structure engineer,electricity engineer, HAVC engineer,lighting designer and material supplier. Architect shall go to the site regularly to solve the problems.
More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/bill_e.htm

V 项目实录----国家大剧院(把北京导向沸腾的玻璃罩)

The Project Record---The National Theater(A Glass Bubble That’s Bringing Beijing to a Boil)
Some compare it to a globe severed at the Equator. To others it resembles a phosphorescent egg floating in a crystal sea. One prominent Beijing architect said that when the desert dust kicks up around Beijing, lathering the expansive glass dome in a pall of gray grime, it resembles nothing so much as dried dung. But the most apt analogy for the $300 million National Theater of China, now nearing completion in the political heart of Beijing, near Tiananmen Square, may be a hot potato....
For more details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050304_e.htm

Introduction of new products----American furniture style

Ethan Allen作为美式家具的品牌代表,特别强调舒适、气派、实用和多功能。从造型来看,美式家具一般分为三大类:仿古、新古典和乡村式风格。就整体而言,美式家具传达了单纯、休闲、有组织、多功能的设计思想,让家庭成为释放压力和解放心灵的净土。
了解更多美式家具风格Ethan Allen is coming to Beijing:

VI. 各顾问单位联系人The contact person of dcb consultant committee
清华大学: 苏丹
北京建筑工程学院: 高丕基
北京林业大学: 周越
中国建筑设计研究院: 谢雁
北京建筑设计研究院: 郑实
清水爱派: 史力群

编委The Editorial Committee:
陈祥福 曾坚 郑曙旸 金戟 许树龙 谢海涛 于珊 余勇 郑劤荃(新加坡)
Rianne Raadwyk(荷兰) Peter Kusters(德国)莫妮卡(意大利)
蒙恩(台湾)Fredrick Maloof(澳大利亚)安东(委内瑞拉)

关于国际设计营(About Design Collaboration, Beijing):
由韬略国际团队-北京范思装饰设计中心(简称范思设计)主办的dcb国际设计营(Design Collaboration, Beijing)是一家以传播先进的设计文化为己任的设计研发机构。其宗旨是:超越虚伪的生活方式,树立适应市场经济规律的生态主义价值观,提倡质朴和恰当的多元设计文化,充分利用新材料新技术,传承历史的同时不断开拓创新;积极发挥设计师的社会作用,致力于不同文明间的融合,学术理论与市场实践间的结合以及设计产业间的横向联合。dcb自2003年7月开办以来通过国际设计论坛,系列讲座,新书征稿等活动不断拓展国际视野及开发潜在市场需求,其目的是:凭借dcb全国统一的特许经营体系和整体营销网络成为最受欢迎的加盟事业,面向国际邀约顶级设计师加盟,通过国际化的品牌战略及共享有限资源为加盟成员提供高水准的经营服务,提高项目的运作效率和经营利润,使dcb成为主导大家生活方式和社会情趣的先锋,共同营造一个充满温暖、爱与欢乐气息的健康家园。dcb永久秘书处设在中国北京,其顾问委员会由规划、建筑、装饰装修、室内陈设及环境艺术设计领域的专家义务组成,营员的年度费用主要用于维持dcb日常运营所需的基本管理,如网站,网上杂志(newsletter)及相关的宣传材料等。 详情请查询活动安排,欢迎志同者同道而行. 2005年度会员年费现在正在缴纳中http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/aim.htm

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