  The Application Form for Landscape Design
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The design agreement is based on what you require, and it will be a part of the design agreement, please sign yourself to assure your right.

The Project Details:
1 The Name of the Project:
2 The Location of the Project:
3 The Area of the Land:
4 The construction is to begin within three months six months one year
5 Expected Maintenance Period: a One year, b Two years, c Three years
6 ) Need to recommend a maintenance company? Yes No
7 ) The Budget of the Lighting equipment is:???? ???RMB,
8 ) The Budget of the Furniture is:??
9 ) The Budget of the Decoration items is:??
10) The Budget of the Construction is:??

11 ) Provide Plan of the original building? Yes No

1 After the definitive print has been decided, the client should pay 30% extra fee if the client want to change the original design;
2 After the design, if the client want the designer help about soft decoration (including selection on lamps, decoration items, artwork and furniture), the service fee is 500 RMB/half day;
3 The above fee not includes the cost outside of Beijing;

III The Project Requirement of the Client:

IV The Name of the Client:
Name of the Contact Person:
Tital of the Contact Person:
The Method of Payment: Post Office Bank Check

The Signage of the Client/Authorized Representative:




Note 1:Please down load the application form here and email it to if you get problem when you send above form.

Note 2:The deposit can be returned if the reasonable excuse is accepted by the company, but half of the deposit will be deduced as commission fee.


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Phone: +86-10-64956392