I 奥运场馆建设快报 Olympic Stadium Construction Report(1)
II 行业资讯 The News of the field
III设计比赛 Design Competition
IV 范思对谈录 The Conversation with Masters
V 每月一屋 The Room of the Month
VI 项目实录 The Project Record
VII dcb推荐 dcb Recommendations
dcb 主编 Chief Editor: 范思 M/s.Teresa
联系电话Contact No.:86-10-64956392
I 奥运场馆建设快报 Olympic Stadium Construction Report(1)

2008年奥运会北京比赛场馆分布图 Stadium Map
我的中国之旅---解读奥运鸟巢 The China Syndrome
...“如果有些红色的东西,它会向你跳出来” 德梅隆说,当然在一个完全是红色的房间里,就完全没有必要再铺红地毯或是展示中国国旗了,“你知道吗,Tobias我们还是在中国以外的其它什么地方做这件事吧。”德梅隆对Winkelmenn说道:“这是来自于中国的影响力”...
A visit to the construction site of the National Stadium in Beijing is
as close as you get in the 21st century to seeing what it must have been
like to put up the Great Wall of China. At one point, 7,000 workers were
toiling on the stadium, dispatched...
"水立方"本月开始穿衣National Stadium begin to wear clothes this month
II 行业资讯The News in the field
1 国际设计营之友会8月活动 dcb
Aug's Meeting
WELCOME BREAK CAFE 109 1F, Jiahuashiji, 18 Jianwai St.Chaoyang District(Opposite
of South entrance of Citic Hotel)
Future of Us
主要内容:1我们的共同未来 (联合国交流与协调委员会副主席 珍安妮女士)
Future of Us(M/s.Johnanne
Winchester from CCCUN)
Year of Planet Earth Programme(IUGS & UNESCO)
更多详情More details:
2 建设部将建立全国建筑市场诚信信息平台,定期对建筑业施工单位、建设单位等不良行为予以纪录公布、披露,形成诚信激励和失信惩戒机制,公布了《建筑市场诚信行为信息管理试行办法〉和《全国建筑市场责任主体不良行为纪录基本标准〉,此次诚信系统涉及的范围包括建设项目的建设单位和勘察、设计、施工、监理、招标代理、造价咨询、检测试验的等企业或单位以及相关从业人员,每个行业都有多条禁令,其中涉及开发商的“禁令“共50条:包括建设程序、招标发包、质量安全和其他方面。(信息来源:北京青年报2006年6月24日A2)
The principles for Real Estate Developers(by China
Ministry of Construction)
3 首届绿色建筑(公建/住宅/景观)设计国际研讨会暨建筑(设计/技术/产品)可持续发展对话会, 2006年7月13-14日
在中国建筑建筑设计研究院三号楼-2层会堂(北京西城区车公庄大街19号)举办, 会议日程安排:绿色两会议程.htm
The First International Conference on Green Building Design was held from
July 13 to 14,2006 at China Architecture Design & Research Group,the
schedule of conference:绿色两会议程.htm

4 由以色列著名建筑师摩西萨迪(Moshe Safdie)设计的“滨海湾金沙”中标全球最昂贵含赌场综合度假胜地项目,因其“独特,将使新加坡滨海湾的景色让人们难以忘怀”以三座共用一个屋顶花园的三座酒店共57万平方楼层面积为滨水风景线的背景塑造了独一无二的新加坡风景线,同时金沙集团承诺50亿5000万新元的投资金用于该项目,且有75%职位留给新加坡人,经过了长达一年多的激烈竞争获得新加坡首个综合度假胜地的发展权...
Government Awards Integrated Resort at Marina Bay Project to Las Vegas
Sands Corporation
The Singapore Government announced today that it will award the project
to develop the Integrated Resort (IR) at Marina Bay to Las Vegas Sands
Corporation (“Sands”).
5 赫尔辛基当代城市摄影展暨芬兰椅子和纺织品设计展2006年6月14日在清华大学美术学院举行
Helsinki Contemporary Urban Architecture Photographed by Jussi Tianinen
with Cool Dozen: Finish Chair and Textile Design Exhibition was held from
Jun.15 to Jul.5 at the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University.

由Yrjo Kukkapuro设计的旋转装置座椅敦厚而无比舒适
Karuselli designed by Yrjo Kukkapuro in 1964
Helsinki's Neoclassical centre square represents decision-making power,
cultural achievement and wealth. The City Hall, the Council of State,
the University of Helsinki with its Magnificent Main Library, the Bank
of Finland, Helsinki Cathedral, as well as the square itself, are all
icons of Finnish history and modern prowess. The morning sun throws a
shadow from the Orthodox Uspenki Cathedral towards the Lutheran Helsinki
Cathedral. The air is filled with an approving sense of cherished history.
The presence of Russian czars can be felt, not only because of the statue
of Alexander II.
6 由北京市政府主办的节能环保展6月13-18日在全国农业展览馆举办,这一由北京节能环保服务中心提供的节能小屋应用了太阳能发电提供照明,风力发电等技术措施和双层铝木窗(外铝内木结构),以及可以阻挡强光、紫外线、热量、冬暖夏凉的优仕帘等节能材料。北京屋顶绿化协会提出::借您一亩地,还您两亩绿“的新农村项目策划方案:
Enery-save and Environmental Protection Exhibition was organized by Beijing
government at National Agriculture Exhibition Hall from Jun.13 to 18.
This enery-save house is provided by Beijing Enery-Save and Environmental
Protection Center, appied the sun-glass power generate technology,wind
power generate technology, and double layer window(aluminum outside and
wood inside) and special curtain materials.
7 由文化部批准,文化部与建设部有关单位共同主办的“中国国际装饰文化博览会“将于9月5日-10日在北京全国农业展览馆举行,“饰博会“将突出装饰艺术的原创性和国际性,展出面积近两万平米,分中国国家馆(中国民族民间艺术原产地精品展)、原创设计馆、意大利馆、韩国馆以及国际别墅文化与顶级品牌艺术品展、中日韩漆艺精品展、国际设计大师室内设计作品展、中国绘画名家作品展等主题展馆或展览.
China International Decoration Culture Exhibition will be held from Sep.5
to 10 at National Agriculture Exhibition Hall
8 由中国建筑学会室内设计分会承办的亚洲建筑师协会(ARCASIA)第四分会场(室内设计论坛)2006年9月21日在北京新大都饭店国际会议中心召开,主题:室内设计与自然,演讲嘉宾包括:Madhura
Prematilleke(斯里兰卡)、Zoljargai Gankhuyag(蒙古)、Danilo Beltrame(意大利)、王炜钰、周浩明、陈耀光
ARCASIA Interior Design Forum organize by CIID will be held Sep.21,2006
at Xin Dadu Hotel
9 从莫奈到毕加索——美国克里夫兰艺术博物馆印象派至现代派精品展5月26日-8月27日在中华世纪坛世界艺术馆展出,使观众全面了解印象派、后印象派、野兽派、立体派等艺术流派,以及艺术家们经典作品,世界艺术馆教育部特邀知名专家在地下一层大屏幕厅进行场讲座活动:7月29日14:00-16:00
“后现代主义”8月12日14:00-16:00 “西方现代派艺术大观“的讲座
From Monet to Picasso---The Master works from the Cleveland Museum of
Art will be held from May 26 to Aug.27:
10 第六届中国室内设计双年展暨 室内设计大赛
China Int'l Interior Decoration EXPO2006 & The 6th China Interior
Design Exhibition
展览主题:“设计与材料·环境与健康” 贯彻“以人为本”的理念,倡导设计与材料的沟通与互动,促进节能环保型新设计新材料的推广与应用,营造“自然·和谐·安全·健康”的室内环境。展品范围:
1、公共建筑室内设计实例或创意。 2、居民住宅室内设计实例或创意。
3、汽车、火车、轮船、飞机内部设计实例或创意。 4、在校学生室内设计创意。展览时间: 1、展厅展:2006年8月25日-27日北京·中国国际贸易中心
11 由美国绿色建筑委员会主办的国际绿色建筑博览会将于2006年11月15日至17日在美国丹佛市举办,它是美国非赢利机构建筑业协会,此委员会联合超过5,500个私企和非赢利政府部门致力于改造建筑行业。为期三天的会展将吸引上万的绿色建筑专业人士来此了解在绿色建筑设计、建筑、工程融资及建筑管理方面的最新技术和进展。The
Greenbuild International Conference & Expo will be held November 15-17,
2006 in The Colorado Convention Center, Denver,U.S.A. It brings the industry
together under one roof. Three days of extensive educational programming,
workshops, a vast exhibition floor and ample networking events give you
unrivaled opportunities to learn about the latest innovations, exchange
ideas and develop new business relationships. 在线注册On Line Registration:
12 来自Designboom的最新设计 DESIGN RELATED NEWS REVIEWS AND PREVIEWS from Designboom
III设计比赛 Design Competition
"Hua Nai Cup National Interior Design Competition" News Release
Ceremony was held in Kuntai Hotel at May 26,2006, There are 11 catalogues
in this award, each of the winner will get 5000RMB the cup and the certificate.
The deadline is : Aug.31,2006
家庭聚会的配饰设计比赛 ‘HOUSE PARTY’design home accessories for party fun!
To looking for new design ideas to revolutionise house parties, and to
enhance the party experience and optimize enjoyment in your living space
with fun- chairs, lamps, table accessories, gifts, stationary, ...The
criteria:1original / innovative design
2. attractive design 3. they should be safe, and 4. low manufacturing
cost,The deadline: september 25th, 2006
IV 范思对谈录The Conversation with Masters
V 每月一屋---包豪斯别墅Interior of a Villa in Berlin
renovation of this heritage-listed Bauhaus villa in Berlin aimed to accomodate
the needs of its inhabitants while preserving the atmosphere of the generous
living space.The new design of the building draws its charm largely from
the combination of decidedly modern material with valuable antiques, but
also from the way the interior opens onto the park-like garden.
VI 项目实录 The Project Record
Multipurpose Venue in Munich慕尼黑多功能会场
VII dcb推介 dcb Recommendations:
1 新书推介
New German Interior
最新德国室内设计 辽宁科学技术出版社, 内容包括:办公室与工作室,旅馆、酒吧、饭店,艺术、运动、旅行,家居,商业店铺.
Material Manual of China Interior Architect---Wall & Floor Tiles,Edited
by CIID, is a good assistant of Designers 64874433-2328、13146330555 韩研
2 新品推荐:New Product Recommendation:
Stone Magic from Dallas U.S.A.: The cast stone has the look and feel of
limestone, but is less expensive, load bearing, maintenance-free and we
can do intricate designs at a fraction of the cost.Mantels impart a graceful
and longlasting elegance to any home.
3 课程推荐:Course recommmendation:
室内设计全科班 (上午班) 开课时间7月17日, 2500RMB/person Interior Design Courses:
何金宗老师室内风水规划师7日研习班: 介绍传统文化与设计装修的关糸,风水学理与流派,易经的起源与传承,设计装修与方位,八宅宫位爻变法,鲁班尺解读与应用,乾坤国宝堪舆学,三元法堪舆学等,满20人即开班,8800RMB/person
Fengshui Study in Interior Design:
为加强青少年科学意识和科学创新精神的培养,北京自然博物馆在2006年7月29日—2006年8月6日(共9天)举办 “少年大学”科学之旅活动。本次活动将整合各方优势资源,在专业老师指导下在野外实地开展观察试验,了解半干旱区沙地植物对生态环境的适应性,学习沙地植物克服艰苦环境发挥自身优势的精神和顽强生命力。费
Beijing Nature Museum "Youth University The Tour of Science":
感谢我们的支持单位: 北京屋顶绿化协会
Many thanks to our sponsor: Green Rooftop Association, Beijing: