Newsletter 2006 - 10  
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1933(GioPonti)住家的舒适展现于某种更高的品质中,建筑给出了衡量我们真实思想的尺度. Comfort in the home lies in something higher with architecture we give ourselves a measure for our very thoughts


1970 (Achille Castiglioni)设计师是一群为了真实的需求而对实物进行设计和制作的人,不必设计风格,更不必设计时尚,设计师不是夸张华丽的艺术家. The designer in someone who works in a team to design and make real objects for real needs. The designer shouldn’t make style even less should he make fashion. The designer is not a flamboyant artist... 1983(Alchimia, telegram to the designer) 新的设计师不再给予真的肯定的永恒的东西,在现时很难预料事情的发展,所以设计只具有临时价值,与冷漠的真实性很少有关,却和表面的、未知而混乱的短暂性有关系,感性设计反对实用的设计. New designer will no longer posit things as eternally true, certain and valid. In times like these it is impossible to know where we are heading. No designs are tern porary values with little connection to the coldness of authenticity. Instead, they are linked to the variability of the chaos of the apparent and the unknown. Amorous design opposes functional design stop.
    1996(Alessandro Mendini)产品以它的生命所要传达的信息是一种有着多种命运的叙说,这种叙说赋予无声的形状和设计的材料一种文学的身份.设计就像奥德赛历险记,把现代产品的无边无际的目录变成一道有待通过一次充满发现和得意的旅行去穿越的风景. The message the object communicates with its life is a story that covers its wider destiny, giving an almost literary ideality to the silent forms and materials of design. Design as an Odyssey: to transform the endless contemporary catalogue of objects into a landscape to cross in a voyage of discovery and poetry... 2003(A. Branzi) 在21世纪的开始设计成为了完全不同于过去的一种东西,一种具有广阔政治价值的现实(就像60年代的音乐)具有高度的战略意义,有形无形地为一种群众市场所消费,为众多的设计者所憧憬. At the start of the 21st century design has become something else entirely. A reality with vast political repercussions(like music in the 1960s), great strategic significance(like the image in the modern era) physically and virtually consumed by a mass market and imagined by a mass society of designers.    
Newsletter 2006-10 dcb设计师月讯

I 行业资讯 The News of the field
II设计比赛 Design Competition
III 范思对谈录 The Conversation with Masters
IV 每月一屋 Room of the Month
V 项目实录 The Project Record
VI dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations

dcb 主编 Chief Editor: 范思 M/s.Teresa
联系电话Contact No.:86-10-64956392

I 行业资讯The News in the field
1 第28期国际设计论坛 The 28th dcb forum
劳动大厦 Lao Dong Building

Topic:米兰设计中心Milan Design Center
The significance of this project goes beyond the local context. It represents Milan as a gateway to Europe, a point of connection of past, present and future...更多详情More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/061004.htm

2 祝贺国际室内装饰设计协会首席代表,第1届“dcb设计师之友”称号获得者余勇先生荣获世界杰出华人奖和美国哈姆斯顿大学客座教, Congradulations to Mr. Yu,Yong the winner of 1st Designers'Friend Award, won the award from an University of American

3、法国推出六大工业创新计划 The Six-Great Plan of Industry Creation of France
4月25日法国总统希拉克推出六项旨在“创造明天的产品”的工业创新计划,以图振兴法国工业科技创新并进而带动法国科技、经济的发展,这六项计划包括:绿色化工(BIOHUB)----利用生物技术从农产品中提取和生产化学制品,,该计划预计执行7年,总投入为9800万欧元; 节能住宅(HOMES)----目标:将住房能耗降低20%,计划5年总投入为8800万欧元; 新型无人驾驶地铁列车(NEOVAL)----基于弹性模块轮胎的自动运输系统,计划时间5年,总投入6200万欧元;多媒体搜索引擎(QUAERO)-----是法德多媒体程序合作研发项目,目标是向GOOGLE发起挑战,开发出一套能与GOOGLE和雅虎(YAHOO)相竞争的搜索引擎,计划5年投资2.5亿欧元;移动电视(TVNSL)-----指卫星传播的无线移动电视系统,计划4年总投入9800万欧元; 混合动力汽车(VHT)-----该计划的基础是PSA(法国标志血铁龙集团)已经进香的柴油、电力混合动力汽车的研发项目,目标是设计研发能合适商业化生产的混合动力汽车。

4 建设部召开传达中共十六届六中全会精神大会。The Study Meeting of Ministry of Construction

5 亚洲建协第12届亚洲建筑师大会第四分会场(室内设计)The 12th Congress of Asia Architects Association
2006年9月21日在新大都饭店开幕,到会领导与嘉宾有中国建筑学会吴之光副理事长,唐仪清副秘书长,亚洲建协顾问Richeto Alcordo(菲律宾),新任主席李根昌(韩国),协调员Nela de Zoysa(斯里兰卡),室内设计分会理事长张世礼

6 中国建筑装饰行业“十一五”发展规划纲要(中国建筑装饰协会)The plan outline of the 11th Five-Years-Development of Building Deco Field(CBDA)

7 第二次全国建筑装饰行业信息化建设工作会议11月14-15日在西城区文兴东街1号国谊宾馆,会务费:300元/人,84600941,13901258367,
The 2nd National Infomation Meeting of CBDA will be held from Nov.14 to 15 in Guoyi Hotel http://www.ccd.com.cn/Cnews/html/20061027/2006102716715-1.Html

8 2006广州国际设计周”Guangzhou International Design Week Conference:Design for the Future
27-29日设计周创意论坛内容:商业环境设计(Paul Doherty,罗锦文),灯光设计(Graham Phoenix,丁平),体育馆及文娱场馆,产品及科技(美Gianfranco Zaccai,刘传凯),品牌及家居产品设计(丹麦Bodil Busk Laursen,Johan Adam Linneballe)
11月29-12月1日中国室内设计学会2006年(嘉俊)广州年会论坛主题:设计与自然, www.ciid09.com,接待联系人:李嘉海13535208661,陈鸿英13560219171

II设计比赛 Design Competition
1 2006年“和成·新人杯”全国青年学生室内设计竞赛获奖名单The winner list of National Youth and Student Design Competition,2006:

2 高雄国家艺术文化中心项目国际竞赛誠摯邀請國際優秀的設計團隊,參與此一甚具規模的演艺中心建築竞赛,基地位於高雄市東側,與高雄縣鳳山市交界處,衛武營都會公園內,主要包括三個劇院及一個音樂廳,我們期盼藉由公開競圖的方式,為高雄成就一個國際級的建築地標,並將高雄導入為具人文涵養的海洋都市。我們熱切歡迎您的參與 http://www.nkpac.com.tw/main.html
"Gaoxiong National Art and Cultural Center International Competition" is inviting design groups to participate this great performance center in a metropolitan Park,Gaoxiong Taiwan,including three theaters and one concert hall,We hope through this open competition, gaoxiong will have an international landmark and become a humanlized and cultural city by the sea. http://www.nkpac.com.tw/main-e.html

3 “家庭聚会“设计比赛获奖作品展
The 100 top entries of designboom competition 'house party', organized by the japan design association together with designboom
will be exhibited during the tokyo design week (in the 100% design tent) from october 31st to november 5th., 2006


III范思对谈录The Conversation with Masters
蒙恩与他的“加盟事业”Mr.Meng R. the person in charge of dcb group is talking about his franchise bussiness
蒙:情趣从研发设计开始,研发设计从沟通开始,沟通从理念(让客户永远受益)开始,只有服务才是永恒的行销,这其中包含的不仅是售后服务,还有售前服务,这样才能达到超值的服务目标,使顾客满意度创造出附加价值。现在不管是什么行业都要有合作、服务意识,对我们们的客户合作、服务,同事之间也是要合作、服务的,老板也是要对员工合作、服务的。 www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/meng.htm

IV 每月一屋 Room of the Month--- 阳光房设计 Summertime Porch
One clever design move here was to use two wicker tables for the center of the room. This gives the room versatility, because the tables can be separated and moved to best serve the needs of the moment. http://www.sheffield.edu/htmlsrc/rom0806.html

V 项目实录 The Project Record
设计负责人:彭裕仁Pal Pang
我结合了英式的文化和日式的尺度,我认为每一个项目都应根据其特有的背景和品质而量身定制,这样才能产生不同的品牌特色,让消费者在购物时随时都能发现惊喜.I develop from England's culture and Japan's scale for Jill scott. The style is original and inviting for public. As creating and revamping several brands, I think all projects must have its own character and tailor made. Every time consumers will find surprise when they shopping. http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/project/public/jillscott/jillscot.htm

VI dcb推介 dcb Recommendations:
1 新技术推介:同层排水系统 Wall-Drainage System

所谓同层排水,是指排水器具的出水管不穿越所在楼层,采用后排水的方式,各卫生用具的排水汇合横管在与卫生器具同一楼层沿墙敷设,从而避免了常规做法的缺陷.This floor sewage drainage system is a fixture plumbing system with all outlet pipes running from backside of fixture, which do not pass through the floor. The collecting pipes from each sanitary fixture are installed with it on the same floor.

2 机构推荐:New Organization Recommendation:

北京康居认证中心Beijing Healthy Residence Certificating Center: www.fancy-design.com/dcb/kangjucenter.htm
58934347, kcpc@chinahouse.gov.cn, http://www.kcpc.com.cn

2 公司推荐 Company Recommendation
北京范思装饰设计中心:经济信息咨询服务,室内外环境设计,技术开发、咨询及服务, 组织文化交流活动,组织展览展示活动
设计理念:开拓更高层的国际视野 - 不同文明间的融合, 2 在西方主流社会里当仁不让 - 树立国际化的品牌形象, 3 中西合壁的再次革命 - 整体规划和细部构思的程序衔接, 4“魔术师”般的设计师 - 千种风情,万种性格, 5 室内设计师 - 主导大家生活方式和社会情趣的先锋, 6 美丽温馨、优雅大方、豪华高档 - 一种升华的品位,一种精雕细琢的艺术珍品, 7 家居从设计开始,设计从沟通开始,沟通从爱开始 - 爱是家居生活的真正目的, 8 超越虚伪的生活方式 - 树立适应市场经济规律的生态主义价值观, 9 提倡多元化 - 传承历史文脉开创特色设计, 10 与众不同的个性设计 - 量身订制的奢华服务, 11 健康、温暖、欢乐、爱的感觉 - 范思气息 www.fanxy-design.com/intro/intro.htm
About dcb group: We provide international standard design service and project management for projects in Beijing, including Offices, Bars & Restaurants, Leisure & Gymnisiums, Commercial Displays, Residential Villas, Reconstruction of old Buildings......We have a team of highly experience professional designers based on the modern internet technology.We provide both design sketches and working drawings, budget control,project management, materials & products information services. We cooperate with famous international designers in big & important projects. www.fanxy-design.com/intro/intro_e.htm

3 课程推荐 Course Recommendation
北京屋顶绿化协会“屋顶绿化设计与施工资格培训班”:Training course on roof garden design and construction
2006年11月14日至11月17日,在北京市园林科学研究所(朝阳区花家地甲7号),收费标准:每人600元, 报名截至11月14日,联系电话:64734367,13031147066

4 网站推荐 Website Recommendation
最新的设计资讯网站 DESIGN RELATED NEWS REVIEWS AND PREVIEWS from the clones of designboom marts to london's design challenge



北京邮政100101-200信箱 (100101)


Newsletter 2006 - 10  
回主页 公司简介 国际设计营 在线采购 设计频道 联系我们


1933(GioPonti)住家的舒适展现于某种更高的品质中,建筑给出了衡量我们真实思想的尺度. Comfort in the home lies in something higher with architecture we give ourselves a measure for our very thoughts


1970 (Achille Castiglioni)设计师是一群为了真实的需求而对实物进行设计和制作的人,不必设计风格,更不必设计时尚,设计师不是夸张华丽的艺术家. The designer in someone who works in a team to design and make real objects for real needs. The designer shouldn’t make style even less should he make fashion. The designer is not a flamboyant artist... 1983(Alchimia, telegram to the designer) 新的设计师不再给予真的肯定的永恒的东西,在现时很难预料事情的发展,所以设计只具有临时价值,与冷漠的真实性很少有关,却和表面的、未知而混乱的短暂性有关系,感性设计反对实用的设计. New designer will no longer posit things as eternally true, certain and valid. In times like these it is impossible to know where we are heading. No designs are tern porary values with little connection to the coldness of authenticity. Instead, they are linked to the variability of the chaos of the apparent and the unknown. Amorous design opposes functional design stop.
    1996(Alessandro Mendini)产品以它的生命所要传达的信息是一种有着多种命运的叙说,这种叙说赋予无声的形状和设计的材料一种文学的身份.设计就像奥德赛历险记,把现代产品的无边无际的目录变成一道有待通过一次充满发现和得意的旅行去穿越的风景. The message the object communicates with its life is a story that covers its wider destiny, giving an almost literary ideality to the silent forms and materials of design. Design as an Odyssey: to transform the endless contemporary catalogue of objects into a landscape to cross in a voyage of discovery and poetry... 2003(A. Branzi) 在21世纪的开始设计成为了完全不同于过去的一种东西,一种具有广阔政治价值的现实(就像60年代的音乐)具有高度的战略意义,有形无形地为一种群众市场所消费,为众多的设计者所憧憬. At the start of the 21st century design has become something else entirely. A reality with vast political repercussions(like music in the 1960s), great strategic significance(like the image in the modern era) physically and virtually consumed by a mass market and imagined by a mass society of designers.    
Newsletter 2006-10 dcb设计师月讯

I 行业资讯 The News of the field
II设计比赛 Design Competition
III 范思对谈录 The Conversation with Masters
IV 每月一屋 Room of the Month
V 项目实录 The Project Record
VI dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations

dcb 主编 Chief Editor: 范思 M/s.Teresa
联系电话Contact No.:86-10-64956392

I 行业资讯The News in the field
1 第28期国际设计论坛 The 28th dcb forum
劳动大厦 Lao Dong Building

Topic:米兰设计中心Milan Design Center
The significance of this project goes beyond the local context. It represents Milan as a gateway to Europe, a point of connection of past, present and future...更多详情More details: http://www.fancy-design.com/dcb/061004.htm

2 祝贺国际室内装饰设计协会首席代表,第1届“dcb设计师之友”称号获得者余勇先生荣获世界杰出华人奖和美国哈姆斯顿大学客座教, Congradulations to Mr. Yu,Yong the winner of 1st Designers'Friend Award, won the award from an University of American

3、法国推出六大工业创新计划 The Six-Great Plan of Industry Creation of France
4月25日法国总统希拉克推出六项旨在“创造明天的产品”的工业创新计划,以图振兴法国工业科技创新并进而带动法国科技、经济的发展,这六项计划包括:绿色化工(BIOHUB)----利用生物技术从农产品中提取和生产化学制品,,该计划预计执行7年,总投入为9800万欧元; 节能住宅(HOMES)----目标:将住房能耗降低20%,计划5年总投入为8800万欧元; 新型无人驾驶地铁列车(NEOVAL)----基于弹性模块轮胎的自动运输系统,计划时间5年,总投入6200万欧元;多媒体搜索引擎(QUAERO)-----是法德多媒体程序合作研发项目,目标是向GOOGLE发起挑战,开发出一套能与GOOGLE和雅虎(YAHOO)相竞争的搜索引擎,计划5年投资2.5亿欧元;移动电视(TVNSL)-----指卫星传播的无线移动电视系统,计划4年总投入9800万欧元; 混合动力汽车(VHT)-----该计划的基础是PSA(法国标志血铁龙集团)已经进香的柴油、电力混合动力汽车的研发项目,目标是设计研发能合适商业化生产的混合动力汽车。

4 建设部召开传达中共十六届六中全会精神大会。The Study Meeting of Ministry of Construction

5 亚洲建协第12届亚洲建筑师大会第四分会场(室内设计)The 12th Congress of Asia Architects Association
2006年9月21日在新大都饭店开幕,到会领导与嘉宾有中国建筑学会吴之光副理事长,唐仪清副秘书长,亚洲建协顾问Richeto Alcordo(菲律宾),新任主席李根昌(韩国),协调员Nela de Zoysa(斯里兰卡),室内设计分会理事长张世礼

6 中国建筑装饰行业“十一五”发展规划纲要(中国建筑装饰协会)The plan outline of the 11th Five-Years-Development of Building Deco Field(CBDA)

7 第二次全国建筑装饰行业信息化建设工作会议11月14-15日在西城区文兴东街1号国谊宾馆,会务费:300元/人,84600941,13901258367,
The 2nd National Infomation Meeting of CBDA will be held from Nov.14 to 15 in Guoyi Hotel http://www.ccd.com.cn/Cnews/html/20061027/2006102716715-1.Html

8 2006广州国际设计周”Guangzhou International Design Week Conference:Design for the Future
27-29日设计周创意论坛内容:商业环境设计(Paul Doherty,罗锦文),灯光设计(Graham Phoenix,丁平),体育馆及文娱场馆,产品及科技(美Gianfranco Zaccai,刘传凯),品牌及家居产品设计(丹麦Bodil Busk Laursen,Johan Adam Linneballe)
11月29-12月1日中国室内设计学会2006年(嘉俊)广州年会论坛主题:设计与自然, www.ciid09.com,接待联系人:李嘉海13535208661,陈鸿英13560219171

II设计比赛 Design Competition
1 2006年“和成·新人杯”全国青年学生室内设计竞赛获奖名单The winner list of National Youth and Student Design Competition,2006:

2 高雄国家艺术文化中心项目国际竞赛誠摯邀請國際優秀的設計團隊,參與此一甚具規模的演艺中心建築竞赛,基地位於高雄市東側,與高雄縣鳳山市交界處,衛武營都會公園內,主要包括三個劇院及一個音樂廳,我們期盼藉由公開競圖的方式,為高雄成就一個國際級的建築地標,並將高雄導入為具人文涵養的海洋都市。我們熱切歡迎您的參與 http://www.nkpac.com.tw/main.html
"Gaoxiong National Art and Cultural Center International Competition" is inviting design groups to participate this great performance center in a metropolitan Park,Gaoxiong Taiwan,including three theaters and one concert hall,We hope through this open competition, gaoxiong will have an international landmark and become a humanlized and cultural city by the sea. http://www.nkpac.com.tw/main-e.html

3 “家庭聚会“设计比赛获奖作品展
The 100 top entries of designboom competition 'house party', organized by the japan design association together with designboom
will be exhibited during the tokyo design week (in the 100% design tent) from october 31st to november 5th., 2006


III范思对谈录The Conversation with Masters
蒙恩与他的“加盟事业”Mr.Meng R. the person in charge of dcb group is talking about his franchise bussiness
蒙:情趣从研发设计开始,研发设计从沟通开始,沟通从理念(让客户永远受益)开始,只有服务才是永恒的行销,这其中包含的不仅是售后服务,还有售前服务,这样才能达到超值的服务目标,使顾客满意度创造出附加价值。现在不管是什么行业都要有合作、服务意识,对我们们的客户合作、服务,同事之间也是要合作、服务的,老板也是要对员工合作、服务的。 www.fancy-design.com/lib/designertalk/meng.htm

IV 每月一屋 Room of the Month--- 阳光房设计 Summertime Porch
One clever design move here was to use two wicker tables for the center of the room. This gives the room versatility, because the tables can be separated and moved to best serve the needs of the moment. http://www.sheffield.edu/htmlsrc/rom0806.html

V 项目实录 The Project Record
设计负责人:彭裕仁Pal Pang
我结合了英式的文化和日式的尺度,我认为每一个项目都应根据其特有的背景和品质而量身定制,这样才能产生不同的品牌特色,让消费者在购物时随时都能发现惊喜.I develop from England's culture and Japan's scale for Jill scott. The style is original and inviting for public. As creating and revamping several brands, I think all projects must have its own character and tailor made. Every time consumers will find surprise when they shopping. http://www.fancy-design.com/lib/project/public/jillscott/jillscot.htm

VI dcb推介 dcb Recommendations:
1 新技术推介:同层排水系统 Wall-Drainage System

所谓同层排水,是指排水器具的出水管不穿越所在楼层,采用后排水的方式,各卫生用具的排水汇合横管在与卫生器具同一楼层沿墙敷设,从而避免了常规做法的缺陷.This floor sewage drainage system is a fixture plumbing system with all outlet pipes running from backside of fixture, which do not pass through the floor. The collecting pipes from each sanitary fixture are installed with it on the same floor.

2 机构推荐:New Organization Recommendation:

北京康居认证中心Beijing Healthy Residence Certificating Center: www.fancy-design.com/dcb/kangjucenter.htm
58934347, kcpc@chinahouse.gov.cn, http://www.kcpc.com.cn

2 公司推荐 Company Recommendation
北京范思装饰设计中心:经济信息咨询服务,室内外环境设计,技术开发、咨询及服务, 组织文化交流活动,组织展览展示活动
设计理念:开拓更高层的国际视野 - 不同文明间的融合, 2 在西方主流社会里当仁不让 - 树立国际化的品牌形象, 3 中西合壁的再次革命 - 整体规划和细部构思的程序衔接, 4“魔术师”般的设计师 - 千种风情,万种性格, 5 室内设计师 - 主导大家生活方式和社会情趣的先锋, 6 美丽温馨、优雅大方、豪华高档 - 一种升华的品位,一种精雕细琢的艺术珍品, 7 家居从设计开始,设计从沟通开始,沟通从爱开始 - 爱是家居生活的真正目的, 8 超越虚伪的生活方式 - 树立适应市场经济规律的生态主义价值观, 9 提倡多元化 - 传承历史文脉开创特色设计, 10 与众不同的个性设计 - 量身订制的奢华服务, 11 健康、温暖、欢乐、爱的感觉 - 范思气息 www.fanxy-design.com/intro/intro.htm
About dcb group: We provide international standard design service and project management for projects in Beijing, including Offices, Bars & Restaurants, Leisure & Gymnisiums, Commercial Displays, Residential Villas, Reconstruction of old Buildings......We have a team of highly experience professional designers based on the modern internet technology.We provide both design sketches and working drawings, budget control,project management, materials & products information services. We cooperate with famous international designers in big & important projects. www.fanxy-design.com/intro/intro_e.htm

3 课程推荐 Course Recommendation
北京屋顶绿化协会“屋顶绿化设计与施工资格培训班”:Training course on roof garden design and construction
2006年11月14日至11月17日,在北京市园林科学研究所(朝阳区花家地甲7号),收费标准:每人600元, 报名截至11月14日,联系电话:64734367,13031147066

4 网站推荐 Website Recommendation
最新的设计资讯网站 DESIGN RELATED NEWS REVIEWS AND PREVIEWS from the clones of designboom marts to london's design challenge



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