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From Taiwan Motel to Mainland Boutique Hotel
A Renovation of Surmount

An Experience of the Quality Life

An Substitution of Out-dated Standards





The Eden with a Fireplace

也许有人担忧,这美丽的外衣下究竟在机能与细节处,是否能够真正具有一个旅馆所应具备的精致舒适体贴与方便,令奔波的客人得到真正的安顿与舒缓? 完全不用担忧。你可以看看,休息处是不是必然有几件特别抢眼夺目的品牌家具、长毛地毯、设计感十足的发光接待台和有特别灯光处理的走道门厅,以及时尚的茶吧或餐厅,浪漫的餐桌,餐桌上摆放精美的餐具和佩饰,桌上的烛台,优雅的灯光打在柔和色彩的桌布上,随意摆放的时尚杂志,房间里飘着淡淡的清香... 如此,就不用迟疑这里幻化了时空的印记,因为留下的将是温柔的震撼。
The Eclectic Style of Traditional Chinese and Western Style

Boutique Hotels are showing different design styles from classical ones. it is a completely new managing system in China, while lots of foreign currencies are rashing into China market.The reform of China society is changing deeply. This system includes all latest creations ,arts and memories, as the eruption of volcano,and all unity and monotone are buried at the same time.

Since 1990's, Taiwan motels are becoming stage of all kinds of design styles,when these rich Taiwanese entered into mainland China market, the design styles followed as well, such as Minimalism,Post-Modernism,and Oriental Zen Style....The designer's groups of these hotel spaces are changing, young designer from famous furniture brand took place the old ones,they brought their dream and bueaty into these space, and change the function of the space. More leisure equipment were brought into, for example:SPA,KTV, massage chair and bath tub,fireplace,steam room,internet,open kitchen,game machine,Chinese Majiang ect.It exceeded the tradional function of relaxing and banquet, and became the party station of fashion group, and this new life style and the liberation of the function becomes the dream and direction of young people.

A Japanese master said:"We not only felt about the management and client, but also we shall extend our radiator,to touch the fashion trend, as the experience is more important than knowledge.I am afraid that I am only talking about the creation, but act like a lazy monkey,swimming in the pool without any progress.

Somebody may worry about the details and functions of a boutique hotel,if it can fit the standard hotel's requirement of quiet ,comfort and safty.You may have a look if there is a famous brand furniture,long fur carpet,nice designed receiption table,special lighted lobby and corridor,fashion restaurant or tea bar,romantic dining table with soft table cloth,magazines and books, and smell of Chanel No.19...If the environment is as this then do not doubt it any more...

浪漫水世界 The Romance of Water World
非洲风格 African Style
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