Newsletter 2005 - 05/20  
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Newsletter 2005-05/20
I dcb国际设计论坛 dcb Monthly Forums
II行业资讯 The News of the field
III装修与陈设Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design
国际室内设计趋势报告(第1季)World Interior Design Trend(No.1,2005)
我们的室内环境到底有多安全?How Safe are we in these interiors?
Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design
IV范思对谈录---张世礼 The Conversation with Masters---Prof.Zhang Shi Li
V 项目实录---人民大会堂澳门厅 The Project Record---People's Grand Hall---Macao
VI、 dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations:

主编 Chief Editor: 范思 蒙恩 M/s.Teresa & Mr.Men
联系电话Contact No.:86-10-64956392

地点:东城区东四十条甲22号 南新仓 1号仓(东四十条地铁西南出口向西50米)
1 建筑设计市场的昨天,今天和明天(中建总公司科学技术协会副会长陈祥福先生)
2 谁是设计市场中的上帝---设计市场与营销(范思设计总裁Mr.R. Men)
3 东西方设计文化和营销模式之比较(德国KSP建筑师Johannes Reinsch先生)
4 现场答问
主办单位 韬略团队 范思设计
咨询热线:010-64956392,论坛入场券:100元/次(学生半价), 团体购票享受优惠

The 16th dcb Design Forum
Date:May.28,2005 Sun.2:00pm
Place:Nan Xin Cang No.1 Building(Southwest corner of East Sishitiao Subway Station)
The topic: Where is the Design Market?
1 Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow of the Architectural Design Market--- Mr.Chen Xiang Fu
2 Where is the Design Market? (Mr.R. Men from dcb Group)
3 The comparison of the design culture & marketing model of the east and the west
(Mr.Johannes Reinsch from KSP)
4 Question Time
Booking & Inquiry:010-64956392 Teresa
The Admission Ticket:100 RMB
More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050528_e.htm

地点:北京 西直门内大街 玉桃园三区13号楼 交通银行建悦心酒店 五层
1 室内装修与陈设艺术---张世礼 室内建筑师(中国建筑学会室内设计学会CIID会长)
2 我们的室内环境到底有多安全?---罗亚当 建筑师 (英国RIBA皇家建筑师学会会员)

The 14th dcb Design Forum
The topic:Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design
Date:Mar.27,2005 Sun.
Add:Room No.510, Blk.13 Yu Tao Yuan District 3 Ma Xiang Hu Tong
1 Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design (Mr.Zhang Shi Li President of CIID)
2 How Safe are we in these interiors? (Mr.Adam Robarts Arch., RIBA)
For more details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050327_e.htm

地点朝阳区大屯路甲1号 劳动大厦 七层
1 设计市场与建筑装饰行业的可持续发展---王本明 先生(中国建筑装饰协会行业发展部主任)
2 SPA在别墅和高档公寓中的应用---蒙曙明 先生(台湾)
3 国际室内设计趋势报告(第1季)---安娜 女士(国际设计营)
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050430.htm

The 15th dcb Design Forum
The topic: World Design Trends
Date:Apr.30,2005 Sun.
Address:Laodong Building, No.1 Da Tun Road Chaoyang District

1 The Design market & the Sustainable Development of the Field of Building Renovation(Mr. Wang Ben Ming from CBDA)
2 The application of SPA in villas & condominium---Mr. Men R.(Tai Wan)
3 World Interior Design Trend(No.1,2005)---Anna Sofronieva(dcb Group)
For more details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050430_e.htm

II 行业资讯The News of the field
1 激醒:中法艺术的碰撞与融合

过去,灵感迸发的时期: 1919年由中国知识分子发起的“五四运动”旨在保护中国不受外国-尤其是日本的侵略,而“西化”成为他们抵御帝国主义的有利武器...新型的现代生活一开始只是在上海的艺术家和手工艺人的照片,速写,和绘画里偶尔出现,后来在法租界的充满异国建筑情调的新建筑里,中古时代的中国传统艺术和工艺再次复兴,到了20世纪30年代初,一种极富创意的东西方两种文化相互结合的充满活力和新鲜感的艺术风格最终形成了,那就是人们熟知的上海装饰风格。
现代,模仿与个性,打破艺术的藩篱: 20世纪80年代,当中国再次打开国门时,西方艺术的影响立即复兴并占有统治地位,这是长期与西方隔绝的一种自然反应,任何西方艺术趋势即刻激发着中国艺术家们,他们要麽直接模仿,要麽受其影响,进而抛弃了自身的传统和价值。中国开始模仿西方,采纳了西方主流艺术理论---概念艺术(杜尚的理论),而这时西方已在呼唤新的更前卫的面向21世纪的艺术形式。
“该活动对国界这一概念提出质疑:在空间上突出东西方之间的优势互补,在时间上彰显现代与传统的融会贯通,在形式上列举美术、建筑与设计之间的联系。” 法兰西文化交流部部长

Awakening:La France Mandarine---The French Influence on Chinese Art
Place:Natoinal Art Museum

Past, The Period of Inspiration, Breaking Down the Barriers:There was a fierce desire to study Western concepts such as democracy, equality and liberty and the latest in science and technology in order to resist foreign imperialism and build a new China.This was evidenced by the May Fourth Movement in 1919, which was an anti-foreign movement influenced and stirred up by intellectuals to protect China against foreign aggression, particularly by Japan.Westernisation was adopted as their weapon to help to resist foreign imperialism...New modern style, first glimpsed by the artists and craftsmen of Shanghai only in photographs,sketches and rough drawings, and later in new building in the French Concession, together with imported architectural detailings, revitalised millenia-old Chinese applied arts and crafts. By the beginning of the 1930's, a richly creative collaboration between these two cultures began to result in a new vitality and freshness, which came to be know as "Shanghai Deco".
Present,Imitation Versus Individuality: In the 1980's, after China re-opened its doors, the Western influence in art was resurrected and again became the domineering influence - a natural reaction after the long period of deprivation of any Western knowledge. Hence, any exposure to trends in Western art immediately inspired Chinese artists either to imitate such art or to be influenced by it. Discarding their previous strong parameters of traditions and values, Chinese began imitating the West, adopting the mainstream Western theory of Conceptual Art(based on the theories of Maecel Duchamp),even though there are now desperate cries in the West for new and revolutionary art expressions for the twenty-first century.
The future: A New Expression
The future section of the exhibition explores the relationship between art, architecture and design by highlighting creative talent in all its many forms, defining creativity as the new art expression for this century,an expression that embraces all differences while preserving traditions...Together,designers and artists from all arts jointly define a new artistic expression that encourages individuality but embraces all arts, cultures, and differences, creating a new world of visual language.

La France Mandarine has continued the tradition of rich cultural exchanges between France and China, while challenging the very notion of frontiers.It examines spatial frontiers by highlighting the mutual influences between the East and the West, and temporal frontiers by boldly merging contemporary and traditional artistic genres and exploring the relationships between fine arts, architecture and design.(Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres Minister of Culture and Communication)

Multi-Culture Intergrades Product:MING-ROUND REST CHAIR(明-圈椅)
这张椅子是中法文化交融的产物,其创意受到中国明代座具的启发,但是更改了设计模式,受到法国设计师Pierre Chareau的设计风格的影响,是一件跨文化的现代作品
材质material:胡桃木+不锈钢Walnut+stainless steel
设计师Designer:何周礼(香港)Barrie Ho(HK)
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/designers/barrie/r.htm

2 2005米兰国际家具展上亮相的著名建筑师扎哈.哈蒂德最新作品:变换的色彩--水晶吊灯
colour-changing ‘vortex chandelier’ by zaha hadid
the international furniture fair in milan including major off-site events

3 2005中外著名风景园林专家学术报告会Landscape China Forum,2005
2005年4月23日-24日在北京亚运村.北京国际会议中心举行,主题是:和谐社会与风景园林。周干峙院士,甘伟林副理事长,美国马萨诸塞大学风景园林及区域规划系教授,著名规划理论家法布士 (Julius G. Fabos) 孟兆祯院士,德国慕尼黑工业大学拉茨(Peter Latz)教授,德国联邦建筑师协会主席施密特(Arno S.Schmid教授,美国哈佛大学设计研究生院风景园林系主任科克伍德(Niall Kirkwood教授发表了精彩演讲,更多详情

4 新加坡国家图书馆新大厦传达环保节能意识 The National Library of Singapore Expresses the Enery-save and Environmental Friendly Concept

5 2005中国管理学家论坛暨第7届中国管理创新大会
China Management Creation Congress,2005

将于6月14日-16日在北京人民大会堂和华润饭店召开,大会主题:构建和谐社会与管理创新,中国管理科学院还将表彰“2004中国十大管理创新人物”,和“2004中国百佳管理创新人物”, 更多详情:

6 ERA05世界设计大会将于今年9月召开

Era 05: World Design Congress
Advocates a cross-disciplinary approach to addressing real problems. The congress will provide a new perspective to the challenges of design and the role of designers in a rapidly changing environment.For more details: www.era05.org

7 2005北京国际餐饮食品博览会暨店堂设计、装潢、装饰装修材料及工程展览会Beijing International Food & Restaurant Design and MAterial Expo.
2005年11月25-27日,详情请联系: 87784212, sib2003@vip.163.com

8 卓越设计,美国阔叶木的建筑应用研讨会2005年6月8日至10日在北京中国大饭店举行,演讲嘉宾包括美国建筑师学会(AIA)香港分会前任主席林伟而先生,中国家具协会会长贾清文先生,中国建筑学会室内设计分会会长张世礼教授,新加坡室内设计师协会上任会长洪美玲女士,马来西亚室内设计师协会上任会长何庄朱薇女士, 中国林产工业协会会长张森林先生,建设部住宅产业化促进中心处长孙克放先生等。(会员请于5月30日前发传真至010-64896756,或Email至dcb@fancy-design.com确认出席,免费!)
Themed "Design Excellence: Architectural Applications of US Hardwoods" the one and a half day convention will feature the use of American hardwoods in a range of quality applications from flooring and panel to furniture manufacturing, architecture to interior design.With many eminent overseas & local speakers from USA, UK, Italy, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam and the presence of more than twenty design and industrial organisations representative from China and Southeast Asia, the Convention is expected to attract over 600 delegates in China Grand Hotel. For more details: http://www.ahec-china.org/ahec2005-conv/

9 SOS---来自三幢老房子的紧急求救
三里屯三幢一层老房子,每幢尺寸25.5(l)x3.6(w)x3.2(h) 包括大小不等5间房,砖混结构每幢间距3.85米,希望通过改造变成漂亮的两层办公空间(如花房工作室等,否则推土机就要开过来了...SOS!!!哪位英雄愿意拔刀相助,快快拨打电话010-64956392获取详情(要求注册建筑师资格证,会讲英语)

SOS--- 3 old one-story houses are crying
3 old one-story houses in Sanlitun,size 25.5(l)x3.6(w)x3.2(h),including 5 rooms each,brick wall structure. The distance between two houses is 3.85m. Looking for a hero designer to change it into 2 floor nice offices(such as a garden studio) after the renovation(architecture qualification is required, English speaking is prefered),for more information please call Teresa at 13911624921....SOS

10 城市公共汽车站设计大赛,材料要求:木,金属,玻璃

11 城市印象---建筑画展

12 Autocad培训班

III装修与陈设:Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design

1 国际室内设计趋势报告
(第1季)---安娜 女士(国际设计营)
World Interior Design Trend(No.1,2005)---Anna Sofronieva(dcb Group)
There is a growing tendency to move away from a minimalist style towards a more opulent, Old-Hollywood style. Instead of just a sleek leather sofa, there are luxury touches of a cashmere throw and silk and satin pillows. If you thought traditional and contemporary décor elements could do nothing but clash, think again for 2005...
More details:http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050430_e.htm

2 我们的室内环境到底有多安全?---罗亚当 建筑师 (英国RIBA皇家建筑师学会会员)
How Safe are we in these interiors? (Mr.Adam Robarts Arch., RIBA)
This talk will focus primarily on both environmentally friendly and unfriendly materials used in construction and interior decoration, highlighting practical lessons and tips for designers who wish to design and specify safe materials, and who are unsure about where or how to find and test these, as well as what the current Chinese building codes are that are already in force...More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/adam_e.htm

IV 范思对谈录The Conversation with Masters---Prof.Zhang Shi Li
张世礼(Zhang Shi Li)
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/bill.htm

V 项目实录----人民大会堂澳门厅 The Project Record---People's Grand Hall,Macao

VI、dcb推介区 dcb Recommendations:
网上课程interactive distance education program:
1 美国纽约室内设计学校 Sheffield School of Interior Design
Sheffield可以把老师带到你的家中,通过邮寄你的作品到学校以及通过电话会议,网络电子邮件等手段进行与老师的对谈,通过我们的特色课程:“设计师的眼光“和“家具布置图“你将获得专业技巧和自信... Sheffield "brings the teacher into your home" ...plus Design Projects you mail to the school and personal conferences available by telephone, fax, mail, or e-mail, you'll be trained to handle with skill and confidence. Plus, sample excerpts of two of our exclusive Sheffield lessons – "Eye of the Designer" and "Furniture Layout"...
More Details:http://www.sheffield.edu/htmlsrc/courseidx.php

2 Designboom 课程
a 台灯writing lamps:http://www.designboom.com/aerobics/register_toys.html
b 自制折叠椅folding chairshttp://www.designboom.com/aerobics/register_diy.html
费用:59美元/课程 (100美元/a+b课程)
15 basic lessons, 20 focus lessons
duration of each course: 2 months(june 06 - august 09)
cost of participation in a single course $ 59

读者文摘 Reader Digest http://www.dfit.net/

Citic-Prudential 3 in 1 Package:Life Insurance+Investment Opportunity + Saving Account(2% yearly interest, higher than one year fixed-date saving account in banks)


北京展厅位置:朝阳区大屯路甲1号 劳动大厦三层(北沙滩桥东南角
Many thanks to our sponsor: Long Yuan New Material http://www.longyuanlumei.com/
A flexible green material which can be applied in villas and condominium as wall panels, with many decoration patterns.
Showroom location: 3rd F.Lao Dong Building,No.1 Datun Rd. Chaoyang Area

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Newsletter 2005 - 05/20  
回主页 公司简介 国际设计营 在线采购 设计频道 联系我们
  dcb简介      在线设计师     营员名单        营员理财       新书征稿     赞助     Newsletter
Newsletter 2005-05/20
I dcb国际设计论坛 dcb Monthly Forums
II行业资讯 The News of the field
III装修与陈设Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design
国际室内设计趋势报告(第1季)World Interior Design Trend(No.1,2005)
我们的室内环境到底有多安全?How Safe are we in these interiors?
Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design
IV范思对谈录---张世礼 The Conversation with Masters---Prof.Zhang Shi Li
V 项目实录---人民大会堂澳门厅 The Project Record---People's Grand Hall---Macao
VI、 dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations:

主编 Chief Editor: 范思 蒙恩 M/s.Teresa & Mr.Men
联系电话Contact No.:86-10-64956392

地点:东城区东四十条甲22号 南新仓 1号仓(东四十条地铁西南出口向西50米)
1 建筑设计市场的昨天,今天和明天(中建总公司科学技术协会副会长陈祥福先生)
2 谁是设计市场中的上帝---设计市场与营销(范思设计总裁Mr.R. Men)
3 东西方设计文化和营销模式之比较(德国KSP建筑师Johannes Reinsch先生)
4 现场答问
主办单位 韬略团队 范思设计
咨询热线:010-64956392,论坛入场券:100元/次(学生半价), 团体购票享受优惠

The 16th dcb Design Forum
Date:May.28,2005 Sun.2:00pm
Place:Nan Xin Cang No.1 Building(Southwest corner of East Sishitiao Subway Station)
The topic: Where is the Design Market?
1 Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow of the Architectural Design Market--- Mr.Chen Xiang Fu
2 Where is the Design Market? (Mr.R. Men from dcb Group)
3 The comparison of the design culture & marketing model of the east and the west
(Mr.Johannes Reinsch from KSP)
4 Question Time
Booking & Inquiry:010-64956392 Teresa
The Admission Ticket:100 RMB
More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050528_e.htm

地点:北京 西直门内大街 玉桃园三区13号楼 交通银行建悦心酒店 五层
1 室内装修与陈设艺术---张世礼 室内建筑师(中国建筑学会室内设计学会CIID会长)
2 我们的室内环境到底有多安全?---罗亚当 建筑师 (英国RIBA皇家建筑师学会会员)

The 14th dcb Design Forum
The topic:Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design
Date:Mar.27,2005 Sun.
Add:Room No.510, Blk.13 Yu Tao Yuan District 3 Ma Xiang Hu Tong
1 Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design (Mr.Zhang Shi Li President of CIID)
2 How Safe are we in these interiors? (Mr.Adam Robarts Arch., RIBA)
For more details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050327_e.htm

地点朝阳区大屯路甲1号 劳动大厦 七层
1 设计市场与建筑装饰行业的可持续发展---王本明 先生(中国建筑装饰协会行业发展部主任)
2 SPA在别墅和高档公寓中的应用---蒙曙明 先生(台湾)
3 国际室内设计趋势报告(第1季)---安娜 女士(国际设计营)
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050430.htm

The 15th dcb Design Forum
The topic: World Design Trends
Date:Apr.30,2005 Sun.
Address:Laodong Building, No.1 Da Tun Road Chaoyang District

1 The Design market & the Sustainable Development of the Field of Building Renovation(Mr. Wang Ben Ming from CBDA)
2 The application of SPA in villas & condominium---Mr. Men R.(Tai Wan)
3 World Interior Design Trend(No.1,2005)---Anna Sofronieva(dcb Group)
For more details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050430_e.htm

II 行业资讯The News of the field
1 激醒:中法艺术的碰撞与融合

过去,灵感迸发的时期: 1919年由中国知识分子发起的“五四运动”旨在保护中国不受外国-尤其是日本的侵略,而“西化”成为他们抵御帝国主义的有利武器...新型的现代生活一开始只是在上海的艺术家和手工艺人的照片,速写,和绘画里偶尔出现,后来在法租界的充满异国建筑情调的新建筑里,中古时代的中国传统艺术和工艺再次复兴,到了20世纪30年代初,一种极富创意的东西方两种文化相互结合的充满活力和新鲜感的艺术风格最终形成了,那就是人们熟知的上海装饰风格。
现代,模仿与个性,打破艺术的藩篱: 20世纪80年代,当中国再次打开国门时,西方艺术的影响立即复兴并占有统治地位,这是长期与西方隔绝的一种自然反应,任何西方艺术趋势即刻激发着中国艺术家们,他们要麽直接模仿,要麽受其影响,进而抛弃了自身的传统和价值。中国开始模仿西方,采纳了西方主流艺术理论---概念艺术(杜尚的理论),而这时西方已在呼唤新的更前卫的面向21世纪的艺术形式。
“该活动对国界这一概念提出质疑:在空间上突出东西方之间的优势互补,在时间上彰显现代与传统的融会贯通,在形式上列举美术、建筑与设计之间的联系。” 法兰西文化交流部部长

Awakening:La France Mandarine---The French Influence on Chinese Art
Place:Natoinal Art Museum

Past, The Period of Inspiration, Breaking Down the Barriers:There was a fierce desire to study Western concepts such as democracy, equality and liberty and the latest in science and technology in order to resist foreign imperialism and build a new China.This was evidenced by the May Fourth Movement in 1919, which was an anti-foreign movement influenced and stirred up by intellectuals to protect China against foreign aggression, particularly by Japan.Westernisation was adopted as their weapon to help to resist foreign imperialism...New modern style, first glimpsed by the artists and craftsmen of Shanghai only in photographs,sketches and rough drawings, and later in new building in the French Concession, together with imported architectural detailings, revitalised millenia-old Chinese applied arts and crafts. By the beginning of the 1930's, a richly creative collaboration between these two cultures began to result in a new vitality and freshness, which came to be know as "Shanghai Deco".
Present,Imitation Versus Individuality: In the 1980's, after China re-opened its doors, the Western influence in art was resurrected and again became the domineering influence - a natural reaction after the long period of deprivation of any Western knowledge. Hence, any exposure to trends in Western art immediately inspired Chinese artists either to imitate such art or to be influenced by it. Discarding their previous strong parameters of traditions and values, Chinese began imitating the West, adopting the mainstream Western theory of Conceptual Art(based on the theories of Maecel Duchamp),even though there are now desperate cries in the West for new and revolutionary art expressions for the twenty-first century.
The future: A New Expression
The future section of the exhibition explores the relationship between art, architecture and design by highlighting creative talent in all its many forms, defining creativity as the new art expression for this century,an expression that embraces all differences while preserving traditions...Together,designers and artists from all arts jointly define a new artistic expression that encourages individuality but embraces all arts, cultures, and differences, creating a new world of visual language.

La France Mandarine has continued the tradition of rich cultural exchanges between France and China, while challenging the very notion of frontiers.It examines spatial frontiers by highlighting the mutual influences between the East and the West, and temporal frontiers by boldly merging contemporary and traditional artistic genres and exploring the relationships between fine arts, architecture and design.(Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres Minister of Culture and Communication)

Multi-Culture Intergrades Product:MING-ROUND REST CHAIR(明-圈椅)
这张椅子是中法文化交融的产物,其创意受到中国明代座具的启发,但是更改了设计模式,受到法国设计师Pierre Chareau的设计风格的影响,是一件跨文化的现代作品
材质material:胡桃木+不锈钢Walnut+stainless steel
设计师Designer:何周礼(香港)Barrie Ho(HK)
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/designers/barrie/r.htm

2 2005米兰国际家具展上亮相的著名建筑师扎哈.哈蒂德最新作品:变换的色彩--水晶吊灯
colour-changing ‘vortex chandelier’ by zaha hadid
the international furniture fair in milan including major off-site events

3 2005中外著名风景园林专家学术报告会Landscape China Forum,2005
2005年4月23日-24日在北京亚运村.北京国际会议中心举行,主题是:和谐社会与风景园林。周干峙院士,甘伟林副理事长,美国马萨诸塞大学风景园林及区域规划系教授,著名规划理论家法布士 (Julius G. Fabos) 孟兆祯院士,德国慕尼黑工业大学拉茨(Peter Latz)教授,德国联邦建筑师协会主席施密特(Arno S.Schmid教授,美国哈佛大学设计研究生院风景园林系主任科克伍德(Niall Kirkwood教授发表了精彩演讲,更多详情

4 新加坡国家图书馆新大厦传达环保节能意识 The National Library of Singapore Expresses the Enery-save and Environmental Friendly Concept

5 2005中国管理学家论坛暨第7届中国管理创新大会
China Management Creation Congress,2005

将于6月14日-16日在北京人民大会堂和华润饭店召开,大会主题:构建和谐社会与管理创新,中国管理科学院还将表彰“2004中国十大管理创新人物”,和“2004中国百佳管理创新人物”, 更多详情:

6 ERA05世界设计大会将于今年9月召开

Era 05: World Design Congress
Advocates a cross-disciplinary approach to addressing real problems. The congress will provide a new perspective to the challenges of design and the role of designers in a rapidly changing environment.For more details: www.era05.org

7 2005北京国际餐饮食品博览会暨店堂设计、装潢、装饰装修材料及工程展览会Beijing International Food & Restaurant Design and MAterial Expo.
2005年11月25-27日,详情请联系: 87784212, sib2003@vip.163.com

8 卓越设计,美国阔叶木的建筑应用研讨会2005年6月8日至10日在北京中国大饭店举行,演讲嘉宾包括美国建筑师学会(AIA)香港分会前任主席林伟而先生,中国家具协会会长贾清文先生,中国建筑学会室内设计分会会长张世礼教授,新加坡室内设计师协会上任会长洪美玲女士,马来西亚室内设计师协会上任会长何庄朱薇女士, 中国林产工业协会会长张森林先生,建设部住宅产业化促进中心处长孙克放先生等。(会员请于5月30日前发传真至010-64896756,或Email至dcb@fancy-design.com确认出席,免费!)
Themed "Design Excellence: Architectural Applications of US Hardwoods" the one and a half day convention will feature the use of American hardwoods in a range of quality applications from flooring and panel to furniture manufacturing, architecture to interior design.With many eminent overseas & local speakers from USA, UK, Italy, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam and the presence of more than twenty design and industrial organisations representative from China and Southeast Asia, the Convention is expected to attract over 600 delegates in China Grand Hotel. For more details: http://www.ahec-china.org/ahec2005-conv/

9 SOS---来自三幢老房子的紧急求救
三里屯三幢一层老房子,每幢尺寸25.5(l)x3.6(w)x3.2(h) 包括大小不等5间房,砖混结构每幢间距3.85米,希望通过改造变成漂亮的两层办公空间(如花房工作室等,否则推土机就要开过来了...SOS!!!哪位英雄愿意拔刀相助,快快拨打电话010-64956392获取详情(要求注册建筑师资格证,会讲英语)

SOS--- 3 old one-story houses are crying
3 old one-story houses in Sanlitun,size 25.5(l)x3.6(w)x3.2(h),including 5 rooms each,brick wall structure. The distance between two houses is 3.85m. Looking for a hero designer to change it into 2 floor nice offices(such as a garden studio) after the renovation(architecture qualification is required, English speaking is prefered),for more information please call Teresa at 13911624921....SOS

10 城市公共汽车站设计大赛,材料要求:木,金属,玻璃

11 城市印象---建筑画展

12 Autocad培训班

III装修与陈设:Interior Architecture & Furnishing Design

1 国际室内设计趋势报告
(第1季)---安娜 女士(国际设计营)
World Interior Design Trend(No.1,2005)---Anna Sofronieva(dcb Group)
There is a growing tendency to move away from a minimalist style towards a more opulent, Old-Hollywood style. Instead of just a sleek leather sofa, there are luxury touches of a cashmere throw and silk and satin pillows. If you thought traditional and contemporary décor elements could do nothing but clash, think again for 2005...
More details:http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/050430_e.htm

2 我们的室内环境到底有多安全?---罗亚当 建筑师 (英国RIBA皇家建筑师学会会员)
How Safe are we in these interiors? (Mr.Adam Robarts Arch., RIBA)
This talk will focus primarily on both environmentally friendly and unfriendly materials used in construction and interior decoration, highlighting practical lessons and tips for designers who wish to design and specify safe materials, and who are unsure about where or how to find and test these, as well as what the current Chinese building codes are that are already in force...More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/adam_e.htm

IV 范思对谈录The Conversation with Masters---Prof.Zhang Shi Li
张世礼(Zhang Shi Li)
更多详情: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/bill.htm

V 项目实录----人民大会堂澳门厅 The Project Record---People's Grand Hall,Macao

VI、dcb推介区 dcb Recommendations:
网上课程interactive distance education program:
1 美国纽约室内设计学校 Sheffield School of Interior Design
Sheffield可以把老师带到你的家中,通过邮寄你的作品到学校以及通过电话会议,网络电子邮件等手段进行与老师的对谈,通过我们的特色课程:“设计师的眼光“和“家具布置图“你将获得专业技巧和自信... Sheffield "brings the teacher into your home" ...plus Design Projects you mail to the school and personal conferences available by telephone, fax, mail, or e-mail, you'll be trained to handle with skill and confidence. Plus, sample excerpts of two of our exclusive Sheffield lessons – "Eye of the Designer" and "Furniture Layout"...
More Details:http://www.sheffield.edu/htmlsrc/courseidx.php

2 Designboom 课程
a 台灯writing lamps:http://www.designboom.com/aerobics/register_toys.html
b 自制折叠椅folding chairshttp://www.designboom.com/aerobics/register_diy.html
费用:59美元/课程 (100美元/a+b课程)
15 basic lessons, 20 focus lessons
duration of each course: 2 months(june 06 - august 09)
cost of participation in a single course $ 59

读者文摘 Reader Digest http://www.dfit.net/

Citic-Prudential 3 in 1 Package:Life Insurance+Investment Opportunity + Saving Account(2% yearly interest, higher than one year fixed-date saving account in banks)


北京展厅位置:朝阳区大屯路甲1号 劳动大厦三层(北沙滩桥东南角
Many thanks to our sponsor: Long Yuan New Material http://www.longyuanlumei.com/
A flexible green material which can be applied in villas and condominium as wall panels, with many decoration patterns.
Showroom location: 3rd F.Lao Dong Building,No.1 Datun Rd. Chaoyang Area

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