  简约风格 Minimalism Style
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Both in theory and practice, recent nineties architecture may be placed in a broad, diffuse context that does not lend itself to precise definition. Even so, it has kept a place for one of the trends that has been applied progressively as a response to over abundance in the use of certain eclectic idioms and to excessive deconstructivist formalism:Minimalism. When confronted with the term"minimalist architecture", we are bound almost inevitably to turn to Minimal Art, a contemporary sculpture movement that emerged in North American in the sixties as the reaction to a set of pressures in specific social and cultural media; and especially as a critical response to the artistic climate created by movements of the time such as Abstract Expressionism,Pop Art, and Op Art.
Thus, a diversified artistic output, fruit of an accumulation of radical,challenging research and experimentation, emerged with the purpose of obtaining maximum tension with minimal means. Indeed, Minimal Art as a consolidated strand seeks the essential through the use of simple, elementary geometrical structures as a formal vehicle, and through the absence of decorative elements. In this way, all allusions or references are excluded, except in the repetition of forms as a physical presence in a specific place---a clear allusion to the process of industrial production in series---or the choice of the nature of the material(either conventional or industrial) in order to set up relationships with the location, the site, the mass, the surroundings,and so on. In general terms, Minimalism is based on a process of reduction of architecture down to its essential concepts of space, light and form, rather than on mechanisms of subtraction, negation, or absence of ornament, or on a eulogy of puritalism... Even so, a superficial reading of this might lead to the mistaken idea of predetermined appearances or a series of conventions(such as white monochrome or the cult of the void), which would enormously oversimplify the complexity of the term"Minimalism" and give way to its introduction into any cultural context. Unlike Minimal Art---with its critical sights aimed at preestablished concepts---minimalist architecture---which lacks any kind of social ideology---is an appendix or continuation, with extreme formal abstractions, of some aspects of contemporary architecture, emerging as a widely used tool in current architectural practice, providing examples on the one hand of stringent sophistication in the finishes of materials, and of technical cleanliness on the other. It sets up an intense dialogue with the site and its surroundings(to the extend of transforming them and endowing them with a new identity),and seeks unity through repetition as a guarantee of quality.
