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Newsletter July, 2004 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Newsletter 2004-07 | ||||||||||||
Contents目录 I. The report of dcb monthly meeting 国际设计营每月聚会/国际设计论坛报告 II. The news of the field 行业资讯 III. To talk with masters 范思对谈录 IV. The project record---The national theater 项目实录-----在争论中生存的国家大剧院 V. The contribution to the books and magazines书刊稿件征集 |
I The report
of dcb monthly meeting国际设计营每月聚会/国际设计论坛报告 dcb monthly meeting of the June was held from 9:30 to 12:00 on Sunday morning in Newsdays Furniture show room. The topic is: The life starts from designs. dcb国际设计营六月聚会暨第六期设计论坛于2004年6月27日上午9:30-12:00在马甸集美组家居旗舰店内举办,主题:生活从设计开始 |
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1Mr.Zengjian is sharing
his furniture resources of Northern Europe with us. 曾坚先生无私地把自己多年积累下来的有关北欧家具的一系列资料拿出来与大家分享 |
2 The Expert of Ming Furniture
Mr.Chen Zeng Bi is speaking. 明式家具专家陈增弼先生在演讲 |
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3 American Interior
Designer Mr.David Lin is introducing his designer life from New York to
Beijing. 美国室内设计师林振中向大家介绍他从纽约到北京的设计师生活 |
Mr.Lin:As a christian,I
left Tai Bei for New York in 1984,when I was 26.I went to Pratt Institute
next year. Four years later I became a member of ASID. At the second year
of my study in Pratt Institute,I got a restaurant project in Brooklyn.When
half of this project had been finished,our application to the local government
was bounced back. We were told that this project is belong to the histirical
area and you have to pass a series of public meetings and presentations
.We have to explain our design idea:where is the banquet room,where is the
flue,how will the facad be,and persuade those people that this new restaurant
will not detroy the historical view of this area...After 5 district meetings,they
agreed to turn a letter to the historical protection committee,and I had
to face all the experts in 3 months time. I was No.6 that day,the 5 teams
before me were all from architectural studios with landlord, the secretary
and advisors to tell the advantage of the their design.When I was facing
them, I told them that I was not a registered architect yet,I just represented
my partner,another architect to do this presentation.My English was not
very good that time and could only answer them and in the end our design
got passed.This gave me great encourage that time, as I can do this presentation
in front of so many Amenrican people and got their approval.Thinking of
our historical buildings in Beijing, there is no such committee yet, to
tell us if the design is good or not, which is the direction we are seeking?... 林先生讲话节录:我26岁作为一个基督徒84年从台北到纽约,27岁进入Pratt研究所,到加入ASID成为专业室内设计师经过了四个年头.在念Pratt研究所的第二年,我就接到布鲁克林区一个餐厅的项目,当设计进行到一半的时候,我们遭到当地建筑管理部门的退件,他们说你碰到的是一个非常棘手的案子,因为属于历史保护区,必须做一系列的公听会和公开演示。布鲁克林这个街区的人不少,我需要向大家解释这个餐厅怎样做,原来的建筑要怎样改,为什么要这样改,宴会厅放在哪,排烟机怎样设置,门面怎么做,要说明新的建筑处理没有破坏整个小区的历史风貌,.然后他们把一封信交给历史保护委员会,三个月后终于要面对所有的专家学者了.我记得那天我排第六号,前面五个人都是来自建筑师事务所的,他们带着业主,带着秘书或者带着顾问,来说这个建筑的好处.我上去的时候对他们说,我还不是一个注册设计师,我是代表我的合伙人另外一个建筑师来的,我那时的英文也不是太好,只能够勉强地回答他们,最后我的方案居然获得了通过,从那以后建立了我自己很大的信心,作为一个28岁的年轻人,我可以当着那么多人把一个建筑物从里到外介绍给美国人而且还获得通过.这里想说说我们北京的文化古迹,在改造的时候却没有想到怎样留取他们的精华,也没有一个特别的委员会(比如说设计委员会)来进行评定,这样的设计可不可行,我们要追求的是什么样的东西… 更多详情见 http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/david.htm II.The News of
the field 行业资讯 3 GaLaBau 2004(Nürnberg, Germany 15 - 18 September)
5 2004 China International Industrial Design Summit
(October 18-20, 2004) 6‘the kitchen is the heart of the home’participants
are requested to submit their designs and concepts for one or more of
the three categories: 7 "Design for China"1st National
Environmental Art & Design Exhibition was held in
Central Academy of Fine Art from 7 to 8 June,2004.The announcement of
this event is: New cities are emerging in our ancient land quickly,new
landscapes are planned in our living environment, cities
are developing along the time space and covered with
green,the ideal motherland is under our designers'pen,we are here to design
our future with the traditional living culture & and the avant-environmental
plan.Although the road is far but we will walk together and design for
China. |
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4The openning ceremony开幕式 | 5 The luncheon 午餐会 | |||||||||||
8 Designer
in charge needed,place of working:Beijing,salary starts from 3500RMB,Bachelor
degree in interior design needed,suaitable tital of occupation,concept design
ability,familiar with working drawings and materials'application,site experience,good
communication skill required.(overseas study experience is plus) 建筑装饰公司招聘主任设计师 工作地点:北京,起薪:3500元,职位要求:本科以上学历,中级以上职称,5年以上室内设计及工地经验,有创意及手绘方案能力,熟悉施工工艺和材料的应用,较强的协调表达能力,善于与客户沟通,有团队合作精神。(最好有海外学习经验) 9 The website of China Architects & Interior Designers is now open to the public. Own your own online showroom only for 4800 RMB. 中国建筑与设计师网日前对公众开放空间,只需4800元便可拥有属于自己的专业网上平台,更多详请: http://www.china-design.net/exhibition/ex_choice.asp |
III To talk with masters 范思对谈录 | ||||||||||||
Name of the master: Mr.Zeng Jian, born in 1925 Shanghai,graduated from the Architectural Dep. of St,John's University and worked for DR.Riehard paulick. He is the founder of the first China design Company in Hongkong,and the first joint venture Da Di Architectural studio, and is the Honorary president of China Interior Design Institute. | ||||||||||||
主人公:曾坚,1925年生于上海, 毕业于上海圣约翰大学建筑系。曾在DR.Riehard paulick事务所,华东及北京工业建筑设计院,北京市木材工业研究所任室主任并兼作室内设计及家具设计工作。创建中国在香港第一个设计事务所华森公司,以及第一个中外合资的大地建筑设计事务所,并任中国建筑学会室内设计分会终生名誉会长。 | ||||||||||||
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Fan: As the first
disseminator of "Bauhaos"----the student of St.John's U.,Could
you please tell us about it again,and the relationship between it and Modernism,and
milimalism? Zeng: I was studying in the architectural department of St.John's U.,there were two professors there Mr.Huang & German architect Richard Paulick.They had been studying and working in American & Gropius,German,where the education system of "Bauhaos" were very popular.Modernism,and milimalism are two great trends of history,which influent not only the architectural,opera & music but also art, aesthetics and literature.In 1920's, a very important modern architetural trend,Modernism Architecural was formed based on "Bauhaos",which emphasize the founction and technology of the building and the economical profit for modern indutrial manufacture and living requirement.And this was widely spread after 2nd world war.In the end of last century,Minimalism appeared and became a top trend based on "Bauhaus"system,which focus on the heuristic education methord:Lecturer did not say too much once the topic is given to the students,students had to create their own way to solve the function,theme and practical problems... 范:您作为“包豪斯”在中国最早的传播者---上海圣约翰大学的学生,请您谈一谈“包豪斯”以及它与现代主义,简约主义的关系? 曾:我1943-47在上海圣约翰大学建筑系就读,当时有两位教授黄作淼和德籍理查.鲍立克(Richard Paulick),他们虽未在“包豪斯”就读,但先后在美国和德国的格罗比亚斯(Gropius)工作和学习过,在建筑系是以“包豪斯”的教育方法和体系进行教授的。现代主义和简约主义是历史上的两大潮流,它们涉及的面很广,包括文学、美学、美术、音乐、戏剧和建筑艺术等都有现代主义的流派。二十世纪二十年代以“包豪斯”为基地,形成了现代建筑的一个重要派别---现代主义建筑,主张适应现代大工业生产和生活需要,讲求建筑功能、技术和经济效益。二战以后欧洲许多城市成为废墟,为了尽可能快地发展城市,强调功能和技术,适应工业化生产的现代主义得到了推崇和发展,简约主义是二十世纪后期在国际上流行,成为流派,但简约思想早已是“包豪斯”设计手法的至高境界,他们认为简单的就是最美的,也是最难设计的。“包豪斯”的概念还涉及到建筑教育体系,这个教育体系的要点是启发式教育。一个设计题目下达后老师不作说明,让学生自己思考主题、功能、方案,如果有问题、学生自己作调查、接触实际同时十分注意培养学生的创造性。 更多详请:http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/zengjian.htm |
IV Project
Record---The National Theater 项目实录---在争论中生存的国家大剧院 The debate about the national theatre lasts almost 40 years since the government decided to build it in the 1950’s . To chose a practical plan from the international competitions made this debate even sharper. There is no doubt to say that the national theater survives from debates. The former general architect of China Building Design Institute, Mr. Zhou Qing Lin, the owner committee member of the this project, introduces some focused questions below, providing an objective report on the tender course of the national theater. We hope that more people who care about this project can discuss and debate freely from the academic point of view. 有关国家大剧院的争论,从50年代末国家决定建造开始历时40年,而1998年开始通过国际竞赛的方法选出实施方案则使有关争论更加激烈,所以说国家大剧院是在争论中生存的一点都不过分。作为国家大剧院工程业主委员会成员之一的周庆琳总建筑师介绍了有关争论的几个焦点问题,提供了一个关于国家大剧院招标过程的客观报告, 更多详情:http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/project/national%20opera/project_opera.htm |
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6 The exterior view
of the national theater.The construction focus has been changed to the interior
part and the stage machinery. 大剧院已基本完成其外壳的吊装,开始进入以舞台机械的安装以及内部的三个剧场的建造 |
7 The architect Mr.Fu Ying Jie
and the stage machinery consultant(from Japan) were discussion on the site. 剧场的施工图负责人傅英杰和舞台技术顾问小川俊朗先生(日本)在工地现场考察 |
The contribution of books & magazines书刊稿件征集 2 The biennial Exhibition of architectural art
of China will be held from Sep.20 to Oct.6 in Beijing.The book
of this event is now collecting companies and projects,which has new concept
and new design & materials.8000RMB/p for inside page,38000/30000 RMB
for covers.The deadline is middle of August. |