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Newsletter 2008 - 8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
会员通讯 |
We recognizes
the importance of green design — both because it's a socially responsible
trend, and because expertise in this area can help designers build their
businesses. One of the basic Design Principles is the concept of harmony,within
a single room harmony is achieved through color schemes, matching styles
and other techniques. Green Design takes a broader view of harmony, and
challenges us to think about how the rooms in our homes, our neighborhood,
and our locality can be in harmony with the needs of our environment."
The new Green Design component will give a broad understanding of the newest
green materials, and how each of these materials comply with the following
Five Principles of Green Design: 1) Energy efficiency — whether you buy an Energy Star refrigerator or add solar panels to your rooftop, you can save resources and reduce your electricity bills by keeping energy efficiency in mind when redecorating your home. 2) Use of low impact materials — try to choose materials that are healthy for both people (like low-VOC paints) and the environment (like sustainably harvested wood). Typically low-impact materials are often biodegradable and free from harmful toxins. 3) Use of high-quality, durable materials — choose materials that are built to last so that you won't be added worn-out furnishings to the landfill a few months from now. 4) Design for reuse and recycling, or use of recycled materials — whenever you can make something new out of something old, you're lowering your consumption of natural resources. 5) Conservation of water — it's possible to install shower sinks, showerheads and toilets that use minimal amounts of water. Or if you're ambition, collect rainwater for watering the lawn or washing the car. One
Example is : Sunny Kitchen and Dining Alcove |
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我们现在每个人都认识到了绿色设计的重要性---不仅仅因为这是一种社会责任的趋势而且这一领域的专家能够帮助设计师开展工作。其中有一个基本的设计原则是关于和谐的理念。在一个空间中和谐可以通过统一的色彩,风格和技术安排来达到。绿色设计拓展了有关和谐的视野,挑战性地让我们思考我们的房间与整个家和整个社区的关系,我们的本地化属性也可以和全球化的环境需要相统一。最新的关于绿色设计的组成能够扩展我们对最新的绿色建材的理解,以及每一种材料如何适应以下的有关绿色设计的五项基本原则: 1 节能性---当您装修新家时购买贴有节能标志的冰箱或者在您家屋顶安装太阳能板时,就可以节省资源消耗或者你的电费帐单; 2 选择那些对环境无害的材料---尽量选择那些对人和环境都健康的材料(象低VOC的涂料或者有持续产量的木材)这些材料一般都是无毒的,并且可以进行生物降解; 3 选择那些高品质耐久的材料---这些材料可以减少您日后的维护工作; 4 尽量设计可回收和再循环的材料---当你可以使旧的材料具有新的用途时,您同时也降低了我们对自然资源的消耗; 5 关于水的保护—如果可能尽量安装节水的淋浴池和喷头以及节水坐便器,如果您够大胆还可以尝试收集雨水来灌溉草坪和洗车. 成功的室内设计的三个原则: 一个成功的房间一定是功能性的,一个成功的房间一定有一种环境气氛,一个成功的房间展示的是一种和谐感;这个简单三步原则的是我们设计每个室内空间的秘密工具,我们要求我们的学生会员-您在每次去现场勘察房间时要考虑这三个步骤,这也会在居家装饰中帮助我们确立与众不同的空间品格。当您将您的室内设计项目寄来给我们的专业会员进行评审分析时,他/她会从这三点着手,当然他/她也会考虑其它有关项目的因素---装饰性、平面布置、家具风格等。但是成功的关键都会与这三点相关。它们是怎样应用的?当然这超越了我们这份网上杂志的范围,但是我们会尽量通过下面的内容将这样的信息传达给您,而这一个洒满阳光的厨房和早餐空间,就是应用我们的三步原则的成功案例 |
潮流和资讯 Breaking News |
1“为奥运添彩-当代艺术奥运版画展” 时间:9月12日至10月10日 地点: 大众汽车北京奥运车苑 内容:来自国内10位顶级的当代艺术家:方力钧、隋建国、季大纯、周春芽、王广义、毛焰、杨少斌、刘野、尹朝阳、丁乙。他们以人文奥运为主题打造出10幅奥运主题版画作品,借助奥运的契机让中国当代艺术理念散播到世界的每一个角落。 Modern Woodcut Exhibition for Olympic Date: Sep.12-Oct.10 Venue: Audi Showroom Beijing Olympic Garden 2 2008年“北京798艺术节” 时间:9月28日-10月18日 地点:798艺术区内隆重举办 内容:28日当天下午将举办798艺术节开幕式及VIP酒会、主题展及Loft雕塑展预展、音乐会、学术论坛等多项活动。 Beijing 798 Art Festival,2008 Date: Sep.28-Oct.18 Venue: 798 Art Zone 3 2008年中国(北京)秋季家居饰品、用品暨古典艺术家具博览会 时 间:2008年10月1日–4日 地 点:北京城外诚艺展家居饰品(国际)交易中心–北京艺展中心 展览范围:1、工艺礼品、精品, 2、工卉花艺:干花、绢花、中西插花艺术花材、人造植物、园林用品及辅助材料,3、布艺家纺:床上用品及其它特色布艺,4、传统工艺:雕刻、雕塑、工艺摆设、古玩、编织工艺品,5、书画艺术:字画、装饰画及辅助材料区,6、陶瓷器皿:陶艺、瓷器、玻璃水晶制品,7、家居饰品:中西式家具摆件及特色饰品,8、高档古典艺术家具,9、艺术灯饰:水晶灯饰、木制灯饰、竹制灯饰及其他材质中高档艺术灯饰,? 10、家用塑料、橡胶制品及金属制品,11、家居用品:不锈钢厨具、家用小电器电子礼品及其它特制家居用品、酒店用品、木制餐具,12、体育、旅游、休闲、健身用品 参展单位报名截止日期:2008年9月1日 联系人:徐刚、马泽恩,010-58673452、010-58673453 网 址:www.cfdcc.com.cn China(Beijing) Autumn
Home Deco Exhibition and Classical Art Furniture Fair |
II 范思对谈录 The Conversation with Masters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
范:设计师该如何定位自己? David:一位日本设计师说,设计师不只是(用笔)解决客户的问题,还要(用心)洞悉客户内心潜意识的需求,必须要很清楚客户的心理。做设计千万不要叫好不叫座,哗众取宠是没有用的,好的设计作品为什么能打动人?是人家经验的积累,而不只是效果图画得好,而是更懂得谁在使用它。设计要4W1H,包括WHAT(设计什么?),WHY(为什么这样设计?),WHO(给什么人设计?),WHERE(设计项目在哪里?),HOW(应该怎样设计?)。我接待客户时,不会马上画效果图,而是先看策略,听想法,然后勾画一个设计工作流程,(http://www.fancy-design.com/intro/intro.htm) 在客户认可整个方向后才会真正开始做设计。这时,我不是一个单纯的设计师,而是商业、策略、策划顾问,有时甚至连项目名称都要做,因为客户要的是更多的服务和咨询。有些设计师为何要那么高的费用?因为他看了很多案例,住了很多五星级酒店,付出很多投资。在欧美,做酒店设计非常强调风格,我去过拉斯维加斯一个赌场,里面有一个充满托斯卡纳风格的酒店,住一晚需要花费1万美元,设计得非常地道和豪华,讲究历史背景和装饰风格,围绕一个中心点。做设计必须有来源,设计师可以从服装、挎包等时尚潮流中获得灵感,设计必须有很好的支撑力,才有价值。 网址:http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/david.htm Teresa: How shall a designer position himself? David: As told by a Japanese designer, designer is not only a person who solve the client's problem by pen, but also understand the clent's potential requirement.Fake Appearance has no function use.Good design inflence people by heart, it is the result of experience, and the designer know who is using it.Design is 4W1H,it include WHAT(Design What?), WHY(Why Design like this?),WHO(Design for who?),WHERE(Where the design project is?),HOW(How to Design?).When I meet eith my client, I will not draw a perspective right away, but to study the strategy,listen to clent's idea, then I will draw a Design Work Flowchart (http://www.fancy-design.com/intro/intro_e.htm)I will start my design work only the client admit this ditection. I am not only a designer then, but also a consultant, even to give a new name to the project.Why shall we charge such a high design price, as we have experienced and invested a lot, such as to spend in a 5 star hotel cost 10,000US Dollar a night.Only in this way, the design can have the resource of design inspiration, his design can be powerful and valuable. |
查看范思对谈录其它人物 To view
more conversations: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/content.htm |
III 今日之星
Today's Star |
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R.Men:dcb国际设计营负责人,范思设计公司总裁,设计理念:设计从沟通开始,沟通从爱开始,爱是家居生活的真正目的。为了创造高品质的生活空间、创造价值、将不同潮流的设计带入到人们的室内生活空间,在这个拥有三种不同风情的居家空间里我们将墙面色彩设定为空间主打色,因为墙面是居室中面积最大的色彩承载体,能够决定视觉色彩的重心,也是居室风格的营造重点;一个空间中的色彩不要超过四种,选择一种色彩作为空间主打色,其它色彩则作为次配色应用在家具、配饰上;通过地毯、靠垫、窗帘等色块组合拆换对主打色进行呼应和反衬,并根据风格选择相应的配饰,帮助风格的完善。 CEO of dcb group,Won the top ten Beijing Real Estate Vision Award in 1998,Specialized on villa, holiday Inn,and investment consultant in real estate development field 网址:http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/project/residential/3color-unit/sample.htm |
更多设计师选择 To view more designers:http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/designers_c.htm | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V 创意之光 The Light of the Creation: 现代客厅壁炉 Fireplace for Livingroom |
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Designer :wolf udo wagner(German) The 'fireplace' collection
is an urban interpretation of a campfire and it is safe for use both indoors
and outdoors. made from fire resistant glass and stainless steel, fires
can last up to 2 and a half hours, emitting little carbon dioxide.
What home is complete without a warm, inviting fireplace?
But these days, most homes do not have space for a chimney and flue or
if they already have one, it's blocked due to code safety issues. Enter
Ecosmart Fire and Planika. Both companies have managed to create the portable
fireplace. Now there's no need to build a chimney, flue or even the hearth
and firebox. If you eliminate the need to channel away that residual smoke,
you don't need to build all these parts. Ecosmart uses environmentally-friendly
ethanol fuel to light its burner — it burns cleanly but without the pesky
smoke. Their burner is key to its flexibility — it's a small flat box
that safely encloses its internal mechanics with only a narrow slit to
allow a controlled flame to emerge. The burner can be embedded in various
free-floating furniture pieces or onto a small column or whatever your
designer can imagine. Planika also created coffee tables with its burner
built into it. Their fuel is also of plant origin and is a clean renewable
source. |
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More new products on line warehouse: http://www.fancy-design.com/warehouse/villa_e.htm |
VI 项目实录 The Project Record |
我们的移动小屋 世界上的家有各种不同的尺度,有些家庭生活在一个小房间里,而另外一些则拥有大得看不见边的房子。不过不管怎样的情形家总是随着主人的财富增加而不断增长的。自1970年代以来,大多数西方国家的人家增长了50%.但是非常引人注目的是, 在家的尺度方面,越来越多的人选择居住在小房子里,有些人甚至将此发展到极致,选择住在可以移动的房子里或者象鸟一样栖居在树上或者海边,这些房子具有卧室,厨房,卫生间以及起居空间,以下几个案例可以让我们对此有一些初步的概念. |
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size of a home varies around the world; while some families live in one
room huts, others have gigantic homes which seem to never end. whatever
the case, homes tend to grow with their owner’s prosperity. since 1970,
the size of the average new american home has grown by 50 percent. this
growth trend is similar in most western countries. however, for every trend
there is an counter-trend. in the case of home size, more and more people
are choosing to live in small homes. most downsizes opt for more modest quarters, while some homeowners take this trend to a new level, choosing to live in tiny homes (and we mean tiny!). these tiny homes can be as small as 90 sq. ft. complete with bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and living quarters. the following homes provide a glimpse into these small shelters, from fixed homes to those and wheels and everything in between. 网址:http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/project/residential/movablehouse/m.htm |
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查看其它公共空间设计 To view
more public space designs: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/project/public/project-contentp.htm 查看其它居住空间设计 To view more residential space designs: http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/project/residential/project-contentr.htm |
dcb推荐 dcb recommendations 1 房屋推荐 House Recommendation: ![]() ![]() |
国际设计营城北泉发花园一套别墅出租,建筑面积360平米,租金2.8万元/月, 欢迎房地产公司、涉外代表处前来接洽合作(周六上午最好),联系电话13911624921。 dcb villa in Quanfa Garden is ready for lease,360sqm,28,000 RMB/month. please contact Teresa at 13911624921,overseas representative office is welcome.(Saturday morning is better for visitors) |
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课程推荐 Course Recommendation:
回顾以往各期dcb会员通讯: www.fancy-design.com/dcb/newsletter/newslettercontent.htm |